TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 208: Janken Challenge

(A new challenge ?? That looks like those extra challenges that appear in dungeons. But those challenges are extremely dangerous and difficult.) Liu Yang thought. He remembers the extra quests in the online games he played before.

"Young master, what should we do?" Alwine asked. She and the other women approached Liu Yang to learn his answer about the challenge.

"What do you think about this challenge?" Liu Yang asked the women.

"Young master, we will follow whatever the young master chooses" The women replied. They are Liu Yang's slaves, so they will follow whatever he orders.

"It's all right." Liu Yang knows that this is a unique opportunity to increase everyone's fighting power, as the new challenge is something extra.

"I accept the challenge" Liu Yang accepted the challenge. He knows that it would force women to take the challenge as well.

"Answer Accepted"

"To break your own limits, you need to beat yourself before you can reach a new level of even greater power"

"To be able to pass the challenge, you need to win yourself in some way. Any kind of challenge will be accepted" The system announced.

Suddenly, great darkness appeared on the opposite side of Liu Yang's group. The darkness is divided into about a hundred shadows.

The amount of shadows is equal to the number of members in Liu Yang's group. Him, the women, and the beasts.

"It looks like our opponents in this challenge will be our shadows" Liu Yang commented. He understands that for someone to overcome their own limits, that person needs to overcome themselves.

"Young master, how are we going to overcome this challenge? The announcement was a little confusing" Calie asked.

"Calie, in this challenge, each of us will have an opponent. That opponent will be our shadow. The objective of this challenge is to overcome our own shadow, this is the way to become stronger."

"But how are we going to do that?" Calie's doubt is also the doubt of many women in the group.

"You will have to choose the way you want to challenge your shadow. The system said that, right? That we can choose any challenge we want. Just choose something you know how to do or something you don't know" Liu Yang commented.

"Something that we know and don't know how to do?" Young master, why should we choose something that we are bad at as the challenge?" Some women understood the meaning of the words while others did not.

"This is very simple. If you are good at something, your shadow will be too. The opposite also happens, if you are very bad at something, your shadow will also be bad. Thus, the challenge will be paired. To beat the shadow, you need to be better than it." Liu Yang explained. He already had something in mind about what he is going to do.

"One more thing. In this challenge, I cannot help you. Each of you will have to choose your own challenge, you will have to discover what you are good at and what you are bad at. That is the objective of this challenge." Liu Yang continued.

"Yes, young master" The women spread out. Each went to one side to think about it.

Liu Yang already knows what he will do. He was the first to walk towards the shadows.

Coincidentally, one of the shadows on the other side also walked towards Liu Yang. The shadow looked like a reflection of Liu Yang.

The women and the beasts looked towards Liu Yang. They were wondering what he was going to do to beat the shadow.

When the two arrived in front of each other. The system echoed again.

"What is the challenge chosen?"

"I chose a Janken match." Liu Yang replied.


"What is it??"

"Is this some kind of game???"

Women don't know what the Janken is, the game that Liu Yang said. They have never heard of this before.

Only Sara knows what this game is.

(I see… It looks like Liu Yang wants to test that "cheat" technique on Janken. If that works, he will have a great chance of winning) Sara thought. She understood why Liu Yang chose Janken as a challenge.

"Sara, do you know what this Janken is that the young master chose?" Nancy asked Sara.

As she is Liu Yang's oldest lover, she must know something about it. None of the women know that Liu Yang and Sara are people from another world, the two did not tell about it because it was a secret.

"I do not know what this is. This must be some kind of game. We will only know when the young master begins." Sara replied. She lied about it.

"Oh ..." The women believed her because they don't know about their past.

In the place ahead ...

"Challenge accepted"

"How many rounds in the challenge?"

"1 - 3 - 5 - 7 -9"

"I choose 5"

"Are you sure about that choice?"


"Choice accepted"

Crack… Crack…

The floor broke and a stone table appeared.

"The challenge will be a five-game match. The winner will be the one who wins three rounds"

"First round. Get ready" The system announced.

Liu Yang placed both hands behind his back while the shadow placed its closed fist in front. The two did different things.

But why? The answer is simple.

As this is not an official tournament or with clear rules. The two participants can choose the way they want to play. Besides, Liu Yang is not the first challenger in the Wall Challenge to do this. 

Others who came before him also chose Janken as a challenge. Because they knew that Janken is not a game that exists in the Xinia Continent, they learned it after studying a lot about the world.

The Xinia Continent's world system used the official tournament rules to deal with Janken. Because those were the rules that the first challengers used Janken as the challenge they chose. Thus, the system can only choose this way of dealing with Janken, but challengers can choose the way they want to try to win the challenge.

Liu Yang made a bet when he chose Janken. He had a vague idea that he would not be the first to make that choice.

Because it is much better to choose a game that only one side knows to play. This is a great advantage.

"Jan ..." The system started the game.


The women looked at this solemnly. They did not understand what this game is and how it is played. They can only try to learn by looking at the same time, the curiosity to learn something new was also on their minds.

Liu Yang showed a serious face when the game started. He was a little nervous because he doesn't know if his strategy will work or not.

When Ken was announced, Liu Yang moved one hand forward and prepared to show his choice. The shadow was still fisted.

"Pon!!" The system announced.

Both hands slowly opened to show the choices.

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