To Love, Once Again

Chapter 31

Soft snores fill the room, Lois lying like a plank on top of a cot that she'd pulled out from below the one Sera laid on.

Her son laid wrapped up by her in her embrace, spooning each other. He still slept like he used to sleep as a newly born infant she watched over. Small hands curled in the fists, body in fetal position. Once in a while as he slept, he would turn back and facing her, rub his face into her chest, and smile. He would be happy. This was the first time he'd slept in his mother's embrace, or in the embrace of anyone for that matter. One maid stayed with him until he fell asleep in the cottage, but a few times he would wake to a dark and empty bedroom. Alone. His Mama smelled so nice and so soft. She was beautiful and kind, just like Bea said.

Sera couldn't sleep. Her eyes would blink up at the dark ceiling, faintly lit by one lamp Lois kept burning be her side. The muted red glow reminds her of Lucien.

Carefully sliding out of bed as to not disturb her son's sleep, she borrows the lamp and slips out the door. Lois would know with the lamp gone that she'd gone to the bathroom.

The moonlight is her only companion, beams that fall in through the high windows in the West wing. No torches are lit here, so only the silver light guides her way, down the hallway as she takes a walk, down further more to the deserted bathroom. The West Wing is mainly used for banquets and balls, hence the many storage and meeting rooms. It also holds the enormous ballroom, gold-wreathed glass doors reflecting Sera's lonely figure and her lamp back at her. The doors call at her, drawing her into the room which lays empty. However, its splendor isn't in the furnishings. The room needs no furnishings when its very walls and enormity display grandeur. The great crystal chandelier winks at her from the ceiling, spanning the size of 4 horses lined up next to each other. Thick red curtains line large windows, held up with glittering gold rope. The wide ceiling looked alive, painted with fantastical creatures and magical beings, centaurs galloping across while water nymphs play with small silver fish.

Sera's steps echo as she moves forward to the center of the wide room. Setting her lamp down on the ground, and taking in the wondrous vision all about her, she begins to sway her body to an invisible melody. Just one dance, where she can forget about the troubles weighing on her. Humming a waltz in a low voice, she beautifully curtseys to her imaginary partner. She holds up one side of her skirt, like Lucien taught her a long, long time ago.....and dances, slowly circling around the room. Her eyes are closed, humming the deep tones of the enchanting melody. She can imagine the ballroom filled with the press of people, other couples circling around her and her invisible partner.

On her second journey around the room, a large arm fits itself around her slim waist and her outstretched hand is clasped by warm fingers.

Without opening her eyes, she knows it's him.

Wordlessly, they dance, bodies moving in sync to the rhythm that Sera hums out.

They dance as one, her softness against his hardness.

Lucien stoops low, Sera's heart skipping a nervous beat, and he whispers, "Are you sure you should be dancing right now?"

Her eyes still closed, she smiles dreamily.

"Shhhh-. This is just a dream. A wonderful dream"

She didn't want to open her eyes just yet. Just a little bit more.

He pulls her by the waist, closer to him. She breaks off from humming, sucking in a breath when he sends feather-light touches of his lips down Sera's neck. His large hands confidently stroke down the sides of her body.

Sera groans ""

"Keep dancing....."

His gentle fingers stroke down her chest, across the flesh that pebbles under his touch. Sera can feel the deepest parts of her clench, remembering what it was like when he was inside her.


Her feet can't move in the steps anymore. She's caught in the web that Lucien weaves around her. They both sink down onto the smooth ballroom floor.


Sera feels herself burst into sparks of fireworks countless times on the floor. Her skirts are pushed up around her, legs spread wide to accommodate Lucien's large torso. He's already made quick work of the buttons on the back of her dress, her dress loosening around her to reveal a pale white body. Sera's face and body faintly blushes red like an unfurled flower, fully blooming under the care of her sun, Lucien.

He plays with her like a cat toys with its mouse. She reaches the peak, over and over, begging him for something with gibberish words she didn't know. Even so, he continues, his fingers knowing exactly where to stroke and tease her. The biggest wave of pleasure waits on the horizon.

It wasn't fair. Lucien knew all her weak points. The memories of the many nights spent together hadn't faded over the course of 5 years. He hit each spot that made shivers run up her spine, head blank to the waves of sensuality that washed over her. He groans, tilting her chin up to meet his lips. Their tongues slick together in an echo of their dance around the ballroom.

Receiving the pleasure he gives her now feels almost painful in its intensity. She needs to reach the highest peak that's so close.

Her breathing erratic, she asks


"Hmm? .....Do you want more?"

His shapely lips quirk up, thick red hair falling like a halo over her as he leans down. He gives her small love bites under her ear, and nips at the skin under her jaw.

"....Don't you want me?"

Sera's waist jerks as his fingers go back to her most sensitive parts. He plays her like a guitar, and he a master musician, playing only small tidbits of music that burst with flavor, instead of the great crescendo that the crowds clamor for. It feels like he's purposely holding her back, her body sparking as it longs for the one big explosion that can cause her to burst into ashes.

"If you say it, I can help you" He licks at the sweet tears that drip from the corners of her eyes.


His body's so hot, showing her how much he's affected too.

"All you have to say is yes.."

Lucien presses himself against her. They're both out of breath, engrossed in each other.

Sera couldn't. She promised herself. She was a mother.....

Lucien places open-mouthed kisses down the length of her body, going down her thin calves and kissing her small toes. She pulls him back up to press her lips to his in a kiss, wrapping her legs around his waist.

Sighs of a man and woman fill the room.


Sera kisses Lucien's chin sweetly.

" what you want" she whispers.

Like a beast released from its cage, he latches onto her lips in a deep kiss. His tongue delves deeper and deeper, and she moans, responding to his urgent desire.

Lucien massages both breasts, the tips hard and puckered under his care.

Sera shivers, her body already wet and ready for him. Her body could never forget what it felt like to be with him. Her hand rove over his pecs down his hard abdomen, back up teasing his nipples. She wanted to make him feel what she was feeling, the waves of delight that echoed across her brain.

In front of her was a beast that could only think of devouring its opponent. It was only in the dim darkness of the ballroom that his predator eyes grew brighter and more beautiful.
It was horrible, yet she wanted to be eaten. Surely Sera had become a beast too.

He thrusts deep inside of her with one stroke. Lucien can't stop. He was lost in her body, pounding savagely as he drives in deep.

Sera could feel herself adjusting to his length with each thrust. Her heart full of love for this man, who'd claimed her, body and soul. Her body, his from a long time ago, was welcoming him home.

He withdraws.




Over and over again. Sera clenches, her back arching as she clenched him closer. They both breathe heavily, Lucian's teeth leaving red marks on Sera's neck. He'd bit her as he had his way with her, clear marks imprinted neatly in her skin.

She marks him in return, her nails scratching his back as the multiple waves of orgasms hit.

Lucien gasps. His hips rotate and move faster and faster, and he repeats her name like a prayer.

Sera can feel the muscles of his back under her splayed hands flexing each time he enters her. She can't see anymore, her eyes unable to focus. She can only feel the sensations that he gives her, the rhythmic pounding as he enters her.

The sound of skin meeting against each other, the sound of each other's rough breathing and even the drunken voice of pleasure leaking out, all acted like a stimulant for the two.

He emits another growl that rumbles against her breasts.

Sera kept her eyes on him as her arms tightened around his neck. She feels herself shattering into a million stars as he releases inside of her.

"Again" he whispers.

He pushes up her knees to her chest, legs folded in an M-shape. This make him enter her at a different angle from before. As he begins to move, Sera can't hold back her moans anymore.


It feels like electric sparks burst behind her eyelids with every move he makes.

Lucien is caught up in madly making love to her body. To have this small piece of her is still not enough. He doesn't want just her body. He wants to fill her, body and soul, so that all she can think of are thoughts of him. He wants all of her. Her beautiful mind, her loving kindness, her little bursts of anger. Her stories about her home world, and the different life she lived there.

Lucien wanted more and more. Their lovemaking was only a drop in the bucket, still not enough to fill the gaping hole he had.

She doesn't know if she's asking him to stop or continue.

Sera can only moan, begging him for something she doesn't know.

The many mirrors around the room seem to wink in time with the flickering lamp, reflecting the two bodies in the dark ballroom, entwined in a dance older than time itself.


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