Tiantang Splendid

Chapter 79 The Boy Who Was Fishing on Shaved Ice

Chapter 79 The Boy Who Was Fishing on Shaved Ice

The corners of His Majesty Li Er's mouth twitched, and he was in a good mood.

For His Majesty Li Er, "The Son of Heaven and Shengming, there are more worthy ministers and generals around..." This sentence is more refreshing than any praise in the history books.

This is the voice of the people!
The Tang Dynasty has never been accused of being punished for words.

What do you want to be the emperor?

When he was alive, he held Qiankun in his hand to guide the country, and after he died, he left his name in the history and lived forever!
Good or bad, it's not the dry words in the history books, but the word of mouth of the common people!

There is a steel scale in the heart of the common people, who is good and who is bad, has a bright mind!
His Majesty Li Er was in a good mood, and he turned around and asked Li Junxian, "What is that bastard doing, Fang Er?"

Although this place is not Chang'an, the eyes and ears of the "Hundred Riders" are inevitably blocked, but they are afraid that the snow disaster will lead to civil unrest. During this period of time, the "Hundred Riders" have expanded the scope of investigation, and Xinfeng, where businessmen are gathered, is the top priority.

Hearing His Majesty's inquiry, Li Junxian immediately replied: "It is said that Erlang Fangjia accidentally got a treasure of the world, and he spread invitations widely, inviting the Guanzhong family, important officials in the court, and wealthy businessmen to go to Fangjiawan to taste it. Several princes His Highness was also invited..."

Li Er frowned and asked, "Fangjiawan? Where is this?"

After being the emperor for more than ten years, His Majesty Li Er did not know that there was such a place in Guanzhong.

Li Junxian said with a smile: "Fang's food seal is on top of this Lishan Mountain. It is mostly a rocky slope. There is a river bend at the foot of the mountain. It was originally unknown. Your Majesty knows that Prime Minister Fang never cares about trivial matters at home, and Mrs. Fang loves Fang Erlang in every possible way, so he is free to do it."

His Majesty Li Er shook his head and laughed, but his heart was full of sighs. He couldn't help but think of the fact that he had been conferred a great hero. Due to the narrowness of Guanzhong and the crowd, Fang Xuanling took the initiative to request the sealing of the mountains, and was secretly moved.

He smiled and said, "Why don't we join in the fun?"

Li Junxian wondered: "Your Majesty, at this moment, the Fangjiawan must be crowded with people, it is inevitable that it will be messy, and I am afraid it is inappropriate..."

What a joke, how can Your Majesty take risks in such a messy place?In case that ulterior motives take advantage of the chaos to riot and cause damage to His Majesty, even one hundred heads would not be enough to chop off...

His Majesty Li Er smiled and said: "You, you, the bolder you are, the younger you are. Back then, when Dou Jiande and Wang Shichong had 30 soldiers and Chen Bing were imprisoned, a certain relative led [-] cavalry into the battle, didn't you kill him as well?"

Li Junxian is a general in the end, and his second Majesty's words made his blood boil, and he salutes: "Your Majesty is mighty, and this minister will accompany His Majesty on this journey. You can come out of the sheath to drink blood!"

His Majesty Li Er was very happy and laughed.

Immediately, in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, His Majesty Li Er ordered Li Junxian and Wang De to ride with him in the same car, and let an elite "Hundred Horses" drive the car. set off.

When the carriage passed the river, two people were shaving ice on the ice not far away, and the broken ice was splashing all over the place.

Judging from the body shape, it should be a man and a woman, the man is dressed in black, the woman is dressed in white, the man is tall and straight, and the daughter is slender and slender.

"Is there someone from the official department hiding the ice?" His Majesty Li Er asked.

Tibetan ice is a traditional seasonal custom.Also known as "Cellar Ice".

In the north, the summer is hot and the winter freezes, so there is a custom of storing ice cubes in the ice cellar in winter for use in summer.The origin of this custom is very early, it is recorded in the "Book of Songs", and it is often practiced in the court and government. "In "Zhou Li" there are ice men, palms cutting ice, ice cream. Note: Ling, ice room is also. It started here."

In ancient times, there were officials specializing in the management of this matter, and "ice wells" for ice pits were built.

Every [-]th or [-]th day of the winter moon, there are ice cutting and ice storage, which is quite a grand event.

The following year, it was taken out during summer time, and the court awarded it to ministers, and it was also sold in the market.This custom is an important part of ancient government decrees.

"The one who awards the ice is also the one who divides the ice for the doctor."

"Bing Bing" lasted from entering ambush to the beginning of autumn, and the amount of ice awarded varies according to the grade.

Li Junxian twitched the corner of his mouth: "Your Majesty, that's Erlang Fang..."

His Majesty Li Er slightly lifted the curtain of the car and took a closer look. He had a black face, wearing a mink hat, and he was wrapped up and down like a bear. Could it be Fang Jun?

"What is this guy doing?" His Majesty Li Er was very curious. It's freezing cold this day. How about playing with shaved ice?

Isn't it holding some kind of tasting meeting, inviting everyone to go home, and running out to play by yourself?
It's really out of tune...

The "Bing Chuanzi" in Fang's second hand is holding the handle with both hands, chiseling ice up and down like a tamper.

The "Bing Chuanzi" is made of a piece of wood with a thick mouth.One end is repaired to the pointy shape, and then a drill made of iron is inserted; the other end is chiseled with a shovel and inserted into a half-meter-long wooden stick as a handle.

When chiseling, Fang Jun did not chisel the ice in one place all at once, but chiseled a circle of about a foot, and chiseled a deep hole every inch away. When the chisel was only more than an inch thick, the ice was cut out. Chuanzi turned upside down and slammed down the center of the hole, and the ice surface was immediately smashed into a water-permeable hole with a thick mouth.

At this moment, Fang Jun quickly took a few steps backwards, and a water column with a thick mouth sprayed out from the smashed ice hole.When the water column hit the ground, I saw so many fish, shrimp, toads and other underwater creatures rushing out with the water column, jumping happily on the ice, but it was freezing cold, and the fish and shrimp would freeze after jumping for a while. into popsicles.

The girl in the snow-white fox fur next to her happily carried the bucket, trotted over to pick up the frozen catch, and from time to time gave out a cheerful laugh that was as sweet as a silver bell.

However, Fang Jun smashed all the ice holes after the water column was sprayed out, forming a large ice hole.Then use a strange-shaped net to fish out the ice in the water, and then extend the net into the ice hole to fish.First, turn the scooping net hard in one direction, turn it around a few times, then suddenly turn it in the reverse direction, and then lift the scooping net suddenly, a few big fish are caught in the scooping net.

His Majesty Li Er was very interested. Isn't this fishing too easy?

The girl cheered, trotted happily, and said in surprise, "These fish are so big!"

Fang Jun looked smug: "Amazing, right? When it comes to shaved ice fishing, someone in the entire Tang Dynasty said it was the second, so no one would dare to recognize the first!"

The girl praised softly: "Erlang is the best!"

Fang Jun laughed: "Hurry up and pick up the fish, pick up the big ones, and throw the small ones back into the ice hole."

Li Er, who was watching from a distance, was puzzled, and the girl was also puzzled, and asked, "Why is it so troublesome?"

Fang Jun leaned over and picked up the big fish in the net into the wooden bucket, and said while busy, "Look at these little fish, they don't have much meat and they don't taste good, but if they are raised in the river for a year, they can lay eggs. Breeding, the descendants will continue. If you discard it at will and let it freeze to death, there will be many fewer fish in the next year? What about the next year? So, if you discard a fish now, it means that the Tang Dynasty will lose thousands of fish in the future. fish……"

Not only was the girl a little stunned, even His Majesty Li Er, Li Junxian, and Wang De were a little ridiculous.

What's wrong with this?
They all thought it was Fang Jun teasing the girl, but they didn't know that Fang Jun really thought so.

Those who have not lived in the 21st century can never imagine how terrible the depletion of natural resources is.

It is everyone's responsibility to protect natural resources, starting from a small fish...

(End of this chapter)

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