To Hell with Being a Saint, I’m a Doctor

Chapter 246: The End Of The Pilgrimage

After about ten days, we crossed into the borders of the Holy Kingdom.

Two more days passed, and we finally arrived at Selonia.

Those who had grown weary from repeated camping marveled anew at the sight of the majestic Selonia Castle.

“How amazing. To think of building a castle atop a cliff…”

“So this is the Holy Kingdom…”

The grand fortress, perched atop the bizarre cliffs, seemed even more imposing, causing Iriel’s shoulders to broaden as well.

“Ho ho ho.”

Why he felt proud was a mystery.

After settling over two hundred people in the annex, Ray and Iriel requested an audience with the Pope.

Eclair readily agreed to meet them.

As they entered the great hall, the usual solemn decorations and the statue of Goddess Gaia were prominently on display.

Sitting in the center was Eclair, the Pope, who appeared quite radiant.

Ray gave her a slight bow.

“It’s been a while. Have you been well?”

“Ho ho ho, yes, thanks to you. I was in quite a financial pickle, but that was resolved by opening trade routes with the Lesian Empire.”

“That’s good to hear. The empire is far, but it sure does bring in money.”

“The emperor is a bit strict, which worries me a bit… But, how was your first pilgrimage?”

At her question, Iriel sighed.

“It was a series of ups and downs. We went on a pilgrimage to the Silia Kingdom and Priyas Holy Kingdom, and even embarked on an unexpected voyage.”

Eclair laughed joyfully.

“Ho ho ho ho ho. Well, it’s good that nothing serious happened.”

She then turned to Ray.

“I was going to give you news about the academy, but it’s better you hear it directly. There are many waiting for you; go see them.”

“There’s something I need to discuss.”

“Oh? That’s unexpected to hear from you.”

As she leaned back in her chair, waiting for an answer, he made a startling declaration.

“I plan to leave the Holy Kingdom once the academy is on stable footing.”


His sudden statement shocked not only Eclair but Iriel as well.

“What, what, what do you mean?”

“Are you saying you want to quit being the Saint?”

Eclair asked, to which he replied in a flat tone.


“Do you think that’s possible?”

Her tone was inquisitive, but the single phrase carried much weight.

Logically, quitting sainthood is impossible.

How could one simply decide to quit being a Saint, a position chosen by the gods and held tightly by the Holy Kingdom?

Yet, his gaze did not falter.

No, instead, it burned brighter with determination.

“I’ll make it possible.”

His firm statement left her, about to speak, silent.

As the Pope closed her mouth, only the Saintess seemed anxious.

“So suddenly…!”

“It’s something I’ve thought about for a while. I’ve mentioned it repeatedly before coming to the Holy Kingdom.”

“But still, who suddenly decides to leave like this!”

“The Holy Kingdom, once in a dire state, has never been more prosperous. Trade routes with other countries are open, businesses are thriving, and corrupt nobles have been weeded out, bringing stability. If I were to leave, now would be the most appropriate time.”

Despite his clear reasoning, Iriel’s voice still trembled.

“Not that! Why didn’t you consult me at all? I’ve always been by your side!”


As the situation worsened, Eclair stepped in to mediate.

“Calm down. Just as you have your thoughts, Ray has his own. But…”

She turned her gaze to Ray.

“This time, your method was not good. You know that, don’t you?”


“Resolve your issues together. However, do not let this become a problem for the Holy Kingdom.”

With that indirect dismissal, they both had to leave the great hall after a brief greeting.

Even after leaving the great hall, Iriel’s mood did not seem to improve.

Her lips, usually talkative, were tightly shut, showing no sign of opening, and the area around her stubborn eyes turned red.

“I’ll be going.”

She said, without even looking at him, and turned her back.

With just that one sentence, she entered the Saintess’s mansion.

She appeared to be in a very bad mood.

He sighed and made his way towards the mansion as well.

As he trudged his weary steps into the familiar mansion, Euclid and Mary greeted him.

“Welcome back. You’ve worked hard on your first pilgrimage.”

“Saint, it’s been so long!”

“I’m sorry to bring this up as soon as you’ve returned, but there’s something I need to report.”

“Let’s hear it on the way.”


Euclid bowed and led him to the bedroom.

Walking through the corridors of the large mansion, Ray noticed a few unfamiliar faces.

‘Did we need more hands?’

Sensing Ray’s thoughts, she explained.

“As the steward, it’s my duty to train successors, so I’ve brought in a few capable individuals. Please feel free to call on them if you need anything.”

“Alright. What’s the report about?”

“There are several matters… but the first concerns the task you ordered.”

“The corrupt nobles?”

“Yes. As you commanded, we collaborated with the Crimson Shadow to eliminate the corrupt nobles. However, there was significant loss incurred in the process.”

Ray looked puzzled at Euclid’s words.

“If it’s about losses, can’t we just seize the private properties of the nobles?”

“We’ve already seized the assets related to their private armies and territories… The problem is the losses exceed that.”


Certainly, if the rulers of the territories suddenly disappear and their trading operations scatter, the loss would be significant.

And it’s not as if they could immediately assign nobles to govern those territories, so Eclair must have faced difficulties.

“Therefore… I’ve privately utilized the assets of the Bellacroix family. Please, let them pay for their crimes.”

Euclid knelt and bowed her head.

Considering the welfare of the people, her actions were nothing short of heroic.

Yet, she apologized as if she had committed a grave sin, eliciting a smile from Ray.

“Using private assets to save the people is not a crime but a virtue. I can’t forgive you because praise is more fitting.”

“Th-that’s too much. I don’t know what to do.”

Taken aback by the unexpected praise, Euclid’s usually expressionless face slightly wavered.

Ray pulled out a chair and sat down, asking.

“What’s the second report?”

“…The second is about the academy. You probably already know about the previous matter. The influx of students has begun to increase…”

He nods to her as she pauses momentarily in her speech.

Although he had left it to Lich and Zik, it seems they didn’t have the leisure to pay attention to every detail.

Euclid, returning to her characteristic expressionlessness, continued.

“While it’s good that the influx of new students has increased, the medical academy currently shares a building with the magic academy. There’s a limit to the number of students we can accommodate. Therefore, I formally requested the construction of a new building from His Holiness the Pope, and it has been approved.”

“That’s good news.”

“Yes. But at this rate, the building will be filled with new students before it’s even completed. The magic academy is also not pleased with this situation.”

It means they’re facing difficult situations on both fronts.

The solution might be to not accept new students or to reduce the number, but that would be like breaking the sail of a ship that’s just set sail.

Reducing the number of new students now, when we’re just starting to gain attention, would be madness.

It would be better to expand the academy’s premises or purchase a suitable facility to conduct classes.

“I took the liberty of purchasing a nearby orphanage facility. New students will be taught there, while current students will continue at the academy.”

“Well done. How many more can we accept with this arrangement?”

“I estimate about one hundred and fifty…”

“One hundred and fifty…”

The clan brought from the western continent alone numbers over two hundred.

It’s a more difficult situation than expected.

After pondering for a moment, Ray asked.

“What about purchasing another facility?”

Euclid shook her head.

“The only thing nearby is the market. And we can’t just buy an inn…”

There’s a shortage of professors, and now places too.

To make matters worse, the number of new students continues to grow each day.

Sitting in the chair, deep in thought, he spoke up.

“…What if we utilize the mansions of fallen nobles?”

“It’s not the best solution, but… we could comfortably accommodate around six hundred.”

“Then, let’s look for fallen nobles near the academy and report back to me.”

Euclid exclaimed in surprise.

“Having commoners study in a noble’s mansion will surely provoke opposition from the nobility.”

“If it’s done under my orders, that should quell some of the unrest. Handle the matters related to the new students by cooperating with the Crimson Shadow again. The intelligence agency should have detailed information on the nobility’s mansions.”

She was about to add something but then closed her mouth.

“Understood. Then please request cooperation from the Saintess. If both of you agree, it will be easier to calm the nobles’ opposition.”


After a few more brief reports, Euclid finally left the bedroom.

Once she left, Ray was alone in the large room.

Intending to rest from the weary journey, the last expression of Iriel that came to his mind made him get up from his seat.

‘Why didn’t you consult me at all? I’ve always been by your side!’

Her voice, filled with disappointment, endlessly echoed in his ears, causing him to sigh and scratch the back of his head.

Upon visiting Iriel’s mansion after a long time, the maids hastily made way.

“I’d like to see the Saint.”

“I’m sorry, but the Saintess has conveyed she does not wish to meet with anyone.”

“She’s being difficult.”

“However, she also mentioned that if you insist on speaking with her, you should be led to her room.”

Puzzled by the contradictory instructions yet momentarily amused, one maid courteously raises her hand.

“Shall I lead you in?”

“…Please, lead the way.”

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