To become the richest man from the beginning of the game

1698. Finish this testimonial

Finish this testimonial
It's over!
Those who haven't collected new books can go back to the end of the last chapter, where the author says there is a portal for new books.

This is the first time I have finished a book with a length of 500 million words, so I am quite happy.

In fact, due to the preparation of the new book in advance, the book of the richest man has been written a few days in advance, so the excitement when it was just finished has gradually calmed down, and now the whole is in a relatively calm state.

Of course, this writing is not perfect, but as far as my level is concerned, it is quite satisfactory.

To briefly summarize, what I am most satisfied with personally should be the beginning, the end and the section of "Struggle".

The plot from the beginning to the part of "Return to the Shore" has a very compact structure, with a few anti-routine baggage thrown just right, and there are more tricks, I found it quite interesting after reading it myself.

The ending is mainly the content of the last cycle, and the story is closed as a whole. In addition to the relaxed and happy atmosphere of the whole book, some touching content is added, and the whole story is lifted up. Under the urban background, the cool point is barely raised.

As for the part of "Struggle", I actually didn't think too much when I wrote it. After I finished writing, I felt that the structure was well done. It can be regarded as a part of the maturity of the whole anti-routine model.

In the mid-term, there was an obvious decline due to some confusion in the plot, and the progress of the whole story was a bit stuck, but after some adjustments later, it held up again.

As for the reason for the decline in the mid-term, on the one hand, the idea at the time was not very clear, and the personal creative state was just at a low point, the inspiration was exhausted, and there were some mistakes in the plot planning; Hit a bottleneck.

Of course, these problems are what I will try to avoid in the future.

Let me explain a few words about this ending.

There isn't a clear line of affection because I don't really enjoy writing it, and the structure of the book doesn't quite support it.

The core of the anti-routine is to separate the real image of the protagonist from the image seen by the outside world. The more separated and farther the two images are, the better the contrast effect will be.

It is precisely because of the huge contrast between the real Pei Qian and the President Pei in everyone's eyes that there are various interesting program effects.

So if you look back at the whole book, "Pei Qian" and "Mr. Pei" are actually two different concepts. One is the real Pei Qian, and the other is Mr. Pei in the eyes of everyone. are strictly distinguished.

Pei Qian is Mr. Pei, but not Mr. Pei.Because the image in everyone's eyes is not consistent with the real him, some plots cannot happen.

Let Pei Qian fall in love as Mr. Pei, I really can't write this kind of plot.Besides, I didn't like to write emotional dramas at first, I'm a very emotional person.

Of course, I also understand that many readers want Mr. Pei to have a happy life. I think Mr. Pei will of course be happy, and I did not deny this.

On the contrary, I don't like tying Pei Qian to the company, to President Pei's identity, or to a specific person.

Throughout the four years of the story, Pei Qian was actually a tool man tied to the identity of Mr. Pei. I hope that in the end he can be free and do whatever he wants.

So in the end, I want to leave an open ending. Although Pei Qian is the monitor of the entire company, there are countless possibilities for his future.

Everyone can freely imagine what kind of person he will become, what kind of things he will do, or who he will be with. Here is a blank for everyone to imagine.

I think such an ending is the most suitable for the story mode of this book. A very clear ending and a very certain fate are not good, so I wrote it like this.

As for the story core of this book and everyone’s feelings, in fact, on the whole, what I want to express is basically what everyone can feel, because my current writing technique is still relatively crude, and some content will be clearly expressed of.

In fact, in the last part of this book, about more than 100 chapters, basically I didn’t read the reader’s feedback much, and completely followed my own ideas, where I thought and where I wrote.

The main reason is that after you have decided to open the book seamlessly, you have to prepare the new book while updating the last part of the content, and save the manuscript to buy time for the new book, so basically there are more or less ten chapters on hand, and I want to copy the book review I can't copy it either.

Some content that looks similar to book reviews is simply arranged in advance, guessed, or simply written together.

Generally speaking, I think the story is almost done at this point.

There is no feast that never ends. Although a new story may not be liked by people, people must keep improving and changing. They cannot always rest on the credits of the past. If you really write this book to 2000 million words, then I guess I wrote it too.

So, the past achievements are over, let's return to the attitude of a challenger.


Talk about a new book.

In fact, the general idea came up more than half a year ago, and the original intention was to solve the ceiling problem that could not be solved in the middle of the book The Richest Man.

Urban themes come quickly in the early stage, but they also collapse quickly, and it is impossible to have both in the early stage and late stage.

After much deliberation, there is only one way, which is to change the subject matter.For urban themes, I have never seen one that does not touch the ceiling.Generally, one million words is exhausting, and two million words is barely supported. Those who can write three million or five million words are rare.

(I am referring to serious urban themes such as entertainment, and the recovery of spiritual energy does not count.)
It is actually not easy for the richest man to write this number of words, but I still only partially solved this problem, and did not fundamentally break through the limitations of the subject matter.

So in order to break through this ceiling, some risky attempts must be made.

The beginning of the new book was not very smooth, and I wrote about [-] to [-] words of waste.

Although the content is fixed, for some content in the middle and late stages, a lot of design has been done on the world view, which makes the whole world a bit too complicated.It is difficult to find the best entry point at the beginning. Every time I write the beginning, I find that there are many concepts that need to be explained, which is very unfriendly to new readers, and then overturn and rewrite.

After overturning and rewriting at least six or seven times, I finally found a relatively satisfactory beginning.

It is better than some real bosses and seniors who may overturn their cars when they open a new book. Of course, I don’t have such absolute confidence. It stands to reason that I should prepare for a few more months.

But this kind of thing is not foolproof, and it doesn't mean that it can be done after a long time of preparation.

The article is natural, and it is a skillful hand. In fact, the book of the richest man was only prepared for a few days at the beginning, and the beginning was changed four or five times. The new book issue was still traveling outside, and I only wrote three to five thousand words a day in the hotel. As a result, it got up inexplicably. Instead, many of the books I had prepared for a long time were horribly rushed.

Therefore, although the repeated revision of the new book makes me a little nervous, it is meaningless to think about procrastinating, so it is better to start quickly.

Try to do your best within the scope of your ability.

I think as long as the two points of anti-routine and game production are supported, no matter how bad it is, it will not be so bad.

The content of the new book "Virtual End" can be understood as an enhanced version of "Losing to Be the Richest Man": one is the high level of technology, and games and movies have become a super dream of conscious connection; In the world, corporate wars and the deterioration of the external environment have made the whole world dangerous.

Some people say that Mr. Pei has done so many things, and it's a bit unreasonable that no one assassinated him.How to put it this way, the background of the richest man is a society ruled by law, so it is too strange for assassins to appear.Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, the style of painting is not quite right.

However, this does reflect a very serious problem with urban themes: the excitement in the early stage is indeed fast, and the pace is fast, but in the middle stage, the money is enough, the goal is quickly achieved, and the author does not know that he can still write. What's the matter, something a little out of the ordinary will be very wrong when written, and readers will find it boring.

The plot of the richest man in the mid-term is not tight, mainly because of the subject matter. I just fell into confusion when I wrote this. When I was conceiving the plot, I found that it was all about the company. At most, it was a business war and a public opinion war. I can't bring it up, saying that I want to change the world, but no matter what I will be restricted by the entire worldview.

It is difficult to push up the conventional content.

Including why the richest man no longer continues to write, not to write about building cars, rockets, chips, houses, etc...

On the one hand, it’s because I really don’t know much about these contents, and I can’t find them online, and on the other hand, it’s because it’s really difficult to write in this context.The urban background is only suitable for writing content closely related to daily life. Once it is set too high, the plot will definitely collapse, because it is not grounded, and the writing is still tied, and it is easy to touch the line.

So I packed all these contents, took them into the overhead world of the next book, changed the background, and wrote them in a more tricky way.

The new book is to solve the problem that the richest man's book is a little bit broken in the middle and can't be pushed up in the later stage. In order to solve these problems, a lot of changes have been made in the background, and a little bit of the early stage may be sacrificed, but I think these are some necessary attempts.

If I write another book with an urban background, it is impossible to jump out of the framework of the richest man, and it will only get worse and worse.

Maybe in another two years, I will have some new understanding and insights about conventional urban themes, and I will write again, but it is unlikely in the short term.

The new book will write about future games, high-tech research and development, corporate warfare, etc. The protagonist will really change the world from various levels.

In the field of games, we will try our best to imagine what the future games will look like, and what kind of design rules they will have. In terms of commercial warfare, it will be more intense and have no bottom line. At that time, it will no longer be a fake business war like online bickering. It is a real business war that starts when there is a disagreement.

The overall story framework may have some similarities with the richest man. It is still a light-hearted and humorous anti-routine story with a similar core of thought, but the content inside has been completely changed, and the character settings, storylines, etc. have all been replaced, including The motivation for the anti-routine has also been completely changed.

So everyone can still understand it as an urban theme, but it is just an urban theme with relatively advanced technology and relatively chaotic social order.This time I want to write a more complex and novel virtual world.

I have to say what kind of background this is, maybe it is cyberpunk, but in fact it is just a bit like it, only a small amount of settings are used, and I still write my own things.

I think that on the basis of the richest man's book, some skills and content can be polished better. Whether it is game design or anti-routine, I haven't written the top yet, and there is still a lot of room for improvement, so I want to use this method Give it another shot.

The goal at the beginning is still to make everyone happy and smile; in the middle and later stages, I hope to make progress steadily, to support the coolness in a down-to-earth manner, and to write about the content that the richest man cannot do because of the subject matter restrictions.

You can seamlessly connect to new books, and there is one special point to mention: I will write new books very quickly, so follow-up reading is very important. Don't keep it, just keep following it.

The new book period is only 20 days, and it will be on the shelves on the 1st of next month. When the book is released today, 40 words will be updated directly. The new book period will basically keep updating [-] words every day.It may be maintained at a rate of [-] to [-] per day after being put on the shelves, which is about [-] per month.

Therefore, the update speed of the new book issue is actually faster than that of some books after they are put on the shelves. There is no such thing as slow update and accumulation of popularity as before, and everyone can follow up on it normally.

Do not raise it!
As for why you choose the mode of seamless book opening + burst update.

In fact, since I started writing books, I have been struggling between the two roads of "large quantity and full control" and "fine craftsmanship".

Some authors just can't write fast, and they only write four to five thousand words a day, and the plot will collapse when there is too much, so they can only write slowly; while some authors write very fast, even if they slow down, the plot will not be significantly improved, but they will continue to write. Think for yourself.

I am quite entangled. It seems that I can try both ways, but I have not found which way is more suitable.

Moreover, sometimes I write a piece of content meticulously, but the response is mediocre, and many people say it is water.Sometimes I completely let myself go and write [-] words a day, and I also feel that the general plot, but the response is very good, and there are many praises.

So I am sometimes very confused. Looking back and thinking about the plot and the last plot of "Struggle" that I am most satisfied with, they were all reckless. Not bad, even better than the plot effect that has been carved for a long time, which is quite difficult.

In short, it makes me feel that I have been working hard for a long time, but the more I do it, the worse it gets.

Although I rack my brains every day to think about what readers like to watch, it is always impossible to find an absolutely correct answer.

After much deliberation, whether the plot is good or not is actually a very subjective standard. Only the number of words added every day and the number of plots promoted every day are very objective standards. The more you write, the more you write.

In addition, the book of the richest man has greatly improved my ability in the plot structure. The outline can be made very detailed and accurate to the content of each chapter. I basically don’t worry about the plot breaking or breaking down. .

So for this book, I decided to go all the way to black out on the road of large volume management, and leave everything else aside for the time being, so as to bring up the update volume first.

Of course, with the increase in the amount of updates, the quality will not be significantly reduced. The amount of information in each chapter will definitely remain the same as it is now, and there will be no hydrology.The original two-day plot, now strive to finish writing in one day.

It's just that some words and sentences may not be so elegant, and occasionally there are some innocuous mistakes such as typos or grammar problems.

As a reader, I actually feel that two chapters of [-] words a day are not enough to read. Only when about [-] words are updated can I follow up the reading more smoothly. But as an author, most of the time it is not because I don’t want to write more, but because I have limited energy. Can't write it.

So this time I will try to update more, advance the plot quickly, and squeeze my creative state even more in the process, hoping to bring you a different feeling.

There are quite a lot of friends who have rewarded this book. I really don’t have the energy to thank them one by one. In fact, I have added a lot later, but I am really too lazy to add updates for XXX book friends in every chapter. Here I would like to thank you all The big guy who gave the reward said sorry.

So let's work hard to increase the amount of updates. More updates are the best thanks to readers.If I keep twelve thousand a day for a few months, it's a small thing, right?

I just want to write more and better content in a down-to-earth manner step by step. As long as I do this, I will have everything.

Once again, I hope that everyone will not keep books and seamlessly connect with me.

Old friends, until the new book hits the shelves, there must be one.

Although I can't say that the new book will be more exciting than the richest man, after all, some of the first-time beauty is hard to replace, but I will definitely try my best to write different content.

If I can write everything I want, then in the middle and late stages of the new book, I will definitely be able to surpass the richest man.

Everyone, see you in the new book!

(End of this chapter)

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