Top of Qinglian

Chapter 89 Wang Yaoqing

Chapter 89 Wang Yaoqing

In a valley full of flowers and plants, there is a huge cave in the valley, and fist-sized cyan bees fly in and out from time to time.

Outside the valley, the four of Wang Yaoqing crouched behind a boulder, staring at the cave.

There were originally six of them, but before they encountered two first-rank top-rank demon scorpions, two members of their tribe died tragically at the hands of the demon scorpions.

Although the strength of monsters is strong, they are just stronger beasts without brains. Immortal cultivators can set up traps to deal with monsters, but if they encounter encounters, immortal cultivators may not be opponents of monsters.

Wang Yaoqing was very sad when two members of his tribe were killed, but he did not leave the Hundred Beasts Mountain Range, but continued to stay in the Hundred Beasts Mountain Range to hunt and kill monsters.

The four clansmen are Wang Yaoqing, Wang Mingyi, Wang Minghao and Wang Changhui.

"Uncle Thirteen, do you want to do it? There must be a lot of monster bees. I don't know if there are second-order monster bees."

"If we had known that there was a beehive here, we would not have separated from Brother Twelfth. With only the four of us, we could only outwit it. In this way, let's kill the demon bees outside first, and then I will set up a demon net at the entrance of the cave. Ignite a fire outside the cave to smoke out the monster bees. Most of the monster bees have no attack power and weak defense. If there are really second-order monster bees, attack the second-order monster bees together. It should be able to kill the second-order monster bee."

Wang Yaoqing pondered for a while, and soon made a plan.

Wang Yaoqing released an ape puppet to attract the attention of the monster bees outside the cave, and then sacrificed a spiritual weapon to kill the monster bees.

Most of the demon bees that entered and exited the cave were first-rank low-grade demon bees, and the defense of the demon insects was very weak. Soon, the four of Wang Yaoqing killed the demon bees outside the cave.

They threw some dead branches into the cave, and took out a large golden net several feet in size, and nailed the golden net to the entrance of the cave with eight yellow spikes.

The golden net is a high-grade spiritual weapon. If the demon bee flies in and out of the cave, it will easily
In this way, if the demon bee enters or exits the cave and bumps into the big golden net, it will definitely die.

After nailing up the demon net, they lit the dead branches and fanned the wind outside the cave.

Soon, thick smoke poured into the cave, and there was a buzzing sound.

A large number of demon bees rushed out of the cave and hit the demon net. Their bodies were cut into several pieces and fell to the ground.

Time passed little by little, there were monster bees crashing and dying on the net, Wang Yaoqing and the others saw it in their eyes and were delighted in their hearts.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than 100 bees were killed on the net.

More than a dozen blue lights shot out from the cave and struck the demon-binding net.

The demon-binding net is made of silk vomited by first-grade top-grade golden silkworms. It is not only extremely sharp, but also very tough. The blue light failed to destroy the demon-binding net.

One after another cyan wind blades stood on top of the demon-binding net, and the demon-binding net shook endlessly.

"The second-order monster bee has come out, ready to do it."

Wang Yaohuan yelled, took out a palm-sized red gourd, and poured it into a formula.

The red gourd turned around and rose to the size of Zhang Xu in the wind, and the mouth of the gourd was aligned with the entrance of the cave.

Wang Mingyi sacrificed a yellow ball the size of an egg, flew to the top of the head, released a yellow glow, and turned into a thick yellow light mask, covering the four of them.

Wang Minghao and Wang Changhui respectively sacrificed a blue dagger and a yellow flying knife, ready to meet the enemy.

Not long after, the demon-binding net was smashed by two giant wind blades the size of door panels, and hundreds of cyan bees the size of watermelons rushed out.

"Do it."

Wang Yaoqing yelled loudly, and hit the red gourd with a spell.

The red gourd suddenly burst into red light, and a thick red flame spewed out, burning more than a dozen demon bees into fly ash.

Wang Minghao and Wang Changhui manipulated the spiritual weapon and slashed at the cyan demon bee.

They had planned in advance and cooperated better. Dozens of monster bees were beheaded by them, and most of them were first-rank low-grade monster bees.

Three huge cyan demon bees rushed out of the hole, one low-rank second-rank, two high-rank first-rank, and hundreds of mid-low-rank first-rank demon bees.

The three larger cyan bees can release wind blades, especially the second-rank low-grade cyan bees. With a fierce flap of their wings, two giant wind blades the size of door panels fly out, slashing at the yellow light. cover.

The yellow mask shook slightly a few times, and the light dimmed a lot.

Although there are many monster bees in the middle and lower ranks of the first level, they are not Wang Yaoqing's opponents at all. One after another, the cyan monster bees are either burned to fly ash by the red flames, or killed by spiritual weapons.

Hundreds of cyan demon bees landed on the yellow mask and attacked the yellow mask with their sharp tail thorns.

"Uncle Thirteen, to capture the thief, first capture the king, and kill the second-rank queen bee first, otherwise I won't last long."

Wang Mingyi frowned, and said in a deep voice, his face was a little pale.

"Okay, let's kill the second-order demon bee first."

As soon as Wang Yaoqing's formula changed, the red gourd sprayed out a huge fireball with a diameter of Zhang Xu, hitting the queen bee.

The cyan short sword and the yellow flying knife cut towards the queen bee from the left and right sides.

The queen bee fluttered her wings, and two giant wind blades the size of a door panel flew out to meet them. The two first-rank top-rank cyan demon bees also released two cyan wind blades, but they were smaller than the wind blades.

Several wind blades shattered the giant fireball. As for the two spiritual weapons, they couldn't touch the nimble cyan demon bees at all. Their flying speed was extremely fast, and the spiritual weapons could only follow behind them.

Wang Minghao and Wang Mingyi looked at each other, nodded, and each offered a black round bead.

Two black balls exploded as soon as they were five feet away from the queen bee, and a large amount of black liquid splashed out. Part of the liquid splashed on the queen bee and the two first-rank top-grade monster bees, and a burst of blue smoke burst out immediately. Some green liquid came out.

The black liquid is called Corpse Erosion Liquid. It is made from century-old Erosion Heart Grass and various venoms. It is very corrosive. The defense of monster insects is not as good as that of monsters. When it touches Corpse Erosion Liquid, several pits will be corroded immediately on the body surface. Hole.

However, the vitality of the monster insects is extremely strong, and the corpse liquid did not kill them.

The action of the two annoyed the queen bee, flapping their wings, they rushed towards Wang Yaoqing and the others, and two first-rank top-rank cyan demon bees attacked from the left and right sides.

As soon as Wang Yaoqing's formula changed, the red gourd sprayed out a large piece of flame, which hit the yellow mask, and burned the cyan demon bee that fell on the yellow mask to death.

Before the second-order monster bee could pounce in front of him, two giant wind blades shot out, and they slashed on the yellow mask in a flash. The yellow mask shook twice, and the light was faintly visible.

Thirty feet, twenty feet, ten feet...
Wang Yaoqing's gaze was fixed on the second-rank queen bee, and he clasped a black talisman with his left hand.

The queen bee was less than five feet away from him, and the two first-rank monster bees were less than ten feet away from them.

Wang Yaoqing immediately sacrificed the black talisman in his hand, which turned into a large black thunder light, covering the second-order monster bee.


Two faint sounds of piercing the air came to Wang Yaoqing's ears, several feet long cyan wind blades flew out of the black thunder, and struck towards the four of them like lightning.

The speed of the cyan wind blade was extremely fast, and it came to them in a flash, and hit the yellow mask.

With a muffled "pa", the yellow mask shattered, and the yellow ball shattered.

Almost instinctively, Wang Yaoqing pushed Wang Mingyi and Wang Changhui away with both hands, and several cyan wind blades passed through his chest.

Wang Yaoqing's legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

"Thirteenth Uncle, are you okay!"

Wang Changhui hurriedly supported Wang Yaoqing, and shouted with red eyes, tears in his eyes.

"Don't be dazed, quickly give Thirteenth Uncle the Hemostatic Pill and the Rejuvenation Talisman."

Wang Mingyi's eyes turned red, and he hurriedly ordered.

Wang Changhui hurriedly grabbed the waist storage bag, but was stopped by Wang Yaoqing.

"I...I can't do it anymore, don't...waste the pill, must bring...a bottle of purple jade spirit water... ·············································································································································

Wang Yaoqing spoke intermittently, before he finished speaking, he died.

Wang Changhui hurriedly took out a elixir, put it into Wang Yaoqing's mouth, and cried, "Thirteen Uncle, wake up, I will take you back to Qinglian Mountain, wake up, let's go home together... ··”

 Thanks to rg1969, Guangming Vampire, and 尛尛vip for their rewards, I have modified it so that it does not affect reading

(End of this chapter)

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