Top 10 Best Moms

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Patriarchal Mom (41)

Chapter 41 Patriarchal Mom (41)

“Zhao Di, grandma is here this time because she has a big good thing to tell you.”

Jiang Yu wanted to pull out the hand that was caught, but Mrs. Jiang was so strong.

Mrs. Jiang’s sudden closeness made Jiang Yu very unaccustomed: “What a good thing.”

“Zhao Di, you see that you are almost seventeen, is it time to get married?”

“Huh?” Jiang Yu was immediately dumbfounded.

She heard right, married? She is still a sophomore in high school, so she can’t even fall in love early, let alone get married.

Jiang Yu knew that someone in her hometown got married at a young age, even her uncle got married just after graduating from high school, but she didn’t want to.

“Grandma, I’m still a student and I don’t want to get married.”

When Mrs. Jiang heard this, she immediately pulled her face down. She had a mean face. Once she pulled her face down, it was easy to scare people immediately. To be honest, Jiang Yu was a little afraid of this grandma.

“Zhao Di, what are you talking about. What’s good about reading, I see, just don’t read it, what’s the use of reading, it’s a waste of money, you just need to marry a rich family and serve your in-laws at home with peace of mind. When you have a baby, you don’t have to go out to work and just lie at home and enjoy yourself.”

Jiang Yu’s eyes were a little cold. She didn’t like to hear these words. In her opinion, women should never be accessories to men. Why should women stay at home after getting married and teach children? Jiang Yu admires the most. It was her mother, and she was inspired to be a strong woman like her mother.

Besides, even if it is not for work, books are still to be read. Only with culture can you have thoughts and correct three views.

Here, Mrs. Jiang has been gushing about Hong Ming.

“Grandma tell you, this Hong Ming is only twenty-five years old this year. He is a college student. He has a job, a house and a car. He also runs several supermarkets at home. He has only one son in his family. In the future, his parents’ property will be owned by him. It’s all for him. After you get married, you’ll enjoy it directly. This time, he gave 300,000 yuan as a betrothal gift. 300,000 yuan. In my hometown, tens of thousands of betrothal gifts are enough. Look at others. I value you so much.”

Jiang Yu’s eyes flashed with a hint of familiarity. She understood that the purpose of her grandmother’s coming here today was to be her a matchmaker.

Have a house, a car, a few supermarkets, and 300,000 betrothal gifts?

As Jiang Yu, who often helps his parents manage the finances of Tianyu Group, said that the money is not comparable to even the slightest drizzle of Tianyu Group’s monthly profit.

Jiang Yu just wanted to refuse when she saw a slim figure walking towards the door against the light, giving people a full sense of security.

“I want to marry Yin Yin’s precious daughter for a mere 300,000 yuan. You and he both want to be beautiful.” The woman’s voice was gentle but sharp.

Mrs. Jiang felt a little cowardly when she heard this voice.

turned his head and saw Yin Yin in a smart suit walking over.

Four years of fighting against each other was enough for Mrs. Jiang to see what kind of person Yin Yin was. Yin Yin thought that Mrs. Jiang had suffered losses in the past few years and would not come here casually anymore. At first, she still interfered in Jiang Yu’s marriage, and her fire suddenly came out.

You must know that in the last life, Jiang Yu was forced to marry and finally committed suicide due to domestic violence, which has always been the pain in the heart of the original owner.

Yin Yin, who inherited the feelings of the original owner, could not be angry when she heard old lady Jiang’s words that seemed to be selling her granddaughter.

(end of this chapter)

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