To Love, Once Again

Chapter 64

Torches pop and splutter, hissing as raindrops meet the many burning flames held by the knights and members of the capital's Neighborhood Watch, awaiting their King's entry through the East Gate.

The younger, untried youths of the Neighborhood Watch heads were leaned towards the Gate like flowers to the sun, anxious to see the King.

Slow, plodding steps of a horse, out of the dark mist, with rain falling all around, shadows casted with silver highlights by the moonlight, he comes. A darkly red haired man, bare chested with smears of blood here and there cradles a woman dressed in white in his arms.

Though he wore no crown, one look was enough to create recognition in the men's heart that this was The King. Who else would carry that deathly aura, with the appearance of a tightly wound killing machine

The woman he carried looked unearthly in the white bloodstained tunic she wore, like a tribute stolen from the gods with blood and steel.

The knights stretched their backs out straight, at attention, while the other men of the watch followed their example and salute Lucien as he rides the brown horse, stopping in front of the ranks of men.

The knight with the highest ranking in the group pounds his chest and approached Lucien on his horse. "My King-"

A sharp glance from Lucien makes the knight pause. Scratching at the scar on his cheek in confusion, the knight opens his mouth to speak again.

"Speak lower. I don't want you disturbing my Queen's sleep."

Lucien's low voice makes the man break out into a cold sweat. The last thing he wanted to do was to offend his King.

Hiding his gulp, for he was a trained knight, (he couldn't show any fear, even to his own King) the knight continues in a lowered voice, almost whispering the words out.

"M-My King, we've delivered the attackers to your castle and alerted Sir Icaros."


Another knight steps forward with a heavy red cloak lined with black fur, settling it across Lucien's bare shoulders. It added to the wild masculinity that Lucien had, unintentionally making all the men in their King's presence feel nervous.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Lucien shrugs it off and wraps Sera like a burrito so every inch of her except her face was covered, swaddled like a baby. With her exhaustion, Sera doesn't stir when Lucien adjusts the cloak around her, cuddling deeper and smiling in sweet sleep, surrounded by his fragrant, soothing woody aroma.

No one dared to look to closely at the sleeping woman lying so sweetly in their master's embrace. Looking at her would mean a slow and painful death, their instincts were telling them. Not one of them wanted to die. So they treated her like

With a low voice, "And your steed, sire."

The large black warhorse was hard to miss, blowing out of flared nostrils and pawing at the ground. The horse was probably miffed that he'd missed out on all the action. He was the mighty King's steed. For another horse to get all the glory while he was off grazing in the woods was upsetting.

"Thank you for allowing me to borrow your horse"

Lucien grips the surprised man's forearm, in a gesture of thanks.

"U- Bu-" The bewildered man mumbles, star-struck that his King, the infamous Red King would grip his arm in a friendly manner like they were old war buddies.

Lucien nods, and lets go, turning back to the

"She ran swiftly." Patting the chestnut horse's sides that were frothed with sweat from the previous frenzied search for Sera, Lucien strides to the warhorse, Aslan, bare chested with only a pair of light brown trousers and muddied black boots.

Only using one corded arm to hold Sera close to him, Lucien mounts Aslan. "Send word to Icaros to prepare the Throne Room. The night is still young."


A high-pitched, keening whistle pierces the air, the sound released from Lucien's pursed lips, tongue against his teeth. The sound doesn't disturb Sera, since he was covering her ears with his roughened, broad hands.

The menfolk of the capital look giddy with excitement when they realize what's happening. It wasn't everyday they got to see the ferocious Aslan, the black warhorse that trampled anyone and anything beneath heavy iron hooves, and..

No, they were not going to squeal like giddy schoolgirls no matter how badly they wanted to.

But that whistle....

That meant that Myst was coming! The giant hawk that would fly above the battlefields as it's master fought, piercing sharp calls that struck fear into the enemy camp. It's cries were the signal that death was coming. The Red King was nigh.

A series of long, slow, wingbeats, and the hawk, larger than a small child, dives down to land on Lucien's outstretched arm.

It cocks its head, large yellow eye focused on the King.

"Go find Gaer" Lucien murmurs to Myst, and waves his arm. The magnificent hawk takes flight, disappearing into the rain, black shadow against even darker night.

The Red King, his terrifying giant steed, and the ever-watching hawk. The 3 legends of the Great War gathered together before them. Many men marveled; this night was a night they would never forget. When they grew old, they knew, that they would tell this story to their grandchildren, and if they were lucky, their great-grandchildren.

They were probably one of the extreme few that were not a Thornmere Knight to see these 3 beings together and live.

Aslan trots forward at the head of the ranks of knights, Lucien riding him.

Lightly pulling on the reins to have his horse under him turn back towards the slack-jawed men, Lucien pounds across his chest in the soldier's salute.

His low, resolute voice echoes across the square in front of the East Gate where they were all gathered. "I thank you, members of the Neighborhood Watch for your service tonight. I ask you that no matter what you hear this night, you stay in your homes. Tell the same to the others you trust.

The simple men pound the area over their heart in response, full of pride and anticipation for what was to come. Change was in the air tonight, they all felt it. The moon hid behind heavy dark clouds as the rain grew heavier, causing some torches to fizzle out as the men of the Neighborhood Watch observed their King's departure.

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