Tokyo Ghoul: Fanfiction

Chapter 1

*Ouch My head hurts*, I grabbed my head with both of my hands and winced in pain.


I heard a voice shouting and opened my eyes to look who’s shouting.


“Kaneki, Kaneki! , Are you alright?. What’s with you all of a sudden grabbing your head and shouting?”




Why does this person in front of me look like an anime character?


 Hai? Where am I?


I looked at my surroundings hurriedly, it looked like a cafe with a few people and strangely it also looked like it was a part of the anime world but what’s even stranger is that my surroundings feel familiar....


“Kaneki!! Can’t you hear my voice bish? I’ve been calling your name for a while now, show me some face at least, we are in public.”


I focused my face on the man sitting in front of me..Orange hair...Headphone around his neck, a cheeky smile on which a subtle trace of worry can be seen.


 He looks familiar. WAIT!


I asked,


“What did you call me just now?”


“I called you a bish, you bish. Making me worry for nothing.”


I suppressed my urge to whack this guy on the head and said,


“No, before that, you called me by some name.”


“Kaneki, your name duh, don’t tell me that sudden pain made you forget your identity? I told you to sleep more often instead of reading those boring books every time.”


‘Kaneki’,  Isn’t that the name of the protagonist of some anime which I had watched 4-5 yrs ago. I can’t recall properly,


 what was its name? Hmmmmm, 


Oh yeah!  


Tokyo Ghoul !!

Suddenly a bunch of memories that I had forgotten flashes before me.


I hurriedly clutched my head again cause of all the information that was being dumped into my brain. I didn’t notice that due to the actions I made my coffee cup on the table fall down and break.


“Kaneki!, You really look like you need some rest right now, lets go home.”


Hide(Hee-de), worriedly came beside me and gave me a glass of water. I gestured to him that it was nothing and drank the water.


I just then noticed that someone was cleaning the floor beside me while I was drinking the water and realized that I broke the cup accidentally. 


I hurriedly stood up from my seat and apologised to the person who was cleaning the floor When I noticed the beautiful short purple hair I knew that this was Touka Kirishima and couldn’t help but be amazed by how beautiful and elegant she looked.


“It’s alright sir, please be more careful next time you might injure your hand.”


Touka smiled at me and replied,


I embarrassingly sat back down on my seat and so did Hide. 


The person sitting in front of me is Hideyoshi Nagachika the best and the only friend of Kaneki Ken the protagonist of Tokyo Ghoul and I’m apparently in Kaneki ken’s body and now am a member of the Tokyo Ghoul universe.


The last thing I remember from my previous life is me getting knocked down a flight of stairs in my attempt to escape a burning building that used to be my office. 


So my soul most likely got transported in this world. There could be many other reasons but I would like to keep it simple for me and not think about the rest. One thing is sure that I’m dead in my previous world.



“Several unidentified male bodies were discovered early this morning in the Aqua Building a commercial building located in Tokyo’s 20th Ward…...”


This news, so today is the when Kaneki would get approached by Rize and they would decide to go on a date on Sunday. 


I must stop this from happening first, I’d rather get bitten by Touka Chan than a pervert like Rize.

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