To Hell with Being a Saint, I'm a Doctor

Chapter 234: Death And Resurrection (1)

Chapter 234: Death And Resurrection (1)

The situation seemed quite serious.

Due to the intense aura clash between the two, the mana road was burdened, and blood was spurting from his seven orifices as if he would collapse at any moment.

Nevertheless, Hael, who knew the reason why he did not remove his hand from the elder, murmured.

If that child had removed his hand, surely the Noble Lord would never have returned.

Are you blaming me? How could I, as an elder of the tribe, entrust such an important matter to an outsider!

He is not an outsider! Dont you still understand? That child is our brother!

A child born outside by a traitor cannot be considered a brother!

As their argument intensified, dark red blood began to form on Rays pores.

Blood continuously spewed from his mouth, and his hair was drenched in it, making him look as if he were alive yet not.

Unbeknownst to Hael and the middle-aged elder, Ray had shifted most of the elders inflicted damage onto himself.

Logically, how could the unconscious Noble Lord be unscathed himself?

He absorbed the shock from the aura clash and protected the elders qi and blood so that the mana road would not tear apart.

Of course, he paid a hefty price for it.

His once powerful arms began to tremble, and his sturdy mana road was damaged.

In this state, circulating mana a few times would be strenuous.

Sweating profusely, he gritted his teeth and hurriedly retracted his mana from the Noble Lords mana road.

But it was almost impossible.

With the mana road damaged, his dense mana escaping through the gaps would cause the Noble Lords body to explode if left alone.

I need to seal the mana.

A quickly thought-out alternative was immediately put into action.

He melted the Noble Lords mana road on the spot.

If he were to take another hit, the Noble Lord would die.

Perhaps it would be more comfortable for him, but that was not the desired outcome.

Preparing for a possible future shock, he began to connect the melted mana road.

At the end of this unified path, he formed a pocket, resembling a Danjeon ().

Creating someone elses mana road, not his own, was an unprecedented act in history.

Having poured all his mental strength, he finally detached his hand from the elders body.

The first thing he saw upon opening his eyes was a bright red, tumultuous landscape.

He could not muster any strength in his body and kept spitting blood with his half-open mouth.

With so much blood lost, he was likely only moments away from death due to excessive bleeding.

Hael rushed to his side to support him, but with no strength left, standing up was impossible.

He turned his mechanically moving neck to look at the elder, and with angry eyes, he roared.

How dare you touch the Noble Lord! You deserve to die, you filthy thing!

He thought inwardly that now was his chance.

If not now, I will never be able to kill this monstrous being! Hes only a hindrance to our tribe! I must seize the moment when hes weakened!

He had never liked him from the beginning.

Throwing tantrums to go outside and touching the holy body of the Noble Lord like heaven.

The justification was more than enough.

Drawing his sword, he aimed straight for the heart, leaving no chance to escape.

Hael drew her sword in fury and parried a few moves, but it was difficult to fight while holding a staggering corpse.

Eventually, unable to match the elders sword, she let out a shocked exclamation.


The cold blade pierced his chest.

With a chilling pain, only a cold rest approached.

Even his complexion had turned pale, and he could only manage a bitter smile.

Hehehe you little rascal, lets see you later.

Delighting in something, his eyes, unable to open due to the hardened blood, narrowed into crescent shapes.

Feeling the danger, the elder attempted to strike again, but Hael blocked him by unleashing a burst of mana.

How despicable! To repay kindness with enmity, I no longer recognize you as a member of our tribe!

As she drew her sword and made a swift strike, the elder, blocking her powerful sword blow, staggered.

Without a moment to regain balance, Haels sword strikes poured down relentlessly.

Boom! Boom!

Now that the Noble Lord didnt need protection, she swung her sword wildly without hesitation.

Each strike was so powerful that none could be easily deflected.

Ugh! She had hidden her true skills!

Even before, she had not contained this much mana.

It wasnt surprising considering her constant dedication to training, but the situation was nonetheless startling.

Eventually, the elder fled, unable to withstand her onslaught.

Hael did not pursue him.

Instead, she urgently signaled towards the entrance of the cave.

We need healing magic! Summon someone who can use magic!

However, Rays body continued to grow colder, making Haels efforts seem in vain.

The hotter her body grew in frustration, the colder he became.

Eventually, she carried him out of the cave.

Mistake. Its my fault. Blame me.

Crossing the forest with a face about to burst into tears, she headed to a small cabin.

She opened the door violently and immediately laid Ray on the bed.

The cabin owner was understandably startled.

A surprise visit in the middle of the night, Hesia stuttered,

Ha, Elder Hael? Who is this child?

Theres no time to explain. I need your healing magic.

Hesia gathered mana in her hands and chanted a spell.


Warm mana swirled around the bed, starting to heal the wounds.


The mana resonated softly and seeped into Rays body.

While Hael sighed in relief, Hesia shook her head.

It wont work. My magic cant heal him.

Hael frowned at this unexpected news.

What do you mean? f(r)eeweb(n)ovel

Im sorry, but with my training, I cant heal wounds caused by an Aura Blade with just 1st Circle magic

She didnt finish her sentence, but the implication was clear.

They needed a higher Circle of healing magic.

Silently looking down at him, she shook her head.

There were 5th Circle magicians here, but no higher-ranking great magicians.

They all considered magic as a relic of a bygone era of failed magic, so they never felt the need to learn more.

With a heavy heart, Hael clenched her fist and slowly closed her eyes.

Im sorry. I will never forget you. This is the only thing I can do for you.

It might not be much, but, sadly, it was all she could offer.

She exhaled quietly, swallowing her rising emotions, and opened her eyes.

Like observing the last moments of a child, she looked at him with sad eyes.

And so, his body, gradually growing colder, finally ceased all activity.

Iriel, who had been waiting in the doghouse(?) Ray had built, was quite startled when she saw a woman rushing out of the wooden house.

What, whats happening?

I dont really know either.

The situation was unclear from a distance, but the concerning part was what the woman was holding in her hands.

Drenched in blood, Ray hung limply like a corpse.

Seeing this, dark energy began to seep out of the entire body of Heukyeong (Black Shadow).

Its The Saint.

Theres no way Ray could be hurt

Iriel, trying to guess the situation, vehemently shook her head and stood up.

They couldnt just leave things as they were.

Even if she was a Saint, healing was impossible after several minutes of breathlessness.

We must catch up! If we leave it like this, The Saint will die completely!


Following Iriels words, Heukyeong disappeared into the darkness.

He followed the woman who had run off somewhere.

As her mind raced, the divine power she had been suppressing burst forth wildly.

Her figure vanished in an instant, becoming just a dot.

Occasionally drinking tea with an elder, Lady Aira suddenly stood up from her seat.

Her sculpture-like face turned cold, and her beautiful eyes settled into an icy calmness.

Noticing her sudden change, the elder tilted his head in confusion.

Lady Aira, whats the matter?

Rays aura has disappeared.

Surely, he couldnt have just vanished like this, escaping her attention.

There were two possibilities.

The first was that someone of a higher level forcibly removed that spell, and the second was

Aira frowned at the thought she didnt even want to consider.

That shouldnt be the case. Although Ray is human, he is of a different caliber.

Trying to appear calm, she took a sip of her tea.

However, her hand holding the teacup was trembling.

Seeing his attendants anxious look, the elder reassured her.

Itll be fine. Its not like you to worry about that child. Youve become much softer.

Really? I hope its just my needless worry, but I have a bad feeling this time.

Her intuition was usually accurate.

Thats why the elf elder also became anxious.

After a pause in their conversation, the elder spoke up.

If youre worried, maybe you should go and see

Aira lowered her head, her white hair cascading over her shoulders.

She wanted to rush there immediately.

But as a High Elf, she couldnt leave the village.

Like before, she couldnt just go anywhere she wanted.

Moreover, now that the village had merged and the number of elves increased, she couldnt make a hasty decision.


Aira lifted her blue eyes and looked out the window.

If just if. If its said that Ray died

There was no sign of peace in her blue eyes as before.

All she showed was deep indifference.

Within it, anger and madness began to grow.

I swear I will destroy this world once more, as I did in the past.

The source of this c𝓸ntent is fr(e)ewebnovel

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