Time to Duel!

Practical (2)



I don't own any of the cards, monsters or art, I only own the OC and fanmade cards. Also, all fanmade cards can be found in the glossary for easier access.

Jack's heart sped up as he walked towards the arena, his EVO deck clutched in his hands. At first, he wanted to use his Adventure Token deck but decided against it. 'This is also a test, I need to bring my all to this duel. I'm not nearly as good at using my Adventure deck compared to when I use my EVO deck.' Arriving at the arena, he inserted his deck and took a look at his opponent. Crimson Rosalina looked quite young while being as if not more energetic than Annie. She wore a red hoodie, with some black hair with red highlights peeking out of her hood. 'Heh, quite fitting for her deck.' Crimson noticed him looking at her and flashed him a bright smile.

"You ready?" Jack nodded. "GREAT! So do you want to call it, or should I do it?"

"You can do it."

"Really!? Thanks! I call heads!" The giant hologram coin materialized in the middle of the arena and started to fall. The arena shook a bit as it landed, a cloud of dust made of holographic particles covered the coin. Once it cleared, it revealed the coin, tail side up. "Aw." Crimson slumped a bit, before rapidly perking up. "Well looks like you won the coin flip." 

"Yea looks like it." He thought back to what remembered from the profile of Crimson. "I chose to go second."

"Heh, you better not regret that." She said without a hint of malice. Jack responded with a shrug. The duo drew their starting hand and faced each other. 

"Let's get this game started!/It's time to duel!"

Jack Markus

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

Crimson Rosalina

8000LP / 5 cards in hand / 0 monster / 0 spell/traps

"I start by playing one monster face down, and then I set one card. I end my turn." Jack frowned as he stared at the face-down cards on the field. 

'She looks too happy for such an uneventful turn.' Crimson started to hum as she started to read her cards, a smile plastered on her face. 'Well, it doesn't matter.' "I draw, I then play EVO - Encyclopedia. Allowing me to add two EVO monsters from my deck to my hand. One with higher attack and one with higher defence." A giant book appeared on the field, it started to break into a shower of particles as it flipped through its pages.  "I than normal summon EVO Grazer, its effect activates allowing me to special summon another Grazer from my deck." With a cry, two grey creatures appeared on the field. "I then use both of them to link summon EVO Apex Sky Queen." Both the grazers turned into balls of lights that fused to make a portal above the arena. With a roar a green dragon flew out of the portal and landed on the arena with a giant thump, shaking the arena.

EVO Grazer x 2 > 0

500 ATK/ 2000DEF

EVO Apex Sky Queen

3000 ATK/ Link 2

"I then activate EVO - Frenzy, which allows both of us to pay 1000 life points to perform additional normal summons, with it I normal summon EVO Prey." A green gazel-like monster hopped onto the field. "I activate Evo - Acceleration which causes my EVO monsters to require one less tribute to summon, and by activating the effect of queen I can perform an additional normal summon to the zone she is pointing to. So by tributing prey, I can tribute summon EVO Apex of the Hunt." A roar echoed around the arena, before a giant blue and red beast with a blade-like tail crashed onto prey. Crushing them as they gave out a cry of pain. "The effect of prey activates allowing me to add an "EVO" Spell or Trap Card from my deck to my hand."

EVO Apex of the Hunt

3000 ATK/ 2000DEF

Jack was suspecting many things when they turned their attention to his opponent. Crimson looking at Apex of the Hunt in awe with stars in their eyes wasn't one of them. "THAT IS SO COOL!" She took a step back to get a better look at Apex of the Hunt. The shadow of the beast overshadowed her form. She was eventually brought back to reality by the sound of Jack's coughing. "Ah, sorry, you can continue." Her face redden as she rubbed her arm. 

"I attack your face-down monster with Sky Queen." Sky queen took flight and dived bomb the face-down monster. As she crashed into the card, it exploded to reveal the form of World Carrotweight Champion, a humanoid made out of carrots breaking into pieces. " I then attack you directly with Apex of the Hunt." Apex of the Hunt with their maw wide open charged towards Crimson, phasing through her when they tried to take a bite. Throughout the whole experience, she still had a childish smile as her wide eyes stared at the retreating form of Apex of the hunt. "I end my turn."

World Carrotweight Champion

1900 ATK/ 0DEF

Jack Marcus

8000>7000LP / 3 cards in hand / 2 monsters / 2 spells/traps

Crimson Rosalina

8000>5000LP / 3 cards in hand / 0 monster / 1 spell/traps

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Crimson giggled. "Well I can't have you have all the fun, I DRAW! I start my turn by activating my face-down card Ivy Shackles! Turning all your monsters plant-type during my turn."Vines burst out of the ground, binding both of Jack's monsters. "I then play Fragrance Storm allowing me to target and destroy one plant-type monster on the field. I chose to destroy your Apex of the Hunt!" Petals started to form as they spun around Apex of the Hunt, they roared as they struggled to free themselves. Jack had to cover his eyes when the wind picked up and started to sting his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Apex of the Hunt was gone, leaving only a patch of petals. "Because your monster was destroyed by Fragrance Storm, I can draw a card." Her smile grew when they saw what they drew. "Fragrance Storm also had the effect that if the card I drew was a plant-type monster I can reveal it and draw one more." 

A picture of the card Spore appeared on Jack's screen, he frown as he read its effect. Once he finished he looked at Crimson who was still smiling. "Hehehe, I'm not done yet! I then summon Ruddy Rose Witch." In a puff of red petals, a little girl in a red dress holding a wooden rod appeared in the arena. "I use their effect, allowing to tribute them to add one Witch of the Black Rose from my deck to my hand." Ruddy rose turned to look at Crimson and waved at her before disappearing in a puff of red petals. "Because I did that I can place one level 3 or lower plant monster on top of my deck. And then immediately after normal summon one Witch of the Black Rose from my hand." A violet hair girl in a black dress appeared in a puff of purple petals. "Because Black rose isn't my only card on the field, her effect doesn't activate."

Ruddy Rose Witch x 1 > 0

800 ATK/ 1700DEF

Witch of the Black Rose

1700 ATK/ 1200DEF

"And because you control a monster I can special Rose Princess from my hand in defence mode. It is also treated as a tuner monster if summoned this way." A woman in a redress appeared in the arena, elegantly bowing as they look towards Jack. "Then I can special summon World Carrotweight Champion from my graveyard by sending Spore from my hand to the graveyard." Bursting out of the ground, a carrot man landed in a fighting pose. "The time has come! I tune my Champion using my Black Rose to Syncro summon Beelze of the Diabolic Dragon!"

"WHAT!" Black rose turned into a ball of light that circled Champion as his form started to glow. The figure grew into a serpentine figure with two long necks. Both heads roared as the light started to die down, to reveal its terrifying form.

Witch of the Black Rose: Level 4

1700 ATK/ 1200DEF


Witch of the Black Rose: Level 4

1700 ATK/ 1200DEF


Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons: Level 8

3000 ATK/ 3000 DEF

At the sight of Jack's shocked expression, Crimson started to giggle. "Suprised? You expected me to summon Black Rose Dragon, didn't you? Well, you are not the only one with cool giant monsters! NOW ATTACK SKY QUEEN, BEELZE!" Beelze charged at Sky Queen, both heads biting down on a separate wing. Sky Queen disintegrated into a shower of particles as they were ripped in half. Any injury caused by Sky Queen's thrashing as they tried to free themselves started to quickly heal. "I end my turn."She giggled once more. "I'm having a blast! How about you, jack?"

Jack Marcus

7000LP / 3 cards in hand / 0 monster / 2 spells/traps

Crimson Rosalina

5000LP / 1 card in hand / 2 monsters / 1 spell/traps

Jack laughed a bit, as they smiled. They couldn't be frustrated at the question if asked with genuine enjoyment and without a hint of malice. "Yeah, I'm having fun too. I draw. I begin my turn by summoning EVO Overseers' Hunter, their effect activates allowing me to add one EVO equip spell from my deck to my hand. Then I play EVO Overseer's Meeting, allowing me to add and normal summon an EVO Overseer monster with a different name monster I control. I add then normal summon EVO Overseers' Assassin." Both monsters materialize in a fighting pose, as they smugly stare at the giant monster in front of them.

EVO Overseers' Hunter

1500 ATK/ 1000DEF

EVO Overseers' Assassin

1500 ATK/ 1500DEF

"I pay 1000 to normal summon EVO Pack Hunter." A blue velociraptor-like monster jumped into the arena. "Their effect activates when they are summoned allowing me to pay additional 500 life points to summon another Pack hunter from my deck." With a cry, Pack hunter called another of its pack mates to the arena. "Then I pay another 1000 life points to normal summon EVO Imitator" With a large cry a green bird-like monster with a big neck sack and nose flew onto the arena." Then I tune one of my Pack Hunter with Imitator. To Summon EVO Apex of the Peaks!" Imitator gave out a roar similar to Pack Hunter before charging at the closest one. As Imitator crashed into the Pack hunter, they started to stumble, fusing into a ball of light. The ball soon started to grow, huge sharp wings taking form. Once the light died down, it revealed a metallic dragon which roared toward the sky.

EVO Pack Hunter x 2 > 1: Level 4

1500 ATK/ 500DEF


EVO Imitator: Level 4

0 ATK/ 1000DEF


EVO Apex of the Peaks: Level 8

4000 ATK/ 2000 DEF

"Then I use Assassin and my other pack hunter to link summon EVO Apex Sky King." A brown dragon flew from the portal created by the two monsters. "I activate Apex of the Peak's effect, targeting two monsters from either of our graveyards and returning one to the deck and the other to the hand. I return your spore to your deck and my grazer to my hand." Apex of the peaks roared before stabbing their sharp wings into the ground. Flames gushed out of the back of their wings as they dug deeper into the ground. Once they stopped, two orbs of light flew out of the holes, one returning to both players' sides of the field. Crimson's orb returned to her deck as Spore was shuffled back to the deck. While Jack's orb flew to his graveyard, which ejected Grazer.

"Paying another 1000 life points I normal summon Grazer, then using their effect special summon another grazer." Both grazers appeared with a burst of particles. "LET'S END THIS! I tribute both Grazers and Sky king to special summon from my extra deck, EVO Apex of the Deep!" The whole arena started to shake as bone-covered tentacles burst out of the ground. The tentacles grabbed each of the tributes and brought them to a giant maw that broke through the ground. The monster roared after it finished devouring each of the tribute's whole.

EVO Apex of the Peaks x 1 > 0

4000 ATK/ 2000 DEF

EVO Grazer x 2 > 0

500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

EVO Apex of the Deep

? > 15,000 ATK/ ?> 10,100DEF

"Go Apex of the Deep! End this, attack Crimson's Beelze!" More tentacles burst out of the ground and charged toward Beelze. They pierced through Beelze and continued their path toward Crimson. She looked in awe as the attack phased right through her.

Jack Marcus

7000>6000>5500>4500LP / 1 card in hand / 3 monsters / 2 spells/traps

Crimson Rosalina

5000>0LP / 1 card in hand / 2 monsters / 1 spell/traps

Beelze of the Diabolic Dragons: Level 8

3000>18,000 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Hope you Guys/Gals enjoy this new chapter. Remember all comments/criticism/comments are welcomed.

Sorry if this chapter is very rough, I wanted to upload it before it got too late. So if there is any mistake please inform me.

Lastly thank you all for voting for who would be duelling this chapter. Sorry for those that wanted to see the other one, but don't worry you'll be able to see them duel in the near future. 

Also just in case any of you are wondering. I won't be writing the whole duel of the other votes as this chapter duel took a lot out of me.

However, if people want it enough, I'll reconsider not writing them.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.