To Love, Once Again

Chapter 26

Sera tries to breathe in the sweet, musky scent of old paper, but falls into a coughing fit. That was a bad idea.

Dust covered every available surface, coating the spines of the neatly shelved books, the richly colored leather bound covers difficult to recognize under the thick layer. The floor, also covered in a thick layer of grime, is speckled with small footprints that stretch behind Sera, imprints she'd made when she came into the room. Sera takes the handkerchief from her pocket, offered to her by Fawn when they'd passed each other in the hall, and presses it over her nose and mouth.

Now it made sense why Fawn lent her handkerchief to her then, when Sera told Fawn she was headed to the library. Sera was sent here by Lucien, to get a census he needed for his work. After breakfast, Lucien barely moved from his desk, poring over the many documents and stacks of paper that he would scritch at and sign. They were rarely disturbed. From the sheer boredom of waiting there, Sera jumped at the chance to go out when Lucien called for a manservant to fetch the census.

She'd been excited to see the glorious library again, with its floating orbs of light and exotic books. The state of the library completely destroyed her excitement. Everywhere else in the huge castle it was clean as a whistle. Sera knew this personally, seeing the organized troops of servants as she did her rounds in the window cleaning group. Only this library was left alone. Left alone, but not completely abandoned. The faded footprints of different sizes dotting the floor, and handprints on the books show traffic. Else, there wouldn't be any reason for Lucien to send her here for material.

The library wouldn't be like this if the guardian were here. As beacons of knowledge, libraries were highly prized possessions. Before a new library could be established, there were several requirements. Of the requirements, the most important would be approval from the High Council. It was made up of only the wisest scholars, and the most revered magicians, recognized by the King as an entity unto itself, apart from the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Thornmere. These were like the public libraries on Earth. They were highly exclusive libraries, frequented by scholars, nobles, and magicians. Knowledge was very precious to a magician. To protect it, one guardian, a magician, would always be appointed to a library. Sera knew the guardian of the Thornmere Royal Library. That would be the Elder, the highest ranking magician. No one knew the Elder's age or gender, only that they'd been the longest ruling magician in the history of Thornmere. There was no other magician with as much expertise and knowledge as them.

For the state of the library to be so bad like this, something must've happened to the Elder, as well as the other magicians. No magician would accept any library being neglected like this.

Tying the handkerchief around her head to secure it over her face, she finds the census from 100 years ago and turns to leave. Any more time spent in this place and she might develop a dust allergy.

The Elder was the one who'd sent her home. Sera liked to think they were a man because of their tall stature and hoarse voice. When she became Queen, she'd spent many afternoons talking to him over games of chess, her sharing to him about her world, and the Elder telling her about magic. He was a true scholar, knowledgeable and answering the many questions Sera had about this strange world. He even knew about the history of Thornmere before it became a Kingdom, speaking of such events like he'd actually been there, drawing Sera in with tales of battles and schemes.

Sera realizes this would be a perfect chance to see the note that's been poking at her all day. This was the only time she'd been apart from Lucien today. She could feel his eyes that would always glance over at her, then slide away, while he sat at his desk.

Now was her chance. There was no one else here. The door opens forcefully right when her fingers touch the knob, and Sera steps back, her quick response saving her from a bloody nose. She's still behind the door, and Sera debates stepping out when she hears a woman's voice.

The voice shrilly pleads. "Please! Let me go!"

A man's low laughter.

"You know you want it. You might become the next Queen if you help me"

It's Dorne, and a young serving maid. Her cheeks are still round with innocence, like a fresh flower that's barely just bloomed. She looks like she's 15.... still a child! Sera thought. Her mind can't comprehend what's happening in front of her. Time slows down, like watching a train wreck, and her feet are rooted to the floor.

"I came only to bring you your tea!" The girl cries out pleadingly. Her thin arms do their best to break out of Dorne's hold. She bucks and tries to bite at him, to no avail.

This is wrong. She needs to help her. Sera wills her feet to move.

Dorne's pushing the small girl against the grimy table, trying to undo the back of her rough dress.

Her blood runs ice cold through her veins. She needs to move before its too late.

M..ove. MOVE!!!!

Finally, her legs can move.

The girl cries out when he gives up on the many buttons and starts trying to rip open her bodice.

"STOP!!!!" Sera bellows as she jumps on Dorne's back. Her hands dig into Dorne's face, trying to find his eyes so she can blind him. She's only able to leave a long scratch under one eye wither her nails. Thankfully, he lets go of the girl below him.

But now his full attention is on her. He reaches back, throwing Sera down with a loud bang onto the stone floor. Sera tries to get up. She winces, her chest throbbing with pain. For a somber moment, 'Lois'll be mad' she thinks. Her rib probably broke again.

"You whore!" He spits, eyes red with rage.

Sera looks beyond him, at the younger girl who sits up on the table in shock, dust and tears running down her face in grey streaks.

"Go!" Sera yells at her. The girl's eyes flicker, and she runs to the door, holding her torn shirt to cover herself. The door doesn't open. The hard wood doesn't budge when the girl throws herself against it. Her pounding sounds dull, muffled. No one will hear them. Dorne's locked the door somehow. They were both trapped.

"If I'm a whore, so what? Better to be a whore than a parasite like you!" Sera taunts Dorne, pushing her body back with her elbows, away from him as she does so.

The other girl's dropped back down on the floor in front of the door, crying. Sera is filled with the need to protect her. No matter what.

She can almost see the hairs on Dorne's body stand on end, angrier, with a mean look in his eye.

He looms over her, reaching to grab her by the hair.

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