Time is slow

Chapter 718

Chapter 713: Visit

Chapter 713 Visit

Princess Zhenzhen came to Le Mansion very low-key, and only brought her personal guard Long Ying and a palace maid.

Princess Zhenzhen, whom Qiao Zhao received in the living room, had always looked bad because of blood loss, and her thin cheeks had a sick face without modification.

“I’m really ashamed to bother Your Highness to see me.”

Qiao Zhao was about to get up, but was stopped by Princess Zhenzhen: “Miss Li, don’t be polite to me, I… I should have come earlier.”

“I didn’t expect my story to reach the palace.” Qiao Zhao smiled meaningfully.

Princess Zhenzhen forced a smile and said, “Miss Li San shined brightly at the banquet for the envoys of Xijiang, and she is also the fiancée of the champion.

“I see, this really makes me ashamed.”

Princess Zhenzhen looked at Qiao Zhao’s face carefully. Seeing that she was pale and bloodless, and that the pointed chin could almost be used as an awl, she bit her lip and said, “Miss Li looks much lighter, how is her body now?”

Qiao Zhaowen smiled softly: “It’s much better, I didn’t even have the strength to speak two days ago.”

“Miss Nali is going to have a good life. I heard that the champion is about to triumph, so he must be worried when he sees you like this.”

“Thank you for your concern, Your Highness, I will take a good rest.”

Princess Zhenzhen turned around and took the food box from the palace maid: “This is a snack I made by myself. An old lady in the palace handed down the craftsmanship. The dessert is very sweet. If the three girls don’t dislike it, try it.”

Qiao Zhao smiled and thanked him.

Princess Zhenzhen didn’t urge Qiao Zhao to eat snacks immediately, and sat for a while, suddenly raised her eyes and asked, “Miss Li, do you think… we are friends?”

Qiao Zhao was startled when asked.

Princess Zhenzhen lowered her eyes and stared at the blooming irises on the skirt: “I played with Ran Ran since we were young, and naturally became friends. Now that I think about it, I don’t seem to have much dealing with other girls except Ran Ran. The person who has the most contact with her peers is actually Miss Li.”

She said and raised her eyes slightly to look at Qiao Zhao with a very beautiful smile: “So I don’t know, are we friends like this?”

Qiao Zhao looked at Princess Zhenzhen and did not answer for a while.

She should think differently about her friends than Princess Zhenzhen.

In her opinion, a true friend can only be regarded as a true friend if you have a heart-to-heart, life and death support, or a gentleman who has a good heart. And she didn’t have many intersections with Princess Zhenzhen, and even those intersections were not pleasant memories.

Without waiting for Qiao Zhao’s answer, Princess Zhenzhen’s eyes flashed with loneliness and stood up: “It’s not early, it’s time for me to go back to the palace.”

Qiao Zhao stood up.

“Don’t send Miss Li, I’m here to visit you, it won’t be beautiful if it disturbs your rest.”

Qiao Zhao did not want to be rude in front of the princess, so he stood up and said, “I will take His Highness to the gate of the courtyard, and His Highness can come and play when he leaves the palace.”

Princess Zhenzhen slowly smiled: “Okay.”

She glanced at the dim sum box on the table, and walked out with the maid, walking past the window, and looked out the window: “Miss Li, the color of the bananas outside your window is really nice.”

She didn’t want to go back to that icy palace, where every brick and tile was ruthless and bleak, nothing compared to the new green outside the palace.

“Miss Li, stop.

Qiao Zhao stopped and slightly bent his knees: “His Royal Highness walk slowly.”

Until the back of Princess Zhenzhen couldn’t be seen, Qiao Zhao took a breath while leaning against the wall, took out the handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

Binglu curled his lips and said: “Where is this to see the girl, it’s just tossing people.”

“Okay, stop talking, help me go back.”

Looking at her girl’s white lips, Binglu was still angry, and while carefully supporting Qiao Zhao back, she muttered, “The girl didn’t need to be sent, you are a patient.”

The injury on the girl’s body was frightening to death. Although it is scabbed now, her whole body hurts when she moves. It’s really pitiful.

“She is the princess.” Qiao Zhao stopped talking to the little maid, and went back to the room to look at the snack box on the table thoughtfully.

Jiang Yuanchao specially sent someone to remind her to be careful of people coming from the palace. Could it be that Princess Zhenzhen would manipulate this box of dim sum?

“Ice Green, bring the snack box.”

Binglu took the snack box: “Girl, do you want to open it?”

Qiao Zhao nodded.

Ice Green opened the snack box, and inside was a plate of red jujube cakes. The jujube cakes were made into the shape of roses. It can be seen that the people who made these snacks are very attentive.

“Princess can still make such a beautiful dessert!” Binglu was amazed.

Qiao Zhao couldn’t help laughing: “Go get my purse.”

“Girl, your purse.”

Qiao Zhao took the purse, took out a silver needle and slowly stabbed it into the jujube cake, and pulled it out soon after, but the silver needle did not change at all.

Binglu was taken aback: “Girl, what are you doing?”

Qiao Zhao stared at the silver needle in a trance.

“Oh, the maid understands, the girl is afraid of the princess harming you, right?” Binglu stared at the dim sum with disgust, “The maid will pour the dim sum.”

“Don’t move.” Qiao Zhao squeezed a little jujube cake and put it on his nose to sniff it.

Those poisons that seal the throat with blood can almost be tested by silver needles. Often, the medicinal properties are mild like a drug, but they cannot be tried. They can only be distinguished by the shape, color and taste.

“Girl!” Seeing Qiao Zhao put the pastry foam in his mouth, Binglu was shocked and hurried to stop it.

Qiao Zhao raised his hand to stop the ice-green movement, savored it carefully, and stretched his eyebrows after a while.

Dim sum is no problem.

But because there was no problem, Qiao Zhao was at a loss.

Could it be that Princess Zhenzhen has another move? Or – Jiang Yuanchao’s reminder has ulterior motives?

Qiao Zhao felt more and more confused.

“Girl, you’d better lie down and rest. You look so bad, you will definitely feel distressed when Uncle comes back to see you.”

“What did you say?” Qiao Zhao was taken aback.

Binglu blinked: “I said that the general will feel distressed when he sees you when he comes back. Now it is rumored that you are seriously ill, and everyone’s mouth is really stinky. If the general knew about it, I would be very worried.”

Qiao Zhao shuddered and suddenly understood something.

Now it is rumored that she is seriously ill, if there is something wrong with her, the champion will become the golden tortoise-in-law in the eyes of the world, and the golden tortoise-in-law who can make the emperor be tempted!

For today’s sons, the status of the champion Hou’s criminal orphan is dismaying. What could be more reassuring than being his own son-in-law?

figured this out, and Qiao Zhao suddenly understood the purpose of Princess Zhenzhen’s visit and Jiang Yuanchao’s vague reminder.

The emperor wanted to recruit the champion Hou as his consort, so how could her “severely ill” fiancee not give way earlier?

However, the emperor of a country must be difficult to do, and this matter fell on the head of the nine princesses.

But there is nothing wrong with this pastry…

Qiao Zhao’s heart sank.

Thanks to book friends 20171011213703601 for the sachets, love ^^, I love summer long 9, travel in fantasy, book friends 20170921015759289, Zihong Jiajia, there are three treasures of Qixi sesame and corn for the peace of mind, thank you for voting Book friends.

(end of this chapter)

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