To Grow

Chapter 27

After breakfast today, Summer began leading me to pick up the package. I easily navigated the terrain, even in my human form. Summer, on the other hand, seemed to stumble on everything. It really made me doubt her claims of picking it up everyday. 

"This is all you do everyday?" I asked her skeptically. 

"Well, yeah," Summer said, tripping on another root. "Ow fuck!"

"You can try looking at where you're stepping," I suggested. 

"I am! They trip me up all the time anyways!" Summer groaned. I shrugged and continued walking, matching her pace. I looked around at the trees that surrounded us. While they weren't as big as the ones I was used to, they were still large enough that I could barely touch my hands if I wrapped myself around the trunk. I breathed in as I caught the multitude of different scents and pheromone markers everywhere in the forest. It really surprised me when I'd learned that humans usually couldn't smell it at all. Like, anything except the most pungent odour. How they survived, I didn't know. 

As I walked, I spotted a few berries along the way. I looked towards Summer, seeing her pant already. We were going really slow, and at this rate we'd be missing class! I picked up my pace and threw Summer onto my shoulder.

"Hey watch it! It hurts!" Summer complained, groaning as her stomach hit my shoulder at every jostle. "Your shoulders are like rock hard. Oww."

I began running, running through the trees quickly.

"Just guide the way," I said easily. I really liked the feeling of the wind hitting my face like this. Something in me wanted to stick my tongue out, but I stopped myself. Summer was still here.

"G-go right," Summer groaned, holding her hand over her mouth.

I adjusted my course and continued running. Soon, with a few more adjustments, we reached a clearing.

"Ugh, we're here. Let me down," Summer said weakly. I put her down, and waited as she knelt over and panted.

"Go to that tree, with the giant hollow," Summer said, pointing towards a crooked tree. "There should be a package inside. Just feel around until you hit something."

I followed her instructions and took out a thin wrapped paper package.

"Now...give it to me," Summer said. I gave it to her, and she promptly shoved it into her sleeves. "I have a hidden pocket there," Summer explained. "I sewed it myself."

"Now we go back," Summer said, finally standing up. "But carry me more gently! Just give me a piggyback." A piggyback? Did she want me to shift into a pig? I'd never tried it before, but maybe I could? Before I tried, Summer walked behind we and jumped onto my back.

I stood still, confused.

"Now put your arms under my legs," Summer panted. Was she struggling to hold herself up? I complied and began running through the forest again. This time progress was much faster because all I had to do was follow our scent trail back. 

We arrived at the same fence we'd passed earlier and easily jumped over it. I then let go of Summer, and she once again kneeled on the floor.

"Are-are you sure you don't have super speed?" Summer panted again. She really needed more exercise. There was no way she was making this trip everyday. I shook my head in response to her question. 

I jolted as the bell rang once. The tardy bell! Class was about to start! I immediately ran to my locker and got my things, arriving in front of my first class in the nick of time.

I spent the morning, bored. But it was at lunch when the Dean stepped onto a podium that'd been assembled who knows when, and tapped the microphone a few times to get everyone's attention.

"Attention all students! In one month, we'll be holding the Battlemaster senior's international game this year! So I expect nothing but the best behaviour one month from now! You'll be representing the school! And congratulations to our team for making the nationals this year!  Make sure to win honour to our school. Ok, have a good day," The Dean somehow... deflated at his last words. He then stumbled off the stage, mumbling something underneath his breath as he was lead away by some teachers.

"See? Totally mental," Summer said, appearing by my side. I ignored her and looked for Em. 

After some time, I managed to track her to a picnic table eating her lunch with...that girl who was with her in that classroom. I scowled, but I had to listen to Summer if I wanted Em to like me. I walked towards them and sat beside Em.

"Oh! Hi Storm," Em said, jumping a bit. Maybe I had approached too silently?

"I'm sorry for yesterday," I said, bending my head. "I made you a gift." I took out the figurine I'd carved the night before and handed it to her.

"Words cannot express how sorry I am," I said somewhat stiffly. I'd rehearsed these line the night before while carving the gift.

"Oh, well, you're forgiven as long as you promise to never do it again," Em said, her cheeks...slightly pink. A sign of affection in humans! Or overheating. Or if they were cold. "And, maybe you should apologize to Aqua? You really scared her." I scowled at the girl in question. She flinched under my gaze. I sighed. If she mattered to Em, then I would have to treat her well. Or I could just remove her entirely...

"I'm sorry," I said. I bowed my head very slightly.

"I-it's fine," She stuttered. Hm, she was no opponent for Em's heart. I'd win against her any day.

The three of us sat stiffly. I shivered slightly as Em leaned a bit closer, her scent washing over me. I inhaled deeper as naturally as I could. I was just intoxicated. I wanted to get closer, to feel her. But I stopped myself. It was frowned in human society to do things like that without permission, and I didn't want to push Em away forever.

" were your classes?" Em asked awkwardly. 

"They went good," I replied. There was another pause. I should probably say something. "Did you hear the Dean? About the...Battlemaster tournament we'll be hosting?"

"Yeah! I can't wait to see the other teams! I heard even the team from Nugleisia is coming, the one from that...Heroic Academy? Or was it the Preparatory Academy?" Em said. The Heroic Preparatory Academy? I shivered. The name sounded so familiar...

The shadows. The humans who brought me to the senseless room. The ones who shot me. 

"They're coming?" I asked, my voice unfamiliar, as if I was speaking through a vacuum.

"Yeah! And I heard that the strongest fire user, Alex, is on that team! Like, I've seen some pictures before and she's so hot!" Em said excitedly, Aqua nodding along with her, slightly more relaxed now. I sat stock still. They were coming? They were coming, the ones who hurt me and led to captivity? The ones who hurt me after seeking shelter with me, after barging in my life and ruining it? I could feel my heart thundering in my ears as I began panting.

"Storm?" Em said worriedly, touching my arm slightly. I jolted out my thoughts. They also led to Em. So it's fine if they came. I loved Em, and they're the thank for me being able to meet her.

I should thank them, I thought, squishing a part of me that was screaming at me to kill every one of them. 



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