Top of Qinglian

Chapter 1907 Giant Power to Destroy Demons

Chapter 1907 Giant Power to Destroy Demons
Tunhai Xi's eyeballs turned blood red, staring coldly at Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

Swallowing Rhino made a roar that shook the sky and the ground, and a blue light shot out from the sharp horns on its head, and it went straight to Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and the blue light was in front of them in an instant.

Wang Ruyan held a flute with erratic blue light in both hands. Looking carefully, the word "Hong Chen" was engraved on the flute.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out and greeted him.

The cyan sound wave collided with the blue light, and they all died together, producing a powerful wave of air, the sea surface exploded, and countless sea water splashed.

The girl in the red skirt suddenly thought of something, and quickly reminded: "No, be careful, it is proficient in water escape, be careful of sneak attacks."

A certain drop of seawater suddenly lit up with a dazzling blue light, and the Sea Swallowing Rhino appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the sea swallowing rhinoceros appeared, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's body surfaces simultaneously lit up with a dazzling blue light, and a spherical blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, which was the mysterious light of the water moon.

After they entered the stage of transforming gods, their mana became more abundant, and Shuiyue Xuanguang's defense naturally improved.

A dazzling golden thunder light flashed from the mouth of Tunhai Rhinoceros, and a golden thunderball with a diameter of one hundred feet flew out, hitting Shuiyue Xuanguang accurately.

The dazzling golden thunder light enveloped the figures of Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, and there were layers of waves in the nearby void, just like a stormy sea, the sea water rolled back, and the wind swept away the clouds.

Seeing this scene, the girl in the red dress felt her heart hang in her throat. The sea-swallowing rhinoceros is so big that if it hits it, it will either kill or injure it.

At this time, the other sea swallowing rhinoceros struggled violently, countless golden arcs emerged from its body, and it twisted and deformed from the fire pocket.

The girl in the red skirt didn't dare to be careless, pinched the magic formula, the runes on the surface of Lihuodou brightened up, the flames rose sharply, and the resistance of Tunhai Rhinoceros was much weaker.

On the other side, Sea Swallowing Rhino repeated its old trick, and its huge body slammed into the golden thunder.

A fist with blue light suddenly protruded from the golden thunder, and hit the sea swallowing rhinoceros on the head.

The fist looks inconspicuous, compared with the huge body of the sea swallowing rhinoceros, it is like an ant and an elephant.

Tunhai Rhinoceros showed pain on its face and let out a roar of extreme pain.

With a muffled sound of "噗嗤", a white flame emerged from the blue fist, and the white flame spread rapidly, and the head of the swallowing sea rhinoceros quickly froze, and the ice layer expanded with the spread of the white flame.

Countless golden arcs emerged from the surface of the sea swallowing rhinoceros, and the ice layer suddenly shattered.

The blue fist retracted into the golden thunder, and there was a piercing sound, and a crystal clear blue ax flew out and struck the sea swallowing rhinoceros on the head.


With a muffled sound, sparks flew everywhere, and the blade of the blue ax smashed into the head of Tunhai Rhinoceros. The blood flowed continuously, and along the wound, bones could be vaguely seen.

Even so, the sea-swallowing rhino was not dead yet, its huge body was twisting non-stop, and a huge golden thunder light spewed out from its bloody mouth, hitting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan.

A cheerful flute sounded, and a blue sound wave swept out, hitting the golden thunder.

A huge roar sounded, like thunder in the sky, continuous, one after another shocking waves spread in all directions like floods breaking the embankment, the golden thunder light and the blue sound wave died together.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan flew down on Tunhaixi's head. Wang Changsheng held nine sea-fixing pearls in each of his hands. With a movement of his arms, dense blue fist shadows hit Tunhaixi's body.

A roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth resounded, Tunhai Rhinoceros's huge body twisted non-stop, and countless golden arcs emerged from its body surface, hitting Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, all of which were blocked by Shuiyue Xuanguang.

The huge body of the swallowing rhinoceros rushed to the sea, and with a loud rumbling noise, it sank into the bottom of the sea, splashing hundreds of shocking waves.

From time to time, there were miserable roars from the bottom of the sea, ripples on the surface of the sea, and huge waves surging into the sky, agitating thousands of miles around.

After ten breaths, Sea Swallowing Rhino came out of the sea with its belly up, motionless, a small ax covered in water vapor sank deep into Swallowing Sea Rhino's head, its head was dripping with blood, and the blood flowed continuously.

Wang Changsheng forcibly smashed the head of Tunhai Rhinoceros. Its body was too strong, and it was difficult for the low-grade Tongtian Lingbao to split it in half.

If it hadn't been for attacking Wang Changsheng in close quarters, it wouldn't have been dealt with so easily by Wang Changsheng.

With a flash of blue light, a miniature sea-swallowing rhino flew out of its body. As soon as it left its body, a small tower glistening with blue light descended from the sky, covering the miniature sea-swallowing rhinoceros and taking it in.

A deafening roar sounded, Li Huodou was torn open by Tunhai Rhinoceros, and Tunhai Rhinoceros escaped.

As soon as it escaped, the sea around it rolled violently, setting off huge waves hundreds of feet high, and the three huge waves suddenly turned into three blue giants, who were none other than Kwai Shuilishi.

The fists of the three Kuaishui warriors slammed into the sea swallowing rhinoceros. At the same time, a huge vortex suddenly appeared on the sea surface, generating a strong air current.

Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros seemed to realize something was wrong, and countless golden arcs emerged from its body surface, turning into thousands of thick golden lightning bolts, and smashing towards the huge vortex below.

The roar continued, and the huge vortex suddenly exploded.

The fists of the three Kuisui fighters hit the sea swallowing rhinoceros, and there was a muffled sound.

The golden arc on the surface of the sea swallowing rhinoceros spread in all directions, and hit the three sunflower water fighters. The bodies of the three sunflower water warriors suddenly exploded and turned into rain, pouring down.

There was a huge roar on the surface of the sea, and eighteen thick blue water columns shot up into the sky, forming a huge blue water curtain to trap the sea-swallowing rhinoceros inside.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan were also in the blue water curtain, their bodies were covered by a burst of dazzling blue light, and Wang Ruyan's aura rose to the middle stage of transformation.

Tunhai Rhinoceros has a strong physical body, and it is difficult to kill the Tongtian Lingbao. Wang Changsheng doesn't want to destroy Tunhai Rhino's body, and he is unwilling to use Mingyue Pearl. This is a large amount of spiritual stones. There are many stone places.

"Senior Sister Sun, go and help Senior Brother Chen! We can solve this demon."

Wang Changsheng sent a voice transmission to the girl in the red dress, asking her to help the man in the golden shirt.

The girl in the red skirt was stunned for a moment, then nodded. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan easily killed a mid-level fifth-rank sea-swallowing rhinoceros, and it would not be a problem to deal with another one.

At this time, the big man in the golden shirt is about to deal with the fifth-rank top-rank Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros.

Sea Swallowing Rhinoceros was covered with scars, blood flowed profusely, breath was weak, and a large area of ​​sea water was dyed red.

It realized something was wrong, and the huge vortex beneath it suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a huge water column with a diameter of thousands of feet, hitting the big man in golden shirt like a giant sword holding up to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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