Tomboy Island

Day 2 – Part 2 – Displaying Heroic Qualities

“Do you know what direction we’re heading?” Tess asked.

“As long as the sun rises in the east,” Alex assured. It was, admittedly, hard to make out the direction of the sun rays half the time, with the canopy up above and everything around being forest. “We just have to keep it slow and orient ourselves repeatedly.”

Slow was the name of the game. The ground under their feet consisted almost entirely of roots and the occasional small plant that managed to claim what the trees hadn’t already. It was an up and down, a left to right, and throughout all of that, Alex had to keep looking for what signs of the sun he got.

Fortunately, his internal sense of time was good. Just one of the things a pilot needed.

After nearly two hours of working their way through the jungle, they emerged on a patch of wildberries of some kind, growing around a rushing river. The water had cut a three metre drop into the soil - a drop that someone was crossing at the moment, using only a broad stick they had found. She had her back to them, showing them a cascade of black, wavy hair, long enough to partly cover her shapely ass.

Alex waited until she had crossed the gap before shouting. “Hey!”

The woman twirled around, laid eyes on them, and immediately went back over the narrow stick. She balanced over it and all other obstacles on the way with feline grace, before dropping down in front of them.

She was shorter than Charlotte, had smaller breasts, and a much softer tan. For all of that, the Asian woman before him was no less beautiful. As with all the athletes on that plane, she was slender, fit, and young.

“What a pleasant surprise… Alexander, was it?” she asked.

“Alex, we are hardly in a situation that requires formality.”

A little smile played around her lips at the mention of that. “A silver-lining, if nothing else.” She looked past him and waved. Charlotte waved back, Tess just raised her hand in a short greeting. “Yahui, if you need the reminder,” she said to Alex.

“I did not,” he assured her. He conveniently decided to skip out on the fact that one of the reasons he remembered her name was a strongly worded email by some Chinese officials to not engage with her under any circumstances. “...Weird first question, but how did you lose your clothes?”

“By the time I came ashore, they were already unusable scraps… same story?” The others nodded. “Peculiar.”

“Very peculiar…” Alex wanted to tell her about the other strange happenings too, but first he needed to get to those berries. There was freshwater and breakfast here.

As the three of them ate, Yahui got them up to speed on what she had done. It wasn’t much to tell. She had washed ashore somewhere along the coast, she did not know where exactly, and moved into the forest to get out of the sun. As luck would have it, she came across this river and the berries by nightfall. She had been about to set out in search of someone when the three of them arrived.

“And what did you get up to?” she asked.


“A fair bit,” he answered, then gave a quick summary of it - although he did skip what had happened during the night and in the morning. He did not want to come across as if he was bragging or as if they had gone crazy. He just said that the place they slept in had turned out to be less safe than they thought.

“More berries,” Yahui summarized. “At least there seem to be plenty of edible resources on this island.” She smacked her thighs, creating a distracting ripple, and got up. “Well, I am sticking by you then. At least until we put a camp together.”

Alex nodded. They would have to do that eventually. Under the hopeful assumption that they all had survived and found each other, they would eventually become large enough a group to get a meaningful camp running. The where was a question for then.

“I want to look around here a little bit,” Alex said and gestured at the river. “There’s freshwater here, the most important thing we could ask for.” He pointed at the trench the river had cut. “We can use it for orientation as we go inland, at least until we find the source.” Then he pointed the other way. “Plus, it should empty out into the sea somewhere. Let’s try to find that point. It would make for a good campsite.”

That made sense to everyone involved. Alex took point again and they did their best to follow the water. It was difficult at first, the trench it had made meandering in ways that were difficult to follow thanks to the rest of the unclaimed topography. Gradually, the depth of the trench diminished and so did the strength of the waterflow. The river became a rivulet, flowing over stones rounded by time.

They emerged from the jungle straight onto a perfect camping spot. Two last trees stood together, their broad leaves casting a shade that would last all day. The ground between them was even, the soil firm and, surprisingly, covered in grass. The river was a few metres removed. Only half a metre was now between them and its pitter-patter, but that was enough to assure this ground would remain dry.

Past the camping spot was a slice of beach. The slope into the ocean was long and gentle. Anything except for a torrential flood would not reach this spot and if there was one, they’d likely have bigger issues.

The best part was that this spot was easy to find. It was right where the beach met the jungle. There was more shore after a gap of jungle, Alex could see that much across the tiny bay, but for this western part of the island it was optimal. There were berry bushes upstream and to the west as well, so food could be easily gathered.

Alex made sure to mark this spot on his mental map.


“Alright, fearless leader, where to next?” Charlotte asked.

“East,” Alex stated with confidence. There was more coast past just a bit of forest. Maybe the rest were somewhere over there?

“East it is!” the French tomboy stated and grabbed his arm.

“Are they…?” Yahui asked behind them.

“They’re something,” Tess stated.

Alex let them talk. He had omitted the sexual details, but if Charlotte wanted to be more open about it, that was fine with him. The blowjob in the morning had been one of the least odd things to happen so far, all things considered.

They advanced with growing confidence. This part of the jungle wasn’t as dense and they always had the ocean sparkling between the trees as a point of reference. When Charlotte wasn’t tightly attached to his arm, she even dared to race a bit ahead.

“Honestly, this island is pretty great,” Charlotte shouted, balancing on a fallen, moss-covered tree. “If it weren’t for the circumstances, I’d think I got a fantastic vacation!”

“Honestly, this is my idea of a vacation,” Alex shouted back. “Once we get out of here, I can invite you to one of my survival trips! We can bring Selana too!”

“I didn’t realize you were close to the adrenaline junkie!”

“We’re drinking buddies!”

“Not fuck buddies?”

“She doesn’t have those!”

Alex had stopped at the foot of the fallen tree, as he and Charlotte had their little shout-banter. With a smile on his face, he turned left, back to his group. The smile immediately dropped.

“Where is Tess?”

The sole Yahui whirled around, the shock plane on her face. She started to take a step in the general direction they had come from, but Alex gripped her by the shoulder. “She was just behind me!” the Chinese athlete assured. “Two minutes, tops.”

That wasn’t good, but it also wasn’t terrible. “Wait - here,” he stated with absolute certainty. His deep tone got through and she nodded with militaristic certainty. “Keep an eye on each other!”

With that, he carefully advanced back into the bit of forest they had just left. A wall of ferns was his first obstacle.

Much respect as Alex had for nature, that was only when it was not threatening someone he cared about. Grabbed the ferns by the bushel, he ripped them out with precision and all the fury that had driven men to tame the wilds in the first time. Nothing would come between him and his… his… whatever Tess was to him right now!

The brutal strategy worked. Within moments, he had uncovered a piece of soil that was slick and had the markings of someone that had slipped recently. Immediately, he ripped and tore his way through more bushels, swiftly uncovering Tess in her predicament.

The goth had fallen into some kind of puddle of a viscous, clear substance mixed with sand. Whatever it was, it wasn’t immediately harmful, as the very much still alive goth proved, but she was slowly sinking. Luck had it that her nose was still above the surface, but half her mouth was not. She could not shout without taking in a mouthful of sand and this oily substance.

Alex’ eyes darted around the pool. Ferns hid just how far it extended, but Tess was near the edge of it. Were the ferns the origin of the oil or was this just the soil they were adapted to? Questions for later.

Jumping fearlessly over the deathtrap, Alex landed on a bit of dry ground near a young tree. He gripped the trunk with one hand, and reached out to Tess with the other. Their fingers locked. “DO NOT LET GO!” he roared, then pulled.

The grip of the soil was worse than any curl machine Alex had ever worked on. Pulling a boot the weight of a whole person out of a mud pit was hard, incredibly hard. His muscles were as much wired steel as his will at that moment. His arm burned, the tree creaked, but he kept on.

Oily sand squelched. Tess moved up. “Keep going!” she encouraged him, her mouth free. The words were all he needed. Two monumental efforts first freed the rest of her torso, then he wrapped his arm around her waist and he tore her free entirely.

Putting her across his arms like a princess, he sprinted away from the pit. It was sheer savage instinct to get away from the sight of danger and reconnect with the rest of the group. Yahui and Charlotte breathed easier when they surfaced again from the ferns.

Breathing heavily, Alex looked down at Tess. Oil stuck to every part of her, save the upper half of her face and the hand that he had first grasped. It formed a slick, translucent layer, as if she had just started an expensive massage. Her grey-silver eyes beheld him with deep veneration.

“My hero,” she said. The words were entirely unironic. “That’s the second time you saved me.”

Alex was entranced by her eyes, by those lips, and by the swing of her cheekbones. Halfway bowed down, he whispered, “I will, again and again, if I must. Never will I tire. Never will I doubt.”

Tess hands were on his cheeks a split second before her ruby lips mashed on his. The passion of the entanglement was only reigned in by the need for him to stay balanced as her oily body moved atop his arms.

‘I haven’t kissed her before,’ it occurred to him. What he had been during the night hadn’t cared for her upper lips. What a waste. Then again, because he had not then, he got to now, with a clear mind.

The goth was pressing herself against him like a woman possessed. Huge tits squished against his chest. His fingers dug into her slippery thigh. That they had onlookers barely even registered. Only the whirling of tongues really mattered. Tess was not an experienced kisser, but with her fire that hardly mattered.

They separated, only to immediately engage again. The little bit of reason that had slipped into their minds was extinguished by need by just a few centimetres of distance. Right back to making out they went, only stopping so Alex could put her down.

Tess’ hands roamed over his back now. He held her by the back of the head, taking full control over the kiss. Surrendering eagerly, she let him explore her sweet mouth as he pleased. He squeezed one of her fat tits with his left, pinched her nipple, twisted softly, and felt her moan vibrate through her tongue.

He was on top of her now. Every heartbeat made his cock twitch. His balls felt heavy, full, as if he had cum neither last night, nor this morning.

Before he could thrust into her, just enough reason returned to realize the two pairs of feet in the corner of his vision. He looked, then Tess looked as well. Charlotte watched the scene enraptured, her cunt clearly dripping. Yahui was less turned on, but doubtlessly still excited by the display.

They were both saying nothing. He could still seize the moment. Explanations could be given later. Maybe they would even join. It was more than maybe in Charlotte’s case.

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