TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 248: Going to the chosen place

"Is there a problem with my order?" Liu Yang saw that Fione was frozen in place when she heard what he wanted.

"Sir, I apologize for that. I just had a little momentary problem. Sir, these are the places you can choose to mine" Fione showed Liu Yang a map.

The map was designed by nobles and miners who passed through the sites during exploration. Whenever a new location is explored, they need to report to the city for the map to be updated.

Looking more closely, we can see that many locations were marked with a large X, while other locations had a circle drawn. Some lines cross several sides of the mine map.

A big word was written in several places, Border. While two locations had two other words written, Neutral Zone.

Liu Yang was able to understand that the sites marked with the words Border were the limits that the Temore Kingdom has jurisdiction over the mine. The other side of the border belongs to another kingdom or was a neutral zone.

The Neutral Zone had no owner and was free for anyone to try to explore. The problem is that the dangers are much greater.

As there was no owner, there are no rules. In the Neutral Zone, anyone can be killed or stolen during mining or exploration.

Besides, the creatures are also much stronger. Each of them was in rank 10, that is, each creature in the neutral zone has the power equivalent to two or three people at level 200.

The Neutral Zone is where level 200 experts gather to explore. It is also the place where people from other kingdoms meet.

"Miss Fione, which of these places can I choose?" Liu Yang had no plans to explore the Neutral Zone locations, he will only do so when he and his friends reach level 200.

"Sir, the places that can be chosen are those that have nothing designed. Places with drawn circles show that they have already been chosen. The locations with the X marked to show that these locations have already been mined and that there is nothing else in the location" Fione explained about the map.

"I see ..." Liu Yang looked at the map and analyzed the best possible locations.

"Sir, did you choose any location you want to mine?" Fione saw that Liu Yang had finished looking at the map.

"I would like this location" Liu Yang pointed to a location on the map.

The location he chose was a dead end. Around it was some points already explored and marked with an X.

One of the problems of the place is that it is very close to the Neutral Zone, that is, some crystal creatures in the place are of rank 10. This is something very dangerous.

The other problem is that it is a little far from the other group. The nearest group is a few kilometers away.

Liu Yang's reason for choosing this location is quite simple. He wanted to be as far away as possible from the other mining groups.

"Garett, are you sure about this? This place looks quite dangerous" Aruna asked. She saw that the chosen place was far and close to the Neutral Zone.

"Yes. This is the best place for us." Liu Yang replied confidently.

"..." The two women did not comment on Liu Yang's words. They just got thinking about it.

"Sir, are you sure you want to choose this location?" Fione did not question Liu Yang's reason for choosing such a location, she only asked to confirm his choice.

"Yes." Liu Yang responded with confidence.

"Sir, the fee for renting a mining site is five crystals from the mine. Or twenty percent of what you can mine." Fione said before marking the map. She needs to get paid before she marks.

"How long can I explore the mine?" Liu Yang only knows that there was an exploration time limit.

Neither Pargi nor Aruna know the exact time, they only know that the minimum was a week or two.

"Sir, there is no time limit. You can come back whenever you want "Fione replied.

"I see…"

(It seems that Aruna and Pargi did not know about this or they were not informed correctly. No time limit… This is a good thing for me.) Liu Yang was happy with that.

As he planned to be around two or three months out of town. He will try as hard as possible to mine the crystals to accumulate wealth. Besides, he needs to pay city entry fees again.

"Here are the crystals" Liu Yang placed a leather bag on the counter. He already knows about the fees to be able to explore the mine.

Sometimes, it is not always possible to recover the investment. That is, many people try to mine the crystals, but many are unable to mine more than what was paid as a fee. Because of this, many continue to explore the mines in an attempt to get a few more crystals. But it is a pity that not everyone succeeds, as they die during the attempt.

"Sir, I finished making the book, the place was reserved for you to mine. Sir, here's the reservation card. Do you want to hire a bodyguard?" Fione placed a metal card on the table.

The card was just to prove that Liu Yang paid the reservation fee to use a site to mine.

Whenever someone asked for a place to mine, that person hired bodyguards to protect him. Usually, those who made this request were the less influential nobles.

"This will not be necessary." Liu Yang refused. He didn't need a bodyguard, he already had Aruna and Maev with him.

"Sir, do you need any more help?" Fione has already done all the procedures for booking a mining site.

"Nothing. I thank Miss Fione for her help "Liu Yang thanked and left the counter.

"We thank you for using our service" Fione also bowed and thanked.


"Garett, when are we going to start?" Maev asked.

"We will go immediately. Three days of rest have been enough to restore energy and spirits. " Liu Yang stretched out his arms and stretched. He is ready to explore the mine.

"Ok" The women were happy to hear that. They were already missing the adventures.

Liu Yang hugged the two women. They headed for the city gates.

"Are you two ready?" Liu Yang asked the two women. They already put on their combat armor, he had no armor to protect his body.

Liu Yang's only defensive items are gloves and boots. Some of his shirts and trousers have defensive power, but they were minimal.

"Yes." The two women responded.

"Let's go" The trio ran in a direction to the booked place.

But they were not the only ones going in that direction. Several shadows followed them from behind.

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