To ascend, I had no choice but to create games

Chapter 108 - 97: Healers of the World (Second

Chapter 108: Chapter 97: Healers of the World (Second


The woman in white beside him had been looking at him curiously the whole time, not sure what she was thinking.

After half an hour, all the able-bodied had finally recovered, and Xiemen Waidao’s time of death had finally arrived.

Regretfully withdrawing his waist blade, the Squad Leader said, “Your skills are extraordinary, but our orders are to kill you. Although we don’t know what you’ve done, these are the City Lord’s orders.”

After a pause, the Squad Leader added, “But rest assured, after you die, I won’t touch those villagers; you can go in peace.”

Xiemen Waidao looked at the Squad Leader and suddenly laughed, “You do have a kind heart.”

“It’s just human nature. Do you have any last words?”

“Yes, they’re here.”

As soon as these words were spoken, the Squad Leader suddenly became alert and hastily leapt backward.

Where he had just been standing, more than ten crossbow bolts were nailed into the ground, almost turning him into a porcupine.

Not far away, a large group of voluntary soldiers had already rushed to the scene, their crossbows aimed at the Squad Leader.

Within a hundred miles, there were hundreds of villages, large and small, but only one city.

At this moment, the young and strong men from many villages had gathered here, five hundred of them watching the thirteen Personal Soldiers below with predatory eyes, and many more were on their way here.

Beside each wave of new arrivals, there was a healer, there was a Mukuai.

Even if a Personal Soldier could take on ten opponents, healers could bring the fallen back to their feet.

Not to mention that more people were heading here under the guidance of healers, to aid their comrades.

Faced with this group of determined young men, the Squad Leader suddenly felt fear.

An always overlooked force was gathering; they had awakened and were beginning to bare their fangs at their former rulers.

This was the power of the common people, it was a fire-like force. In the face of this power, they were nothing.

Raising his hand to signal his men not to resist, he dropped his weapon and said to Xiemen Waidao in front of him, “We surrender.”

The players who had come upon hearing the news were a bit depressed to find there was no battle to fight.

The thieves near their homes had been wiped out, and the monsters in the surroundings dealt with; although earning merit by doing nothing was nice, it somehow still felt a bit dull.

During this time, they could only accumulate merit slowly. Until they unlocked new features, they had to stay put.

“Since we’re idle anyway, let’s find something to do.”

“Agreed, it’s rare for us all to gather together. How about we hold a contest to see whose Mukuai is the cutest?”

“How could there be such a boring competition? It’s definitely mine, of course!”

“Confidence is a good thing, but what would you do if I brought out my home’s cat-eared, tsundere Mukuai?”

“My stoic Mukuai is the best!”

“Is tsundere outdated now?”

The healers, who had just fought side by side, were now arguing noisily over their respective Mukuai, causing the Squad Leader’s face to twitch incessantly. Did I surrender to the wrong people?

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before the players realized that arguing was pointless, just as debating whether sweet or salty tofu pudding is better is unnecessary.

And with the young men having gathered together with difficulty, why not start building roads to connect the villages and towns, making future mutual support more convenient?

So, they transformed into a whirlwind of activity; one moment, they were quarreling over their Mukuai, and the next, they were arm in arm, setting out to work on infrastructure.

Meanwhile, the Squad Leader and his men had their armor stripped off, were bound with oil-soaked ropes, and were locked in a jail cell.

Before long, Xiemen Waidao walked in with Mukuai 1234.

The disarmed Squad Leader, a tall and muscular man with well-developed muscles and scars almost everywhere on his body, clearly a veteran of many battles, sat down opposite Xiemen Waidao.

In a puzzled tone, Xiemen Waidao asked, “You’re a Personal Soldier of the City Lord; why did he order an attack on us?”

“It was the City Lord’s command. We’re not supposed to think about the reasons; we’re just supposed to do it.”

“Then why did you surrender?”

“If it were just me, I would’ve fought to the death. But I have brothers; they can’t fall here.”

“The City Lord won’t blame you?”

“Let it all be my fault then,”

After hearing Squad Leader’s response, Xiemen Waidao felt this person was quite foolishly loyal.

But his previous actions revealed to Xiemen Waidao that there was still some sense of righteousness in him, unlike those war machines that only knew slaughter.

Let him stay; who knows, he might be of some use one day.

He ordered others to keep a close watch on him, then rubbed Mukuai 1234’s head as he began to ponder.

Mukuai 1234, being stroked like a cat, kept kicking at him, but to no avail, further angering her.

Now, what puzzled Xiemen Waidao the most was why the City Lord wanted him dead.

He had merely improved the living conditions for the residents, expelled the illness, and organized the young and strong to resist the bandits.

In ancient times, that might at most be considered…. rebellion….


With a sigh, Xiemen Waidao finally understood why the City Lord could not tolerate them, the healers.

In the eyes of modern people, their actions would be seen as normal poverty alleviation, but in the eyes of the City Lord, it was akin to harboring disloyal intentions.

Moreover, backed by the Demon Lord Temple, it seemed like the Demon Lord Temple was also using the bandits to stir trouble, and since the healers had inadvertently offended the two most powerful forces….

“Who would have thought that just by making the lives of the common people a little better, we would offend two great mountains,”

Hearing Xiemen Waidao’s reflection, Mukuai 1234 stopped kicking and said with a cold sneer, “So you realize that.”

“This kind of thing…”

“Are you scared?”

“This is way too cool!”

Mukuai 1234 widened her eyes in shock, staring at Xiemen Waidao, thinking that he must have lost his mind from fear.

“Are you insane?” Mukuai 1234 asked, “You’re playing with your life here!”

“Yeah, but are we afraid of losing our heads?”

“…Well, you have a point. But is this kind of thing fun?”

Looking into the distance, Xiemen Waidao lamented, “I feel like there’s nothing more interesting or amusing than rebelling in a feudal society!”

“But what you’re doing is different from the Great Heavenly Lord’s arrangements!”

“Maybe this is the Great Heavenly Lord’s arrangement. If not, why would he create such a dark environment, and why would he send us here? Why would we be called healers? To cure one person is to be a small healer. To be able to cure the entire world, that is a great healer, that is a true healer!”

Xiemen Waidao’s voice rang out powerfully, leavingMukuai 1234 stupefied, radically changing her opinion of him.

Does he really think on such a grand scale?

Even though she knew he might just find rebellion more amusing, this vision was indeed grand.

“So, what do you plan to do next?”

“Of course, to continue to call everyone to action, and then to raise the red flag here. The disease of this world is not in the body, but in the mind. We healers are here to cure and save people, to cleanse the disease of the heart and let everyone know what they should live for!”

Mukuai 1234 felt her heart pounding uncontrollably, her vision clouding over at his words.

Watching Xiemen Waidao, she realized that this man, whom she should have disliked, appeared radiant in an instant, almost blinding to look at.

Covering her chest, she felt as though a new heart had sprung forth within her, making her fearful of staying, yet also wanting to draw closer.

What’s happening to me?

When Squad Leader surrendered, inside the Demon Lord Temple within the fortress, someone awoke.

The city’s walls were tall and strong, with no civilians inside, only the armored City Lord and his Personal Soldiers.

At the center of the city, a black tower twisted skywards, its side covered in black cysts, like diseased lungs, tirelessly inhaling the illnesses of the world.

These black towers were the symbol of the Demon Lord Temple. Cultivators who worshiped the Disease Demon Lord made this their base, enjoying the City Lord’s offerings while exchanging the green jade that protected them from the illnesses for their blessings.

The temple keeper of the Demon Lord Temple, shrouded in black miasma, calculated with his fingers, then issued a deep sigh.

A spark has appeared.

It must be contained.

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