Time to Duel!

A New Life Full of Ups and Down.



Konami owns the rights to YuGiOh and Capcom owns the rights to the Monster Hunter series. , I only own the OC's and fanmade cards.

How do you think it feels to regain your memories of your past life? Would you panic as you suddenly gain a whole lifetime of memories? Would you cheer for another chance at life? Would you curse your fate as you are crushed under the weight of losing everything you ever had and being forced redo everything from scratch? Well for Jack who began to regain snippets of his past life when he reached the age of 6, couldn't feel anything but disappointment.

Jack lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of his room. 'Fantasy world of sword and magic. Sci-fi world with space travel and laser swords. I would even take a marital art world with spirit animals and grandmasters.' He looked around his room, consisting of his bed, a laptop on top of a simple desk with a chair, and a bookshelf full of various books, graphic novels, manga, and comics.

Letting out a sigh he thought, 'I just had to be reborn into a normal modern world.' He glanced at his laptop, remembering how this common laptop was more advance than his past life PC. 'Ok, maybe about more advanced than my old world, but still pretty plain compared to what it could have been.' He jumped into a cross-legged position, 'Well I can't really complain, I'm living a pretty decent life so far.'

"JACK! Hurry up! We don't want to be late!"  Jack was knocked out of his musing by some yelling coming from downstairs. 

"OK, MOM! I'm coming down now!" He ran down the stairs, being greeted by a woman in their early 30s. They walked out of the house and entered a car with a man in their early 30s behind the driver's seat. As they drove, Jack realized that he didn't know where they are going and why they are in such a rush. "Mom, Where are we going again?"

"Isn't it obvious honey? We're going to get your first deck." 

"What?" Out of all the answers Jack was suspecting to hear, that wasn't one of them.

"Well usually you would get your first deck when you reach your 7th birthday, but Annie just had her birthday and her parents asked if we would like to bring you along to get your deck as well. You do remember Annie right? We went to her birthday party last week." It was Jack's dad who was driving that answered after seeing his son so confused. 

Jack remembers Annie, and if he had to use one word to describe her it would be tomboy. If he got two words they would be, energetic tomboy. Their parents were old friends, so they would constantly plan play dates between them. The only odd thing about her was that she would constantly talk about a card game, and how much she wants to play. During her party, she was boasting about how she was old enough to finally play. 

"I still think Jack is still too young to start, I don't know why that girl couldn't wait a couple of months for you to reach the proper age." Grumbled Jack's dad.

"Sush deer, I think it's sweet that Annie wants Jack to be her first opponent." 

"I blame Jacob for showing her all those videos of his old duels."

"And what's wrong with him wanting his daughter to look up to him?"

"I think he should have waited, I wasn't taught until I reached the proper age."

"Hmph! Well, I think we should have introduced Jack to the game earlier, look at how he spends his time." Jack's mother countered.

Jack stopped paying attention to his parents as his mind tries to figure out what the heck his parents are talking about. 'Game? Duel? Are we going to a place where I would learn how to fight? Maybe a martial art? Well, that would explain why Annie would have an interest in it. Learning how to fight is something that would interest her, especially with all those action superheroes cartoons she loves to watch.  

"Well, we're here. Come on Jack let's get going." 

"Coming dad." Jack left the car and was greeted by the sight of a massive futuristic glass building. Jack gawked at how cool it looked, and how impressive the inside was as well. While holding his mom's hand, jack looked around the interior of the building as they walk past the countless amount of people wearing fancy suits. Jack was only broken out of his musing by his mom tugging at his arm. When he looked up, he was greeted by the sight of a tall, lengthy man with messy black hair, wearing a lab coat, and round glasses leaning towards him. 

"AH! You must be Jacky! Your Mother talks a lot about you during work."

"Uh, it's uh, Jack, sir?"

"AH! How rude of me not to introduce myself first. My name is Dr. Romach, but you can call me Mr.Mach if you want."

"Oh, ah ok Mr.Mach."

"SPLENDID! Well, let's get going, Jacob and his daughter is waiting inside. You two would be the last kids to get their deck today, so we better get going before it gets too dark." 

The group walked deeper into the facility, Jack would look around and take in the sight of people in suits going about their business. Images of creatures, warriors and many other things on screens. Jack couldn't make out what the people are talking about, or what the text accompanying the images says, but he figured that they must have to do with what he was here for.  'Ok, I think it's safe to rule out martial arts as the thing I'm learning unless we're learning how to fight in virtual reality. That means I officially have no clue what the heck I'm going to learn.'

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination, a room with multiple computers and a door that leads to something that looks like an arena. He could see Annie at one of the computers, watching some sort of video.

"Kate, Jacky doesn't know how to play right?" Asked Dr.Romach.

"It's Jack and yea. Drake didn't want him to learn until he reach the proper age." Answered Jack's mom. 

"Well, better late than never. Jacky takes a sit at this computer. There is a couple of videos that will teach you the basic of the game. I'll give you something to teach you more of the advanced mechanics after your duel with Ann over there is over. Once you finish the videos, complete the quiz, which would give you a choice of some decks, choose one then you can have your very first duel. "

Jack just nodded deciding that it's better to go along with everything for now. Sitting down he started to watch the video. From what he could learn Duel Monsters is a card game, where each player takes turns summoning monsters to battle the opposing monsters. Some monsters need you to meet the requirements to summon like tributes. Spells and traps let you interact with the board to control the outcome of the battle better. It also mentions some special kinds of summons that will be further explained later on. Nodding, Jack figured he got the basic gist of the game. so he went straight to the quiz. Once he finished he was given a choice of 3 decks. EVO, Kaijus and Dragonmaids. 

'Hmm, Dragonmaids seem interesting but it says that a fusion monster is an important card in the deck. I probably shouldn't use that deck as I have no idea what fusion monsters are. Kaijus seems interesting, and the art is cool. However, from what I can tell from the deck info, it's a very reactive deck. So probably not the deck I should start with. So that leaves the EVO deck, and I got to admit that the monster looks quite cool.' Choosing the EVO deck, Jack jumped back a bit when the table opened up revealing a deck box with an image of t-rex looking monster with a blade-like tail.

"AH! EVO's huh, you chose a pretty interesting deck there Jacky, well let's get you to the arena, Ann is already there waiting for you. You don't want to make a lady wait, do you, Jacky?"

"It's Jack," he murmured as he shook his head. Dr.Romach escorted Jack toward the arena. After showing him how to enter the platform, giving him his duelist ID and how to register into the machine, Dr.Romach left to watch at the viewing station with Jack and Annie's parents. 

After registering his deck, and entering his ID. Jack had to hold onto the railing as the platform raised. After reaching the top, he was across from Annie who is facing him with her chest puffed up and arms crossed. 


"Uh, hi Annie." Jack gave an awkward wave. "And I guess?" 

"HMP! Are you ready!"

"As ready as I can be."

"Are you fine with me calling it?" Jack nodded. "GREAT!" She yelled as she slammed her fist against the start button, while Jack just taped the button. A hologram of a giant coin with one side being blank and the other having the head of a dragon started to spin upwards. "I CALL HEADS!!!!" 

They both tensed as they watched the coin descend, finally handing on heads. 

"YESS! I go first." Jack gave a quick nod. They both draw 5 cards from their deck.

"ITS TIME TO DUEL!!"/"It's time to duel?"


Jack Markus

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Annie Spark

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Ok, that's the first chapter of Time to Duel! First of all this fanfic takes place in a world like the anime where Duel monsters are a big aspect of life, but is separate from any of the animes. As for rules, I probably won't go into the game rules too much so if you don't already know the rules this story will be very confusing.

-For my other stories, they're on hold until I get over my writer's block for them.


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