Timeless Prominence

Ch49: A Relentless Minx

Rein initially thought the others in the group would wish to avoid offending whoever influential the twin ladies might have rejected. They did not and accepted the twins’ inclusion-- even Chirh held in his tongue, though perhaps unlike the others, he simply had no choice. Rein realized-- they must also be willing to bear the impending conflict between him and House Larne!

Still, it could not be denied that these twin ladies being part of the group meant that this vastly more influential noble might target the group and thereby hinder his goals.

“Xeeseir, being a user of an origin skill, would certainly be a better mate,” Chirh spoke up in wonder, echoing Rein’s unsaid thoughts. The others mostly remained silent. 

Xeeseir hackingly coughed. “Not unless I make some surprising advancement. Otherwise, I might die in another decade or two.” More or less a thorough rejection of the idea. Rein couldn’t help but wonder if this balding man might have experienced a tribulation of love, having so easily rejected Chirh’s suggestion.

They returned into the labyrinth, to the mission hall in order to register their team members. Such official registration ensured that the members would be fairly treated. Furthermore, in their case, it would give the Chirh, Suxeire and Joxeire some leeway in terms of their contribution to the Hall.

They would still have to contribute in some certain fashion, but at least, they would not be punished for not completing missions for the meantime, until the new initiates in the group had passed the orientation period.

Obviously, such methods to circumvent completing missions would eventually be punished. However, Chirh and the twin ladies supposedly had only recently joined the Halls, and should have some leeway.

As they registered their names, Rein’s mind was still lingering on a point. Perhaps mastering the art of blacksmith would give him a high degree of immunity. Yet, Suxeire had even gone as far as offering her body on a silver platter. This was either a trap, or there must be a reason for her desperation.

Still. Surely, there should be some figures that were better targets than himself for Suxeire. One who had reached the stage of a shell advancer, perhaps. That was unless… Rein’s eyes suddenly widened as an odd idea entered his mind.

In his time as the heir to his merchant family, he had noted how some merchants seemed to invest their hard-earned money in some risky endeavors. Many would fail, but he soon noticed that for one reason or another, a measly small number of merchants seemed to have a knack for identifying projects that would turn sand into gold. An intuition of sorts.

Was this applicable here? Intuition? Rein felt it seemed to be a stretch, but that was the only possibility he could truly see. He knew he was just an ant in the advancer world. He could think of no other reasons for Suxeire’s half-mad actions. Was Suxeire making a bet that none other dare would?

The group used their well-earned points for a humble meal of the most basic advancer food such as the aurae buns and some sort of thin and chewy cake named aurbas, which was rather filling and felt heavier on the stomach compared to the buns.

Before the newly-formed team dispersed, Chirh approached Rein and tapped his shoulder to attract his attention.

“Rein,” he whispered. “There is something you should be aware of, you being new and all.”

Rein nodded and listened attentively. Chirh might be a wimp, but he was the best man to learn from regarding any sort of potential sources of danger.

“You might not know this, but…” Chirh lowered his voice ensuring that only Rein would hear his words. “This is, you could say, the season where certain ladies throw themselves at some men. It’s an open secret.”

Chirh nodded at Rein’s shock and continued.

“The Halls require its new initiates to enter the western wilderness against devils and demons. Devils absolutely love capturing virgin men and women. Priority targets. They have advancer arts to absorb that virgin energy. As such, some new initiates… they grow desperate and would rather lose their virginity at their own volition.”

“You might not have noticed, but there’s a brothel in a less visible corner of the plaza in front of the Halls in Green Trout City. Many men request the services of said brothel. The women, on the other hand, often opt to select a man not displeasing to the eye, instead of one at the brothel who might have already tasted countless peaches.”

“I tell you all this such that you do not get overly drawn in by her eagerness,” Chirh warned.

Rein was thankful for this information. That certainly went along with his suspicions regarding Suxeire’s almost believable devotion.

Very soon, Rein found himself returning to his private cave. There was just one problem-- he was being followed by Suxeire and Joxeire.

He stomped to an abrupt stop and squinted at Suxeire, who was clearly the one dragging her younger twin around at her pace.

“I just figured it would be a good idea for us as squad members to,” she covered her mouth as she mumbled, “get to know each other.” Her shyness was but an act, for her hazel eyes glimmered bewitchingly.

Rein inwardly groaned, already somewhat regretting giving this woman the chance to stick her foot through the doorway.

He furrowed his forehead, resting his index finger and thumb on his eyebrows in contemplation of the situation. He hadn’t expected Suxeire to be so forward so soon.

With a jerk of his right elbow, he had the woman’s chin in his grip.To Rein’s inner shock, Suxeire remained completely unperturbed, and continued her little act, lolling her tongue out to lap at the thumb resting on her chin.

This minx… Rein had thought the sudden contact would be enough to give her a scare to put her off, but clearly it had failed. Normal ladies would flinch at the touch of a man more or less a stranger! He had no choice but to escalate the situation. Perhaps a proper scare would give Suxeire a wake-up call!

Thus, he moved his hand down, and swiftly clamped down on the woman’s delicate neck, forcefully nailing Suxeire’s figure against the resplendent white tunnel wall.

He increasingly clenched his right hand tighter, his eyes dark as he peered into Suxeire’s flickering hazel eyes. He had expected Suxeire to put up some resistance by now-- after all, she had already developed some mastery of the magical aurae skin, and stood at the peak of the inner realm. She should at least be able to free herself!

As long as he could wipe the fervent and submissive glaze that covered her eyes, he would likely gain some clarity of her actions.

Once again, the minx usurped his expectations. Instead of resisting, Rein found that her hands were softly massaging his right forearm, as if… encouraging his action.

Most surprisingly, her twin sister, though having a wrinkled forehead, made no attempt to intervene.

Rein maintained his tight grip around the seductress’ neck with determination, but on sensing the woman’s impending loss of consciousness by her fluttering eyelids, and her weakening hands providing his forearm massage, he finally released his grip.

Although he did not show it, he was very much dumbstruck. He had never intended to take it this far-- he had originally wished to scare this woman into not throwing herself at him and following him back to his abode.

After a few coughs, Suxeire whispered in a husky and rather alluring voice, a result of her breathlessness. “I… I would love it if you wished to do that again.” Her robes even flowed in a manner that seemed like she was smoothing her thighs together. 

Rein only felt exasperated, and his inner bafflement at an all-time high. He had more or less run out of ideas on how to avoid the trouble this woman could potentially bring. No… he could go further. He had seen and observed unspeakable debauchery during his mortal merchant days. Surely, no matter how much of a minx this woman acted as, she would shrink if he gave an extra push!

Perhaps he could settle this immediately.

“Lady Suxeire,” Rein took the direct approach. “If it is the virgin energy you are concerned with, there’s no need to act in such a manner. I am happy to cooperate.” He had experience from his merchant days. 

Suxeire coquettishly giggled at his words.

“You should take me… seriously,” she huskily whispered in response. Rein thought that Chirh had provided him with a reasonable answer to Suxeire’s actions. Her response demonstrated that this was not so.

“Very well.” Rein leaked a degree of ire through his voice. He could only issue a final threat. “You had better prepare your body then. I was once a mortal merchant and have seen the most perverted acts known to man.” If this woman was going to drag him into her mess even after his repeated warnings, then he had better be well-compensated, so he thought.

“And you should know. I am here to achieve my own goals. Do not be under the impression that I would sacrifice those goals for your little game.” His eyes swiveled left and right as he confirmed that their little incident had not been observed by anyone. 

Suxeire beamed with reverence into Rein’s eyes. Rein half-suspected that this was the result she desired! “Yes, my celest! And please call me Suey,” she stated as she hooked her fingers together accompanied with a bow, the traditional advancer greeting.

My celest… Rein inwardly groaned again. This must be how advancers displayed their subservience. Celest must be the shortened address for celestial, a common term used synonymously with godhood. At least the name ‘Suey’ was certainly easier to say, he comforted himself.

Rein had studied the names used in this realm for a short time. Although he had grown up in these lands, many of the names often had a throaty, hissing, or stuck-in-the-nose quality to them that could be slightly uncomfortable to pronounce.

“So. Who exactly did you reject?” Rein figured he might as well have an idea of the potential trouble his team might face.

Suey avoided Rein’s gaze, before mumbling, “Well, we rejected Guihnes. Supreme Guihnes.”

Great. A leader of one of the five factions. Probably a competent outer advancer similar to or even stronger than Supreme Jensure. Rein nearly buried his head in his hands.

“Oh, don’t worry. He didn’t really have that strong of an interest, really. It’s known that he simply has a tendency to display his influence.” Suey reassured Rein. “He’s already surrounded by a convoy of jade beauties. He’s not actually personally interested in an inner advancer like me and my sister. What he does is to train said beauties into skillful consorts and sell them to other nobles.”

“Still, all chose not to associate with us as a result. Regardless, as you stated yourself. You do not have to interfere if you do not wish to.” She batted her eyelashes teasingly. “You could even run.”

Escape? He could do so if trouble arises. But if truly, this minx was to throw herself at him every night, he doubted he would be able to simply run when the time came. It was likely that the woman knew that too-- which was possibly why she had not hesitated to give him a potential out.

Then again, who was to truly know what action he might take in such a situation? Afterall, it is believed that one’s true nature only truly reveals itself in such life-threatening situations. Perhaps, deep down, he was nothing but a coward!

If he truly is one, then dear Suey would have pointlessly sacrificed her body! He even half-hoped that was the case at the cost of his own pride, irritated as he was at this woman getting her way so far.

That irritation was only partial though. He could not deny a certain degree of excitement, not necessarily because of his glimpses of the woman’s slender hourglass figure, but more so of her daring all-out approach. Not to mention, she seemed to have even enjoyed the earlier asphyxiation…

Still. It would have been much better if such fun was had after he had accomplished what he came here to do. As an advancer that could one day gain immortality, he had more than enough time in the world.

Rein shook his head to himself as he returned alone back to his cave. If not for the amount of debauchery he had seen back in his days as a mortal merchant, he wasn’t sure how he would have reacted to Suey’s advances.

Having drawn a degree of agreement from Rein, Suey had finally returned to her own abode along with his younger twin sister, throwing a final hazy glance at Rein before her departure.

Rein hardened his heart. He reminded himself that it was not over yet. He decided that he would subject this little minx to the debauchery of his mortal merchant experiences. He was certain that the minx would soon be but a whimpering dog escaping with a tail between legs!


In an unnamed cave abode within the Hall of Heroes Labyrinth.

“Stand, Risen Puhnz,” Overseer Jeahz ordered the instructor kneeling before him.

Puhnz, the combat instructor that had escalated the combat against Rein, rose to his feet in his white instructor wrapping robe.

“I will tolerate your actions this time.” Overseer Jeahz opened his palm.

Puhnz wordlessly reached forward and placed a jade into Overseer Jeahz’s hand.

Overseer Jeahz pinched the finger-sized piece of jade and held it up to a source of light.

“Too clear, but still has a small dense cloud of aurae concentrate. Of the lowest quality. Yet, jade, nonetheless. This small dense cloudy section contains more aurae than any other gem of the same size. To think House Larne would have such a resource. Did Beincen say how the Larne gained such a piece of jade?”

Puhnz shook his head.

“Hmm…” Overseer Jeahz closed his eyes and stroked his goatee. “Some of House Larne’s ancestors reside in the Evergreen Mountains. Mayhaps… one of the Great Sects has discovered a mine?” His eyes gleamed like the edge of a knife.

Puhnz remained silent with his head lowered.

“Have you heard of fiends?” Overseer Jeahz asked after a moment of silence.

Once again, Puhnz shook his head.

“It is said that they are ancient beings. Titanic humanoids born after the fallen gods. They are blessed with powerful physical bodies, but they struggle to manipulate aurae. That was the cause of their demise. It is rumored that the final descendents hid in desolate areas and had no choice but to intermingle with humans.”

“...The Golden Desert…” Puhnz muttered. He had thought Rein’s physical body to be beyond his understanding. His initial suspicion was some unique inner realm mastery. It made sense to him. The Golden Desert Tribes do have warriors of mind-boggling physical prowess. The Minhr Nation have had some conflicts with the northern tribes.

“Risen Puhnz. I am tolerating your actions this time because this is of interest to me,” Overseer Jeahz stated. “That new initiate has a background where his ancestors have interacted with the Golden Desert Tribes. Do not disappoint me again. Focus on creating new advancer arts useful to the Allfather.”

“Yes, Overseer.”

Unknown to Rein, his unique physicality was attributed to the main family who had exiled his parents-- the ancestors who had  ancient dealings with the Golden Desert tribes!

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