Timeless Prominence

Ch73: Hidden Devils

The two teams set off northwest at the break of dawn, towards a swampland extending from the bottom of the far-off northwest Endless Mountains. These mountains were so named because they extended to the north and west with no end in sight. Due to the dangers of the western wilderness, few had actually traveled to the Endless Mountains-- this knowledge was reported by those that returned to tell the tale.

The swampland is where the three-headed cobra carved out its domain. As for the Blissful-Endflower, its domain lay in a valley somewhere on the initial ranges, between two peaks of the Endless Mountains.

The Iron Ant Team was armored in leather with the addition of the Halls robe. Lyne’s team was much more extravagantly equipped.

Lyne and her four followers were dressed in chainmail under their Halls robes. Every single ring of their chainmails had tiny inscriptions that only a grandmaster blacksmith was capable of creating, and the mesh formed by the combined magical rings formed a heavenly armament.

The Xuere Clan naturally placed much emphasis on Lyne’s protection. Rein suspected that there must be some hidden elders of the Xuere Clan trailing them in secret. However, he doubted they would show their hand unless Lyne was in mortal danger. 

They traveled on foot-- the Halls obviously would not provide inner advancers with steeds. Moreover, the potential risk of combat meant that any steed not expertly trained and raised would not fare well. That was the strength of the Demon Beast Taming Sect. If not for the repeated cases of the disciples of the sect becoming overly intimate with their demon beasts, this sect would be much more respected.

Anyhow, although not all advancers tempered their bodies, the aurae gathered still gave them significantly higher endurance and recovery compared to mortals. After all, the inner realm is based on transforming the body to be a vessel for aurae while seeking the individual creed.

Thus, their gradual jog towards the northwest, though not at all swift, was not sluggish either. Lyne’s group had little advantage despite their members being shell advancers-- their chainmail armor weighed their bodies down more.

The original land they traveled through was mostly barren with bare leafless trees. This was why the central outpost was easy to defend-- any approaching attack would be out in the open, easily visible for many kilofeet around the fortified castle.

After a day, the vegetation increased and their surroundings gradually transformed into a temperate rainforest. For reasons unknown to Rein, heavy storm clouds often struck the southeast side of the Endless Mountains, inundating this area with wetness. Another day later, they encountered the Demon Ink River, and they swerved northwards, intending to cross the river at a narrower section.

The Demon Ink River had murky water as dark as a cloudy night, and unknown demon aquatic creatures filled its incredibly deep and wide span. Many advancers had fallen here.

The two teams frankly, felt that something was off. This was not all that deep into the western wilderness, so it was not super surprising that they had yet to encounter any major threats. Most demon beasts they had encountered ran at the sight of the eleven human advancers.

However, it was still too quiet, almost eerie. Though this felt odd to some of the members, Chirh was instead delighted. He attempted to hide his emotions from others, but all could see him spright on his toes.

They finally reached a rocky granite area. Due to the environment, this was an area with a much narrower river-span due to the erosion-resistant granite. The river was also much lower, sinking downwards into the ground, the very initial formation of an eventual future canyon. Still, this is a width of three hundred feet, too far for most of them to leap across.

“Rein,’ Xeeseir placed a hook with a coiled metallic-weaved rope into the young man’s hands. “You’re up.” All present had seen Rein’s powerful explosive ‘Frog Leg Release’ against the Convergence Sect shell advancers. “Are you able to make the crossing?”

Three hundred feet… in a single leap. Rein had never attempted such a distance with the ‘Frog Leg Release’, but based on the creator’s words, he should be able to make this distance-- if barely.

As a human, he is also able to accelerate before performing the art through his tempered legs. Frogs obviously are unable to execute a run-up. A confidence rose within his chest. He gripped the hook and nodded his assent.

He set himself a distance away from the gap, and angled his body forward. With the power within his legs, he needed to angle himself nearly perpendicular to the ground to prevent himself from rising airborne from each thrusting step.

He kicked up soil as he gained momentum, every single stride a good ten feet. Then he reached the ledge, and exploded off at an angle, arcing across the gap in a beautiful rainbow.

Rein knew he was going to make it. That was, until the ink black water parted open as an armored monstrous crocodile-like creature, who had flippers for arms and legs,  launched itself high into the air to intercept Rein’s flight! The demon’s form extended an intimidating fifteen feet long.

It was also now that Rein finally understood why the river was named the Demon Ink River. The water itself had a high viscosity, and the dark fluid stuck to the river monster’s skin as it arced towards Rein with jaws wide open.

“Twelve hells…” Rein twisted his body midair, and with pinpoint accuracy, sent a powerful kick into the river monster’s snout. The river monster remained unhurt, protected by its thick armor-like skin, but it closed its jaws with a snorting sneeze, giving Rein the opportunity to flip himself onto the demon’s back.

Rein gathered aurae in his legs again, and pushed off the back of the demon beast. The mass of the river monster allowed Rein to push off its body effectively, and Rein landed on the opposite edge with his heart beating like a drum.

He searched for a spot to tie the metal-sinewed rope around, which was not at all difficult given the craggy granite nature of the area.

“Ready!” He hollered to the others.

On the east side, the men and women swiveled their heads around. The crossing was more dangerous than they had first thought.

“My elders in the Southern Starry Sea…” Dahk muttered softly. “They say that the sea demons birth their children out of a river to the west…”

“Chirh. You’re first.” Xeeseir placed a hand on Chirh’s shoulders and pushed him to the front.

“Is that a good idea?” Nunan wondered. “This man is untrustworthy. He should not lead the way against the potential aggression of the river demons.”

“Hah!” Xeeseir chortled in response. “I have forgotten that we’ve yet to discuss our strategies. We, the Iron Ant Team, do battle based on Chirh’s movements.”

“That’s…unsuitable… A team should fight based on its strongest fighter.”

“Let me explain,” Xeeseir replied. “To put it bluntly… I am concerned that Chirh would flinch at the wrong moment due to his fear and cause another’s death when said member has chosen to trust him with defending his or her back.”

“However, let me clarify that Chirh is not useless,” he continued. “Thus, we do battle based on Chirh’s movements. If he runs, we all follow and back off. My own experience…. When a team makes discordant decisions, lacks organization, things just go haywire. Thus, we act based on Chirh’s movement. And frankly… he does have a nose for avoiding danger.”

Lyne’s team blink their five pairs of eyes, making sense of Xeeseir’s words.

“You fucking assholes,” Chirh quivered in more fear than anger as he peered down the ledge into the river that seemed to suck in the soul.. “You’re just using me as bait.”

“I do not mind going first as the bait, if you can guarantee that you will throw yourself to engage any river demons upon their appearance,” Xeeseir slowly and measuredly said.

Chirh could only clench his teeth in silence before taking another peek at those dark waters.

“Interesting…” Lyne squinted down at the Demon Ink River as well, trying to penetrate the surface with her sharp eyes. “Perhaps we can create an approach to make use of your methods.”

“Miss!” Nunan protested vehemently.

“Nunan. Demons and devils always go after the weakest link first. Let Chirh be the bait!”

Chirh could only swallow his dissatisfaction. Well-- he either had to accept his current situation or lose his life to House Larne. Such was his unfortunate circumstance.

He raised his shortsword and with light footwork, ran on the metal rope towards the other side, with the rest of the Iron Ant Team following behind.

This time, five armored blob-shaped fishes with rows of sharp teeth launched themselves into the air, each the size of two humans. Chirh activated the inscription on his shortsword and attempted to blind the approaching fishes with light. It had no effect! It was then that Chirh noticed that these fishes’ eyes were cloudy and dull. Clearly, these armored fishes never had good sight to begin with!

Wilo’s wooden needles flew forth, but bounced off these armored river demons. Only Xeeseir’s explosive arrow somewhat diverted a heavy fish off its course. Suey and Jory frowned, unsure if their bronze whips would be of any use again

The twin swung and flicked their wrists, and to their surprise, the thinner ends of their bronze whips cracked the air as it struck the approaching jaws of the fishes, leaving deep gashes across their mouths, and cracking a few of their teeth.

A wave of WIlo’s poisoned needles entered the demon fishes’ mouths and then the Iron Ant members dodged the demon fishes’ flight path, and the blobs sunk back into the water. A bit further downstream, three of these five fishes floated belly up, no doubt dying due to Wilo’s poison needles.

“I got it! Quickly!” Xeeseir yelled as he aimed an ice arrow downwards. The members obeyed his orders and dashed forward, their feet light on the metal rope.

Xeeseir fired an ice arrow, and on impact, the ink river’s surface frosted over, making it difficult for any river demons to launch itself upwards.

This allowed the Iron Ant Team to reach the other side with no more interference.

The layer of frozen surface flowed downstream, and thus was of no benefit to Lyne’s team.

As for Lyne’s team, the five had fully activated their aurae skin, and the aurae cloud wrapping around their bodies formed all sorts of advancer arts.

Their team was much calmer than the Iron Ant Team, with a high level of coordination. Zehz manipulated his aurae cloud to give off hypnotic lights that drew the river demons to target him. Bohr would leap forth and block any demons that got too close to Zehz.

Lyne, with quick taps of her sword, would freeze the very watery skin of the river demons. Karsutz was a shadow that shot forth occasional hidden weapons at precise weak points of the river demons. Nunan tossed out stakes that seemed to gather and release all sorts of explosive magics.

The two groups gathered on the opposite side and went forth towards the swampland, the house of the three-headed cobra!


The Iron Ant Team and Lyne’s team may have been pleasantly surprised by the lack of demons they encountered. Little did they know that there was a reason for this.

For five devils had been in their vicinity! 

Poison Germination Devil, Dujahrn of the Harvest Devil Sect, was naturally here.

Blood God, Hahrn, of the Blood Devil Sect.

Hairy Corpse Devil, Voxeire, of the Corpse Raising Sect.

Insect Devil, Lazr, of Poison Insect Sect.

And… the Harvest Devil herself, Ailehr, leader of the Harvest Devil Sect!

Ailehr stood at the top with a peak-outer realm. Dujahrn was second as a mid-outer advancer. Voxeire and Lazr, low-outer advancer. Hahrn, peak shell realm, weakest of the group

“That second prince must be desperate-- to pay such a price!” commented Lazr.

Indeed, without such benefits it was impossible for devils to cooperate. After all, the reason these people became devils was their distaste for the imposed order from orthodox sects and nations. The freedom of the western wilderness suited them. They would kill if they wanted to. Paradoxically, they could also choose to simply seclude themselves, not having to deal with the demands of a ruling class, such as the Minhr Nation’s nobility.

Ailehr giggled bewitchingly in response, and the other four’s hairs stood on end as they felt their own bodies heating up in uncontrollable desire along with simultaneous fear filling their minds.

“The second prince just wants to fuck,” she cooed. “We are to capture a cool beauty and deliver her to him unharmed. He wants to seed her.”

“So don’t hurt her!” Her voice changed into a sudden screech and an iciness chilled the other four’s bodies.

“Isn’t this second prince worried about retaliation from the other nobles?” Hahrn questioned.

“These are the second prince’s words,” Ailehr chuckled softly. “He said that as long as she gets pregnant and gives birth, with that child having the opportunity to be a future ruler of the Minhr Nation… this woman called Lyne would have no choice but to accept her position.”

“Damn Minhr nobles,” Hahrn snarled. “They arrested and executed my family, speaking of justice. Now, the second prince himself…”

“You’re the youngest of us all. This is the norm. The rules these orthodox groups form? They’re only there for the benefit of the ruling powers!” Voxeire stated. Many male corpses followed behind her, a few carrying her floating throne.

“Quiet down,” Ailehr ordered, her tone now mostly neutral but occasionally leaked a hint of unnatural allure through lusty exhales. “You are all here for benefits, and we will proceed as agreed! Remember that some benefits will be given to the second prince’s aide, who informed us of these poor souls’ targets!”

The other four nodded. They were only able to gather together because they each wanted something different from the targets of these Halls advancers, after receiving information that these Halls advancers would be attacking valuable poison demons.

On another note-- it was, of course, their outer advancer presence that scared all the demon beasts in the vicinity away. Demon beasts relied on instincts much more, and could often sense when something was off.


Following behind was another group-- the House Larne group. A few Sun Sword Sect members of the upper and peak shell advancer realm had joined. Supposedly, they are capable disciples of Beincen’s hidden ancestors in the sect.

“When should we strike?” an accompanying elder questioned.

“We follow and… wait,” Beincen uncertainly replied. “We wait for them to weaken enough after an intense battle. Then we can take their lives easily!”

“Worry not,” a Sun Sword Sect disciple replied. “I, Yidahr, have mastered the Sunbeam Stab.  It will be over in a blink!”

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