Tomboy Island

Day 7 – Towards the Shore – Finale – Dreaming of Change

A deep and well-earned slumber, the instinct had to admit. A largely eventless day and yet it had brought another woman in the fold - a primordial one at that. From before man was human, this was a female like in those times before reason. How exciting!

Nature was healing out of the bounds of modernity.

The instinct looked at the new version of itself. In this chain of new versions, his new tongue hung from his lips. Not a graceful sight, but what was required was the illustration of changes. Even with that, the instinct was uncertain if the body was in a state to take up the new degree of changes that it could live up to.


Having walked and chatted with three of his women all day had made the tongue a little more nimble. A notable increase, albeit not an interesting one. 

The instinct decided to grab the top of the head of his body and stretch it a little more. Alex had grown a substantial amount that day, why not add another centimetre? It was satisfying to finally see a version of the body that was notably different from the one that had landed on this blessed island.

Dismissing looking at himself, the instinct then turned to looking at the many souls of his harem. They were more interesting to behold. Breeding them would be a splendid day. An obstacle needed removing before then - that root of grey…

Medium changes were still out of the cards, their souls incapable of holding further modifications at this time. It would require the rising tide of their Master, pulling them up with them, so that they may embody more of what they could be.

Minor changes for the sake of aesthetics, however, that the instinct could do.


A touch to Valeria spurred her hair to grow. Like Evelyn and Janette, it just looked better when the base of ears and horns were not visible. On the note of Janette, the instinct also decided to give her breasts a nudge.

And so the choices were made.

The work was done, the instincts pulled back.

The underlying mind settles within reality once more.

With the dawn comes a new chance at expanding life.

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