TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 260: Spies everywhere

"Garett, are we going back to the city? Or are we going to continue mining?" Aruna asked. They had been in the mine area for two months mining the crystals.

Liu Yang broke several hundred meters of wall and floor to try to find crystals. His luck was good and he managed to find many crystals, but it is not enough to buy some of the skills he wanted, luckily, the creature crystals can help add up the value.

"We are going to mine for another month. I want to keep trying, besides, we have some unwanted guests." Liu Yang said coldly.

"!!!!" Liu Yang's last words scared the women, they did not know that someone was spying on them again.

"Garett, is he an assassin?" Aruna asked nervously. She and Maev have leveled many times, but it will still be difficult to deal with assassins.

As nobles, the only thing they did was fight creatures and they rarely kill people. Usually, the bodyguards and assassins they hire to do this. Thus, the two women have little experience in fighting other people.

"I do not know. They haven't emitted any kind of murderous aura so far, they must be watching us and trying to find out about us. They didn't show up until the tide ended." Liu Yang only felt the presence of those looks a few hours after the tide came to an end.

"Are they companions with that assassin from before?" Aruna refers to Colyn, the man Liu Yang killed earlier.

"I don't know, but for them to show up to watch us, that's very likely. But they can also be spies of other groups. When we were coming here, many other spies followed us, but they came back after the tide started" Liu Yang felt the spies sent by the other nobles.

But they were following Liu Yang to find out about him. So, when the tide came, they fled quickly. Unlike Colyn, who was sent to kill Liu Yang.

"I see… Do we just need to keep things? Mining and attacking crystal creatures?" Maev asked.

"Yes. Maev, you are forgetting another important thing. We will also continue to play inside the small cave" Liu Yang joked.

"Pervert" The two women laughed at that.

"Hehe… Let's continue with our work. I will mine more slowly to prevent them from seeing that we got too many crystals"

"Ok" The women were doing their best to fight the creatures. While Liu Yang mines the crystals and fights with the crystal creatures.

On the stone wall ...

"Lisa, what did you find out about our target?" Risa asked her sister.

"This is a little strange. He doesn't look tired after so much time fighting and mining without taking a single break for all those hours. Temperature and the amount of energy inside his body didn't drop at all" Lisa replied.

Her eyes were shining a blue light as she looked towards Liu Yang and the two women. That is her skill, Heat Eyes.

Heat Eyes (Passive) (Level 3) - Allows the user to see the energy within the target's body. The higher the skill level, the greater the information seen.

"I see… Does he have many points in the vitality attribute? This would only be possible if he has focused on the vitality attribute. But he wouldn't have many points in the strength attribute or the other two attributes" Risa commented on her sister's words.

"That's why I said it was weird. The strength he is using to attack the crystal creatures and to mine is very high. Three or four attacks with that steel club to break the crystal creature's chest is something that only those who have at least one hundred and fifteen points in the strength attribute can do. Besides, he is breaking the rocks with the same amount of pick blows. This is very strange, this should not happen" Lisa cannot understand how Liu Yang had such strength and vitality at the same time.

"Lisa, is it possible that he has some powerful equipment with him? Or is his level 200? He may also have gained a lot of points indirectly like using food or other things" Risa found this possibility plausible because there are not many known ways to get extra attributes.

"He likely has powerful items with him, but he is not at level 200, because someone at that level would not stay here, that person would be in the Neutral Zone, after level 170 or 180, depending on the person, he will go to the Zone Neutral. But for someone to have powerful equipment and many rare foods that give extra attributes, such a person must not be a commoner as rumors say. It doesn't make sense" Lisa couldn't understand how a person like Liu Yang, who has many attribute points, could be a commoner.

"I think he must be some nobleman disguised as a commoner, but I have no evidence to support this thesis. Only very rich people can do this kind of thing, or he is a person from another world." Risa commented. For her, people from another world were totally strange and different from normal people.

"This hypothesis is also interesting, but it seems much stronger than the people from another world that we have met before. I've never seen anyone like this person named Garett before. We've looked at all kinds of people before, but this is the first time I've seen someone like him "

"Sister, what are we going to do now? Are we going to keep watching him? Or are we going to go back and report the information to the master? "

"We will continue to watch for a while longer. We can learn new things from him"

The pair of sisters hung on the walls of the mine. They were watching the trio to try to find out information about them.

But so far, they have only discovered a few new things about Liu Yang. The pair didn't care about the two women. They just focused on Liu Yang.

As it was very dangerous and very obvious to stay on the floor to watch Liu Yang, the two sisters preferred to hang on the walls of the mine because of the height and safety.

Only a small amount of crystal creatures can fly, the crystal birds. Thus, it is much safer to stand higher than on the ground.

At the site, there were not only Lisa and Risa watching over Liu Yang, at other points on the mine wall there were other people. They were the people that the other nobles sent to see if Liu Yang was dead or not.

He had reserved a place to mine, the other nobles want to know if he managed to mine many crystals or not.

Because of the tide of crystal creatures, these spies had to return to the city because if something had happened, they had to be close to acting. After the tide, they went back to watching Liu Yang again.

But they already got some information before the tide came, the nobles already know that Liu Yang got some mined crystals and many crystals from the creatures.

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