To Grow

Chapter 10

Where am I? W-where's my den? I panicked, looking around at the pure white walls of the room as soon as I awoke. When did my skin get so pale? No, why is my skin so loose?! Why is there heavy things on my arms and legs? Where's the way out? I turned in a circle, looking for a way out. I pressed myself against a corner, and shifted into a big furred. The heavy things on my arms and legs just shifted with me. 

I pressed myself into the wall harder, looking around the room with suspicion, and listening for anything. 

"The Subject has awoken." I raised my head, looking for the source of the sound. I hissed once, and shifted into a quick furred form. I began growling.

"Opening doors." The voice came again. The next moment, a door opened, and four faceless white figured walked in. Are they two-legs? But I don't look anything like them. I think. One of them raised a black thing, and pressed down on it. Instantly, I shifted back into my two-leg form. I tried my best to growl at them.

"Power dampening completed. Original form verified. Subject is a human-like creature." The voice echoed around the room.

Another pulled out a long, thin stinger with a see through container attached. It approached me, and another one pushed me down and held my arm still. I struggled, but it was like my arms were caught in a brown one's jaws. The one with the stinger approached me and stuck the point into my skin. I couldn't thrash away, because the other one was holding my arms down. I kicked my legs, and they were promptly held down too. 

I felt something sucking my blood, and in a moment, the one with the stinger withdrew it from my body, now filled with red liquid, and the others stopped holding me down. I immediately stood up and backed away. The one with my blood walked away through the entrance, and the other ones filed behind it. I plastered myself on the wall, and slowly sat down. Why am I here? What did I do? I didn't kill the trespassing two-legs.  I realized. If I had killed them the moment I saw them, I wouldn't be here. If I wasn't so sure of my own strength, I wouldn't be here. If I wasn't so curious, I wouldn't be here. I shivered, suddenly cold. I checked my wound from the stinger, and to my shock and horror, it hadn't healed yet.

"Subject verified. Genus: Homo Potentia. Type: Animorph. Mutation rate: 60.321458%."

Why does the voice keep on saying something? What is it saying? Next time, when the door opened again, I'll escape. 

Suddenly, a small slot opened, too small for my two-leg for to go through. A tray was pushed in, a small bowl of cloudy water and a tray of small berries and something brown and soft looking. I felt my stomach growl, and I approached the tray cautiously. I first started with a familiar berry, and my hands wouldn't stop moving. Everything was so delicious!

I ate quickly, and returned to my corner. I laid down, and decided to take a nap.


"Subject probably survived in the Fingard forest through her animorph ability, and learned from the mutated animals there through observation," A scientist in a white lab coat said to another.

"Agreed," The other said. "Subject has displayed human-like intelligence."

"Agreed," The first scientist said. The two were in charge of looking at the Subject's blood samples, and were now writing down a report for the Subject's behaviour so far. 

"Teaching the Subject english is recommended." 


And with that, they finished their end notes. The two exited the room, and entered the break room.

"Ahh. That was exhausting," The first one said, taking off her lab coat. They had been trained and conditioned to leave their personal feelings and baggage at the door, and so, the moment they stepped out the door, they exited what they had dubbed their 'Robot Mode' and back into normal human beings.

"You think the new Subject might help with the war?" The second scientist asked conversationally to the first.

"Maybe if we learn something on time. I think that-" The first scientist checked around for cameras, and whispered in a hush voice, "If they stopped censoring and banning everything related to the war going on, and if they stopped hiding the war from the rest of the nation, I think we might've won by now."

The second scientist sighed, and replied in a similarly hushed voice, "You know how they are. They just care about the war, and about keeping most of their citizens ignorant and dull. I think some might be realizing what's happening, though."

The first nodded in agreement to the second.

The two scientists were never seen again after they left work.

The others ignored the disappearance, as it was a common occurrence. 

Sorry. Very short chapter today. I probably won't be posting a chapter tomorrow, cus I'm going on a family camping trip.

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