Time is slow

Chapter 834

Chapter 829: Fanwai 5 The Eldest Brother Is Like A Father

Chapter 829 Fanwai 5 The eldest brother is like a father

The spring in the north is still cold, but the sky is high and the earth is wide.

The Zhenbei Palace in Baoping City is not as wide as the usual palaces, and it looks just ordinary from the outside. If you go inside, you will find that there is something else going on.

Needless to say, the scattered houses are all covered with ground dragons, and the maids who have not put on their thin shirts are wearing soft-soled embroidered shoes, and they can feel the warmth from the soles of their feet. If you walk fast, eh? There will be a thin layer of sweat.

The Zhenbei Palace was built three years ago, and everyone in the palace knew that the prince was afraid that the princess would not be able to adapt to the cold in the north, but wherever the house was covered, ground dragons were placed under the floor. It’s still warm like spring.

In this way, the cost of only buying charcoal accounted for more than half of the royal palace’s annual expenditure.

Whenever I think that the silver of the white flowers will flow away like running water as the earth dragon burns, the people will feel a pain in the flesh.

The cost of raising a daughter-in-law by the lord is more than the cost of a city’s daughter-in-law.

Tsk tsk—

Going further down, Rao is in the heart, and the servants will not dare to slander.

The daughter-in-law belongs to the lord, and the money belongs to the lord. The lord can do whatever he wants, and they can just enjoy it.

“Princess, the book you want is here.” The maid who was holding the book walked under the corridor and handed the scroll to Qiao Zhao.

Qiao Zhao is already very inconvenient at this moment, her high and bulging abdomen makes it difficult for her to even sit down.

She took the book and read it casually against the colonnade.

The spring wind blew on her cheeks with a bit of a chill, blowing up the blue silk that fell on both sides, revealing her creamy skin.

Looking at her complexion, Qiao Zhao is much better than when she was in the capital after coming to Northland for four years. The curvy and stretched eyebrows make her look a little less cold and sharp when she was a girl, and more gentle and peaceful. , it is like the years have polished an angular stubborn stone into a warm pebbles.

In the distance, Shao Mingyuan walked towards this side with a little man carved in pink and jade.

The little man stopped abruptly when he saw Qiao Zhao leaning on the pillar to open the book from a distance.

“What’s the matter?” Shao Mingyuan looked down at his chubby son with patience in his brows.

“Father, why don’t we go there later.” The little fat man rubbed his feet, drawing circles on the ground with his little lambskin boots.


“Mother is reading, don’t disturb her.”

“Uh, can’t disturb your mother, or are you afraid that your mother will ask you if you know a word or two?”

The little guy looked embarrassed after being exposed by his father, and smiled at Shao Mingyuan.

Shao Mingyuan patted the little guy’s butt, and said with a stern face: “If you don’t go, I will beat you!”

The thing he was worried about has finally happened, this silly child will definitely let him go!

That’s not right. When he was so old, he could already recognize simple words like “天”, “大” and “人”. Did this kid pick it up?

Shao Mingyuan rubbed his chin in thought.

He was slapped on his little butt, and the little guy suddenly became honest, lest he would be beaten again, he ran towards Qiao Zhao with his short legs.

“Mother, father beat me again.”

As soon as he heard that his son came up and complained to his daughter-in-law, Shao Mingyuan raised his eyebrows.

Qiao Zhao looked at Hutouhunao’s son and asked softly, “Does it hurt to beat Brother Ze?”

The little guy was sincere, shook his head and said, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Qiao Zhao patted his son’s head: “When the beating hurts, tell my mother again.”

The little guy blinked.

There seems to be something wrong.

Fortunately, Brother Ze was young, so he quickly put aside his doubts, stretched out his little hand and touched Qiao Zhao’s abdomen, looking expectantly: “Mother, is there really a little brother here?”

Facing his son, Qiao Zhao smiled unconsciously: “Maybe it’s a little sister.”

Brother Ze pouted as soon as he heard it, and shook his head again and again: “It’s the little brother, it’s the little brother.”

As the old saying goes, children have smart eyes, and they are very accurate about whether the fetus in a pregnant woman’s womb is male or female. Qiao Zhao asked, “Brother Ze thinks there is a little brother living inside?”

“It’s not a feeling, I hope there is a little brother in my mother’s belly.”

“Why?” Qiao Zhao handed the scroll to the maid who was standing on one side and asked with a smile.

Brother Ze glanced at Shao Mingyuan before saying, “When I have a younger brother, my father can beat my younger brother, and I can also beat my younger brother.”

Qiao Zhao: “…”

“It’s right for my father to teach his younger brother. Why does Brother Ze beat his younger brother?”

Brother Ze has a small face and said solemnly: “The eldest brother is like a father.”

“Puchi.” The maids couldn’t help but chuckle.

Qiao Zhao felt his belly twitch a few times, took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of Brother Ze’s mouth, and explained to the nurse: “Take the eldest son to bathe and change, the back is sweaty.”

The father and son came from the martial arts field just now.

In Shao Mingyuan’s words, his son doesn’t seem to have any talent in reading, so he can’t slack off in martial arts.

Wen Tao Wulue, in the future a good man will always have to be as good as his father in order to marry a wife like his mother.

As soon as Brother Ze left, Qiao Zhao gave Shao Mingyuan a snort: “You have made a good child to lead you crookedly, waiting for your younger brother to be born and beat your younger brother, what’s the matter?”

“Don’t worry, if he dares to hit his brother, I will hit him.” Shao Mingyuan said disapprovingly.

Seeing Qiao Zhao to say more, Shao Mingyuan laughed: “The second child hasn’t been born yet, so don’t worry about it. Raising a son is not the same as raising a daughter. A boy who enjoys this dreadful wealth and honor will not need to be tempered. It’s going to give us a headache. Besides, if this child is still a son, the age gap between the two brothers is not big, and it would be better for them to fight each other.”

He stretched out his hand and landed on Qiao Zhao’s bulging abdomen, and touched it gently: “Doctor Li said it’s just these few days, right?”

“That’s true, but after listening to your father and son studying to beat him in turn in the future, maybe they’re too scared to come out.”

Hearing Shao Mingyuan mentioning Li Shenyi, Qiao Zhao’s increasingly anxious heart calmed down as he approached the delivery date.

When Grandpa Li decided to go north, he wanted to live a stable life under the protection of Shao Mingyuan’s forces in the north. At that time, he never thought that Shao Mingyuan would be named King of the North, and finally everyone got together again.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m still waiting to be a father again.”

Shao Mingyuan’s voice fell when he saw Qiao Zhao’s expression changed.


Qiao Zhao grabbed Shao Mingyuan’s arm: “I seem to have a seizure…”

Shao Mingyuan was stunned for a moment, then he hugged Qiao Zhao by the waist, and hurriedly instructed: “Please ask Li Shenyi to come over immediately, and the Li Mansion will report quickly.”

He hugged Qiao Zhao and went straight to the delivery room. Although he walked fast and big, the person in his arms felt extremely secure.

Wen-women who were on call at any time hurriedly took over. Seeing that Shao Mingyuan was still in the delivery room, they reluctantly said, “My lord, the princess is giving birth, you should go out.”

Shao Mingyuan couldn’t help looking at Qiao Zhao.

“Go out quickly.” Qiao Zhao chased people out.

Looking at the closed door of the delivery room, Shao Mingyuan frowned while leaning against the pillar.

Although he has experienced it once, Li Shenyi also asserted that the fetal position is very stable, but he should be a little nervous.

Those who say that they are familiar with each other once are deceitful!

Severe cold. . . .

(end of this chapter)

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