Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 13 It's No Effort to Get It

"A bowl of wontons, an fried egg, gourmets, please taste!"

Shu Yu personally brought the wontons over, while Gu Zheng took out a small digital camera and took a few photos of the wonton bowls. He had already taken a few photos before, including photos of the store and the door.

Food reviews must be rich in pictures and texts. Only text without pictures is not a qualified review. Pictures and texts are rich in pictures and texts, and food that makes people look comfortable can attract more people. Gu Zheng knew that he was going to review Shu Yu’s small shop today, so he specially brought his camera.

After taking the photo, Gu Zheng sat upright, took out a bottle of water, and rinsed his mouth. The job of a food critic is not as easy as imagined. Since it is a review, you must be serious. Before eating, you must calm down. Remove it, so that you can taste the real taste and make a correct comment.

"The wontons are not bad. Yours is a big wonton. It has thin skin and lots of fillings. It's just right for one bite. In terms of appearance, it's above average!"

Taking out a wonton with a spoon, Gu Zheng said slowly, if it was someone else, he wouldn’t say these things, he would just make a draft in his heart, what should be written and what should not be written, because Shu Yu and Hu Yueyue are both classmates, He just said a few more words.

"Big wontons, could there be small wontons?" Hu Yueyue asked curiously.

"Of course there is. Chaos can be divided into big and small. Large wontons are more common in the south, and they also have different names. For example, Sichuan Province is called Chaoshou, Jiangxi Province is called Clear Soup or Wonton, and some places are called Baomian and Bianshi. In the North, they are unified. It's called wonton, and most of them are small chaos!"

Small wontons have thinner and smaller skins, and can be wrapped into a wonton with chopsticks dipped in a little meat sauce. The appearance of small wontons is similar to that of large wontons, but the taste is different. When it melts, it is usually served with a bowl of chicken soup, and it is very delicious to drink and eat.

Large wontons have thicker skins, can be cooked with noodles, and can be filled with different fillings, so large wontons are more common in the market.

"As expected of a gourmet, you know a lot!"

Hu Yueyue sighed in admiration, Gu Zheng smiled, did not speak, put the wonton into his mouth, and tasted it slowly.

Wontons are somewhat similar to steamed buns and dumplings. To taste this type of food, you must first taste the skin, and then the filling. The skin must be crispy, and the fermentation requirements for pasta are very high. Water, so that the rubber bands produced are crisp and strong, and the taste is better when bitten together with the stuffing.

The fermentation of the pasta was good. If Gu Zheng gave it a score, the skin of this wonton could score 70 points. The famous soup dumpling he ate in the Central Plains last time scored only 80 points.

It was half a year ago. Gu Zheng went there admiringly. The first soup dumpling in Bianjing is famous all over the country. It has thin skin, juicy and thick meat. It is very comfortable to eat with a bite of oil. After eating the buns locally, he chatted with the people inside Woke up and learned a story.

The first soup dumpling in Bianjing was praised by Taizu in the past, and it is an indispensable staple food for entertaining important guests. It is said that the successor who made steamed stuffed buns had a son and an apprentice, and the apprentice was equivalent to a adopted son. surname.

The steamed stuffed bun master valued his apprentices as much as his son, with fleshy palms and backs, and wanted them to unite sincerely in the future, like brothers, so he passed on his craft to them separately, and his son learned how to make leather. Apprentices learn to be traps, which means to let the son master the outside, and the apprentice master the inside.

After the master Fu Xian left, the son and the apprentice finally broke up and separated.

The son inherited the master's shop and ran the first soup dumpling, while the apprentice went out and opened another shop named after his surname. What Gu Zheng ate was the one his son inherited, and what his son learned was skin. Pi Guzheng only gave 80 points to the steamed stuffed bun, but Shu Yu's 70 points was indeed a lot.

However, the reason for the 80% is that it was not made by the master's son himself. If the buns were made by the master or his son himself, the skin must be worth more than that.

After biting the skin, Gu Zheng went to bite the stuffing.

What Shu Yu served Gu Zheng was the common scallion minced meat, which is commonly known as pork minced. After taking a bite, Gu Zheng nodded silently.

"Fine meat is mixed with Zhangqiu scallions, and Fujian soy sauce is used. Unfortunately, there is a little too much chicken essence, and the taste will be better if the amount of chicken essence is less!"

After eating a wonton, Gu Zheng spoke slowly, while Shu Yu's eyes widened.

She bought the formula at a high price, of course she knows best what is used, what Gu Zheng said is not bad at all, Zhangqiu scallions, Fujian soy sauce, and some other things that Gu Zheng didn’t mention, but it’s already scary to be able to say these up.

If it were someone else, how would it be possible to find out where the shallots and soy sauce in the wontons came from without knowing it?

"It's ok, the ancient genius, if he has real skills, can he eat all of this?"

Hu Yueyue was also full of surprises, she didn't know what was inside, but she knew how to read people's faces, and just by looking at Shu Yu's expression, she knew that Gu Zheng was absolutely right, everything was right.

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head, and slowly drank the soup.

Since you want to write a review, you must write the whole thing. You can eat a few wontons, and the soup should be tasted while it is hot. The soup of the wontons is also very important. It can increase the umami taste of the wontons and supplement nutrition.

The soup is chicken bone soup, which is a bit ordinary, which makes Gu Zheng feel a little regretful.

"Gu Zheng, how about you try this fried egg?"

Together with the wonton, there is also a whole piece of fried egg with golden oily yellow. From the appearance, it is very ordinary. Gu Zheng has learned the skill of Tiexian fried egg. Although he has not practiced it yet, just looking at this The appearance of fried eggs is known to be bad. The eggs fried by Tiexian are completely round, white is white, yellow is yellow, and there will be no oil stains. It looks like a painting.

The oil stains on the fried eggs affected Gu Zheng's appetite to some extent, so he didn't taste it just now, but when Shu Yu reminded him, he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the fried eggs.

The fried eggs are a bit cold, which is a failure. Foods such as fried eggs must be eaten while they are hot. Cooling will have a great impact on the taste.


After taking a bite, Gu Zheng's eyes lit up slightly, and his mouth let out a slight yell. The fried egg was indeed cold, with a slight fishy smell, but the taste was not bad at all. It was crisp and sweet, and the taste in his mouth The egg white seemed to be clear, filling the mouth.

The egg white is very crisp, and it can be chewed into pieces after a few bites and swallowed. It also has a hint of coolness, which makes people very comfortable.

"Although the fried eggs are average, they taste good. Why?"

Gu Zheng put down the leftover fried eggs first, raised his head and asked, he has eaten a lot of fried eggs, and now he has learned the best cooking skills of fried eggs, so it can be said that he knows fried eggs very well, even so , the fried egg still gave him a feeling of surprise.

"Finally there is something you don't know!"

Shu Yu smiled triumphantly, looking very proud, and continued: "Look at the price list, I have two kinds of fried eggs here, one is two yuan, the other is five yuan, and they are fried by one person. Yes, but the raw materials used are different, the two pieces are ordinary eggs, and the five pieces are special eggs sent to me. I bought these eggs for more than three yuan, so I have to sell them for five yuan!"

"That's right, I didn't understand it at first. I didn't understand until I ate both kinds of fried eggs. You really get what you pay for!"

Hu Yueyue was also helping out, while Gu Zheng stood up, walked towards the back kitchen, and said as he walked, "Do you still have these five yuan eggs? Can I have one to see!"

"Yes, there are many more, just put them there, you see!"

Shu Yu pointed to Gu Zheng, the people in the kitchen did not stop Gu Zheng, he went directly into the back kitchen and picked up an egg that Shu Yu said.

"Eggs, inferior ingredients!"

Holding the egg, Gu Zheng's eyes kept shining with various lights. After searching for two days, he ran around many breeding bases and couldn't find the inferior eggs. He actually met them here, and he really answered that sentence. 'If you break through the iron shoes, you can't find it, and it doesn't take much effort to get it'.

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