Tomboy Island

Day 6 – Uncertain Progression – Part 4


Alex and group headed back out afterwards. Sara had plenty more to get used to without his presence causing her heat and Alex still had a few more women to find. Plus, one never knew if there were any resources that could be uncovered in the hidden corners of the island.

As per usual, Alex stayed at the head of the group. As per usual, this was because being behind any of his women would have made walking difficult. This was true for every member of his growing harem, from the most petite to the most endowed. Since three premiere members of the latter category were around today, the arousal was especially easy to come by though. Just a glance over his shoulder had the man of the island presented with bouncing tits and jiggling thighs.

A glance turned into a stare. The trio had fallen behind enough that Alex had an excuse to stop and just marvel at the shifting of the muscles under the taut skin of the olympic athletes.

Valeria’s breasts were jiggling the least. This wasn’t just because they were the smallest of the three (by a margin that belied how nicely equipped she herself was). Valeria’s chest was blessed with a firmness to its shape that bordered on making them look fake. From first-hand experience, Alex could say they were not.

Tess’ huge breasts swayed in all their pale glory as she approached. Her skin had a slight silvery note to it, a colour shared with the halo hovering above her silky black hair. One bow forward pulled Alex’s attention right back down to her tits, dangling while she pulled herself up the little mound of roots that Rykard stood on top of.

Selana’s enormous tits practically defied comprehension. The satisfying brown of milk chocolate, her tits jiggled with every slight motion. Whether it was a step, a jump, or just her breathing, the udders hung soft and round from the top of the nubile woman’s torso, surrounded by all the soft lines of defined muscles.

Alex realized that he was really getting into his new role as Master when he had his hands on Selana’s tits before he could even think about whether he had to ask her. He just did it. Her only reaction was to shoot him a pleased, slightly smug smile. “Are we taking a break?” she asked, the sultry tone dominating her usually so direct voice.

About to answer in the affirmative, Alex stopped when he caught something behind the women. Gently he nudged Selana aside, to get a clear view.

It had been easy to miss while walking, but now that he was standing at an elevated position spotting it was just as easy. Covered by vegetation and winding plant roots, a smooth stone was integrated into the jungle floor. Alex jumped down to get a closer look.

There were marks on the stone. Barely visible, but marks all the same. Alex could feel the bumps and curves of an unknown script under his fingers. Here and there, bits of pigment hinted at long faded paint. From one side to the other, the stone was only about as wide as a basketball. Depending on how thick it was, it could maybe be removed.

“Look at this!” he told the trio, who were already in the process of climbing back down to take a gander at what they had walked over not a minute earlier.

“Huh… is that the first sign of civilization we have come across so far?” Tess asked.

“Unless you count the sphere that turned into the unassuming rock, yes,” Alex answered and tore at some vines that covered the surface of the rock. “It’s clearly ancient though…”

Valeria dropped down to help Alex with freeing the stone of the overgrowth. Under vines and grasses, the general shape of the carvings became visible. “That looks familiar,” the cat-eared climber said. Her finger traced the shape of a gateway among the carvings. It was the most prominent shape in the surface of the stone, carved with great attention to detail, appearing equal parts natural and gothic. “Do you remember the alcove where you found me?”

Nodding, Alex recalled the depression inside that cave wall. At the time, he had just thought it was a peculiar natural formation. Things had changed drastically since then. “Maybe we should check that out again… if we can find it,” Alex considered.

“Do we want to dig that out and bring it back to camp?” Selana asked.

A good question with no good answer. Moving it back through the forest would be a pain, even if it turned out to be relatively thin. It would take them at least two hours to get it back, in the optimal scenario that they could lift it. The associated question was if it was worth it. For all they knew, this was just a decorative stone left out in the open. It may not have any significance whatsoever. Then again, a flat stone in the camp could have its use just for being a big, flat stone.


“We will take it back to camp,” Alex decided on intuition. It was the only tool he could use for a decision in a situation like this.

The next twenty minutes were spent unearthing the stone fully. Thankfully, the stone was not only fairly flat but also smooth at the bottom. No roots or other formations were keeping it stuck in place once the upper layers of overgrowth and dirt were removed. As for its weight, Alex could take the brunt of it. The other three girls then took shifts helping him when the environment put barriers in their place.

Something that happened frequently, to no surprise. The jungle was still the jungle and they were hauling about twenty kilos of solid rock. Still, they made good progress. Selana was instrumental in that, amping them up with her adrenaline junkie attitude. Lifting heavy things over long distances was easier when the mountain biker was on hand.  Also she scouted out the best paths for them to take.

After no more than three hours, they were back at camp. It was almost empty at this hour. Most of the women were out foraging for more fruit or doing other productive things. Directly in the camp were only Sara and Ashley, tending to the fire. Evelyn was out at the nearby beach with Sofia. The fencer skewered a fish with her magical rapier. ‘We’ll be eating good today,’ Alex thought.

The duo returned from their fishing effort to check on what the expeditionary party was bringing back. “Fancy rock,” Evelyn commented and inspected the markings on it. “Very interesting… and it’ll make our camp a little prettier.”

“It simply looked important,” Alex reported the entirety of the reason for his decision.

“It’s better in our possession than out there in the jungle,” Evelyn agreed.

“A-are you taking a break, Master?” Ashley asked, almost hopefully. The mouse-eared reporter was already crawling over, before she stopped herself. Realizing just how horny she must be looking, she blushed hard. She failed to keep her eyes off his cock though. Now that he was no longer holding onto a heavy stone, his blood was rushing towards his groin. “Because… you know… s-sex slaves should bring relief and all of that…”

“Astute observation,” Alex stated and gestured for Ashley to get closer.

Evelyn poked her man’s chest. The point of her sharp fingernail hurt just a little bit, but did not break the skin. “Might as well test that out,” she suggested and gestured at the large patch on the ground where the harem had started digging this morning. It was now covered up with large palm leaves. All of the dirt had been piled up and consolidated in one corner, creating a simple backrest.

Alex took the offer and gingerly stepped onto the new bed. Leaves bent and snapped under his step and the filling used to cushion everything was not dense enough to prevent him fully from feeling the ground. Still, it was an upgrade, especially once he laid down and distributed his weight more evenly.

Taking position at that backrest, the man of the island leaned back and enjoyed the view. Ashley mousely crawled over, her petite frame looking all the smaller compared to his legs. Now fully erect, his cock was ready for the ministrations of her tongue. She began, then was pushed down by the haughty dragon woman who followed after her.

Ashley moaned around his cock like a wanton whore, while Evelyn dragged her up and down like the asian woman’s throat was a cocksleeve that the triathlon winner was using as a masturbation tool to get Alex off. It was a fantastic sight and a sensation that got him over the edge much faster than usual. Ashley was pinned to his groin by the hand on the back of her head. His cum pumped down her gullet. Her eyes rolled up.

All was right with the world.

“We’ll be adding more filling to the bed each day,” Evelyn reported. “It should get more comfortable as time goes on, hopefully.”

“This is already pretty good for the materials you are working with,” he complimented her. “We do need a roof though.”

Evelyn gestured at some nearby sticks that were halfway assembled into triangular frames. “Should be done by tonight. I sent the others out in search of things we can use as strings.” Casually, she dragged Ashley back up.

“Thanksh for the meal,” the horny woman slurred, once she had been allowed to breath. “I love- live to sherve you, Mashtahrrr.”

“She always gets too gooey and honest after she cums,” Evelyn purred and squeezed one of the petite reporter’s nipples. An aftershock of her orgasm trembled from head to toe.


Tempting as it was to continue lounging in the bed and living the harem life, Alex’s first priority was survival. Pleasure he would have plenty of before bed.

The expeditionary party set out again after a few bites of fruit. Sofia promised they’d have the fish roasted by the time they got back. She was sharpening skewers with her blade already. Not the best tool for that purpose, but the only one they had access to.

“We are going to the alcove?” Valeria asked.

Alex nodded. “It’s slightly better than wandering around randomly,” he told her.

The trek was surprisingly straightforward. Alex remembered the way well enough and Valeria recounted a few landmarks once they got close enough. They did the seemingly impossible thing and navigated a jungle over a long distance without getting lost in the slightest. A miracle in and of itself.

The cliffside with the alcove rose before them. “Follow me.” Valeria demonstrated the way up, taking it slow so everyone could see where she was putting her hands and feet. It wasn’t a long climb, but it was still a climb up natural rock and it did not take a huge drop to sustain a potentially crippling injury.

They did all make it up without any issue. In the four days since they had last visited, not much had changed. The leaves that Valeria had slept on had wilted up, otherwise all seemed the same, except…

No one had to mention the strange glow that came from deeper within the cave. It was immediately apparent to all of them, a fae green that had not been there last time and should not have been there at all.

Alex took point and carefully advanced. So far the unnatural creatures of the island had been largely harmless or actively uncaring, but there was no telling when that would change. The light came from the direction where the strange gateway was located as well.

They turned the corner and found the origin of the light. Behind a pond of clear water, in front of the gateway now opened, sat a squishy creature of turquoise colour. Its eyes shone bright, its surface, whether it was skin or fur was impossible to say, radiated light, and an empty smile spread on its face.


The creature stared blankly ahead. It was impossible to say if it had noticed Alex or not.


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