Time is slow

Chapter 720

Chapter 715: Fearless

Chapter 715 Fearless

Qiao Zhao was supported by A Zhu and walked back slowly.

Favors are hard to repay, and it is even harder to repay a favor from someone who has unusual feelings for him, but it is worth it compared to a living life.

In the future, she will do her best to return the favor she owes to him.

Princess Zhenzhen returned to the palace, and Libi was waiting for her.

“Did you give the things to Miss Li?” Li Concubine couldn’t wait to ask after she screened out the palace maid.

Princess Zhenzhen nodded.

“In food?”

“I made a rose date cake.”

“If she doesn’t eat—” Libi was a little worried.

“Then what can I do? Put the date cake in her mouth?” Princess Zhenzhen asked with a sneer.

Libi was startled and murmured: “Really, why are you talking to the mother-in-law like this? Are you blaming the mother-in-law?”

Princess Zhenzhen closed her eyes and forced the tears back: “No. Concubine Mother, I want to rest, you go back.”

“Then take a rest, don’t think too much, it’s all over.” Li Concubine patted Princess Zhenzhen’s shoulder, knowing that her daughter was not happy at this time, and left silently.

Princess Zhenzhen lay on her back on the bed, took out a white porcelain bottle from her bosom, opened the cork, it was empty and there was nothing in it.

She put her hand on her chest, and a tear slowly trickled down from the corner of her eye.

She is about to die, I don’t know where she will go after she dies, or she will turn into a pile of loess and know nothing.

She didn’t want to die, she was only seventeen years old, she lived in the deep palace carefully, and she was able to live today by pleasing her grandmother. She also wanted to marry a concubine who only had her in her heart.

But what if you don’t die?

She can dance well with long sleeves and please her elders, but she can’t do things like avenging revenge.

She is the princess of Daliang, and she is willing to die in order to use such abusive methods for herself.

It would be best if she died, neither would hurt Miss Li nor embarrass her mother, all the troubles would be gone.

The next day was sunny, Princess Zhenzhen got up early and asked the maid who combed her hair: “I remember there was a lilac bush in the imperial garden, is it open now?”

Gongmaid smiled and said, “It’s early in the spring this year, and the maid saw the lilac blooming yesterday, and the clusters of purple and white flowers are so pretty.”

Princess Zhenzhen got up: “Bengong is going to enjoy the flowers.”

Two maids accompanied Princess Zhenzhen to the Imperial Garden.

The cloves really opened, and the fragrance came from a distance.

Princess Zhenzhen walked to the lilac bush, closed her eyes and sniffed, and suddenly coughed.


Princess Zhenzhen waved her hand, stopped the palace maid’s inquiry, and said lightly: “You don’t have to follow closely, this palace wants to be alone for a while.”

The two maids retreated to stand in the distance, and Princess Zhenzhen sat down next to the lilac bush.

One of the palace maids moved her lips slightly, trying to dissuade her, but was pulled by another palace maid.

“Forget it, I don’t think the princess is in a good mood, so let’s stop talking.”

“But the princess is so disrespectful, it’s time to talk about it when someone who cares sees it.”

As the maids of Princess Zhenzhen, they know very well that being a princess is not so easy. If nothing else, if you just sit on the ground and upload it, you will be laughed at, and those female officials will even report to the Queen Mother.

“There is no master to visit the garden at this time, let’s keep an eye on it.”

Princess Zhenzhen glanced lightly in the direction of the two palace maids, even if she couldn’t hear clearly, she knew what they were worried about, but at this time she didn’t care.

She’s going to die, so let those **** etiquette go to hell.

Now that I think about it, Miss Li San lives much more freely than she is. No matter how the world talks or slanders, she still lives happily and wantonly.

Thinking about it this way, death doesn’t seem to be a terrible thing anymore.

Maybe she will not be a princess in the next life, but an ordinary girl will be happier.

“Princess—” A low voice came from Lilac.

Princess Zhenzhen’s complexion changed slightly, and when she heard the sound, she saw a small and thin **** hiding in the flowers, winking at her to signal her not to make a sound.

Probably accepted the fact that she is about to die. Princess Zhenzhen has never been so calm before, her bright eyes staring at the little **** lightly.

Seeing that Princess Zhenzhen didn’t scream, the little **** was obviously relieved, and handed over a small bottle.

Princess Zhenzhen didn’t reach out to take it, and looked at him silently.

“Your Highness, this is brought to you by the girl you visited yesterday.”

Princess Zhenzhen flashed surprise in her eyes and asked softly, “What is this?”

“Jiedu Dan.”

Princess Zhenzhen’s complexion changed greatly, and she lost her voice: “She, how did she know—”

The little **** didn’t answer Princess Zhenzhen’s words, but lowered her voice: “The girl said that death is easier than life, that the living can die, but the dead can’t survive. She will wait for you to find her again.”

“You, who are you?”

“Don’t ask this princess, the things have already been delivered, it’s time for the maid to go.”

The little **** handed the porcelain vase into the hands of Princess Zhenzhen, sneaked out from the other side of the lilac bush, and soon disappeared.

Princess Zhenzhen stared at the porcelain vase in her hand, and what happened just now seemed like a dream.

It turned out that Miss Li San had already guessed it, guessing that her father, the imperial concubine, and concubine, in order to recruit a good concubine, calculated her life, and guessed that she was forced to take poison.

“Princess, someone is here.” The palace maid who was standing in the distance walked quickly to remind.

Princess Zhenzhen stood up and said expressionlessly, “Go back.”

A chuckle came: “Why did Jiumei leave when she saw me?”

Princess Zhenzhen gave the Eighth Princess a fixed look and smiled, “Because you are too ugly.”

“What did you say?” The Eighth Princess was stunned.

There must be something wrong with her ears, right?

Princess Zhenzhen walked past the eighth princess and said lightly, “Because you are too ugly and have a back ear, so I don’t want to talk to you.”

Princess Zhenzhen floated away after speaking, leaving Princess Eight’s pretty face turned into a pig’s liver color.

Jiumei is crazy, she would say such a bastard!

No, she is going to talk to the royal grandmother.

“Your Highness, you just—” The two maids who followed Princess Zhenzhen were shocked.

Princess Zhenzhen curled her lips and sneered: “I wanted to tell her the truth for a long time, but unfortunately I only got the chance today.”

Within half an hour of returning to the dormitory, the maid from the Cining Palace came to invite Princess Zhenzhen to the Cining Palace.

“Tell the messenger that I’m sick and don’t want to move.”

“This—” The maids looked at each other.

“Go, don’t you want Ben Gong to speak in person?”

sent the maid away, and Princess Zhenzhen lay on the window sill and looked out in a trance.

No matter who Miss Li San begged to deliver the medicine to her, she took it.


Princess Zhenzhen took out the porcelain bottle, poured out a pale red pill, and stared at the pill in the palm of her hand.

She can take the antidote to survive, but what about the concubine?

As long as she is alive, the mother-in-law will bear the wrath of the royal father’s thunder, that is, the life of the mother-in-law is a matter of the father’s words.

Princess Zhenzhen laughed miserably, raised her hand and threw the pill out of the window forcefully.

Thanks for the sachet of Tremella Soup 2009, mcj221, Travel in Fantasy, Qing Lingyu, Passionate Love^^ for the reward, and thanks to the book friends who voted.

(end of this chapter)

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