TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 33: Visitors from other villages

The three months passed quickly. All those who level up did their utmost to increase their powers. They did not want to embarrass themselves in front of members of other villages.

The inhabitants of Village E have been living for so long that they consider the place as their new home. The oldest was almost five years old, while the youngest almost a year.

Liu Yang, his women, and the other inhabitants were already in front of the place where the portal to the other villages will be placed.

A new board with the rules of the village was placed in front of the portal for the inhabitants of the other villages to see.

"Attention. The portal to the other villages will be activated and ten seconds "A message from the system echoed to everyone.

A stone with strange letters and drawings appeared in the square next to the central square. This was the stone that will transport the inhabitants from one village to another.

"10… 9… 8…,…, 3… 2… 1... 0…"

"The portals are active" The stone shone brightly before the letters and drawings became shiny.

Liu Yang received notification from the system that the portal was active and that to use the portal it was necessary to use ten points of contribution. He also wrote this on the board without increasing the price, he didn't need to do that.

According to the information on the portal, the stone does not need maintenance or anything, so there was no need to increase the contribution points used.

Residents can use the portals without paying a transportation fee. Liu Yang wanted to do this to increase the number of inhabitants in his village.

It didn't take long for the first inhabitants of the other villages to arrive.

"Is this Village E? The place surrounded by zombies? "

"This is the same as our village"

"It seems that all villages are the same, only the environment around them is different"

"At least there are also beautiful women here"


A group of muscular men appeared in the center of the village. They looked around and commented on what they saw.

Their eyes shone with lust when they saw some women among the inhabitants.

Liu Yang's five women were beautiful, but there were more beautiful women among the villagers.

Then four more groups appeared. The four groups that arrived were members of the other four villages. They all looked and analyzed the buildings, but when they saw that they were the same as their villages, they looked at the crowd in front of them.

Unlike the first group, the other three groups had men and women together. Only one group has only women as members.

"Which village are you from?" Liu Yang walked over to them and asked.

"Haha !!! Boy, go back to your home. I am here to find the owner of this village. My boss has a message for him "

"Ohh… I see… It looks like you have no education at all. So it is not worth talking to you or listening to what you have to say. Which village are you from? " Liu Yang turned to the other group and asked.

"You!!!! Who do you think you are???!!!!" Since no one can attack others within the village. The muscular man could only scream and be irritated.

"You must be very stupid not to realize that he owns the village. If I were your leader, I would be ashamed of it "A thin man with glasses commented with disdain.


"Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Odorico Ressa, I am a messenger from the leader of Village C. These are my companions Ran Hyun-Su, Mia Fick and Zoe Ronin. It is a pleasure to meet you "Odorico Ressa introduced himself and then introduced his companions.

"My name is Liu Yang, the owner of this village. It is a pleasure to meet you "

Liu Yang's words of confirmation were like a bomb in the ears of all visitors. They don't know how a young man like Liu Yang became the village chief.

In the other four villages, the owners were all middle-aged people who arrived at the beginning of the exploration. Many of them refused to leave to stay in the initial village and live as a retiree while enjoying the lust.

"Lieutenant Lida ?? Is that you?!!" A young man among the visitors spoke in surprise.

Lida Aoi looked at the source of the voice and saw that it was someone she knew.

"Lieutenant Kubo, are you alive?" Lida Aoi recognized the young man on the other side. The young man's full name was Kubo Soseki.

"Yes. Sergeant Tajima and Captain Ono are also alive. We are living in Village A. They will be happy to discover that you are still alive. Do you know where some others are? "

"Lieutenant Sakamoto and Commander Yamamoto were injured and became zombies." Lida Aoi commented heavily. She still remembers those scenes.

"..." Kubo Soseki did not comment on Lida Aoi's words, but his expression was a little heavy after discovering the death of his companions.

"Chief of the village Liu Yang, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am a messenger from Village A "

"Chief Liu Yang. I am a messenger from Village B"

All the leaders of the four groups presented themselves before Liu Yang as messengers. They were there to explore the village and see what it was like before reporting to their superiors.

"These are the village's rules. Despite being simplified, you can easily understand "Liu Yang pointed to the sign with the rules he created.

Visitors read and were surprised by what they read, as it was very different from the rules that their villages had, but it had some similarities.

The rules of not stealing inside the village were the only similarity. The other rules do not exist in other villages.

Killing another inhabitant or raping someone was allowed. In the other villages, none of them cared about strangers or the weakest.

When they read about the lecture, the visitors laughed internally, as Liu Yang's village was very amateur compared to theirs.

"Hahaha!!! Is this some kind of joke? Do you really follow these stupid rules ?? !!! Not kill???!!! Do not **** ?? !!! Do not leave the village at night ??? !!! Hahaha!!! Boy, do you still think you're in the world outside the continent ?? Here we can do whatever we want. Who cares about women being raped or killed ?? Hahaha!!!" The muscular man who was embarrassed by Odarico Ressa laughed and shouted.

(I think his name was Fabian Appell) Liu Yang remembered the name of the muscular man.

"I see ... If your village does not have these rules, the choice is yours. But you are in my village, if you break the rules in my village, you will suffer the appropriate punishments "Liu Yang looked at the group of visitors and spoke sternly.

A wild aura was being emanated from his body.

After almost a year of fighting zombies, Liu Yang learned many new things as a fighter. Lida Aoi also taught him to show murderous instincts and such things.

The pressure that Liu Yang showed put pressure on the bodies of the visitors.

(He really is the village chief !!!! This pressure is like that of our leader !!!) That was the thought of all visitors.

Village leaders had far more power than ordinary inhabitants, as they had quests to do and receive more benefits. While others can only level commonly.

"Okay, well, we will follow your village's rules. Our village also has its rules, so there is no problem with that "One of the messengers commented. He understood that Liu Yang was not kidding about his words.

Besides, everyone saw that the inhabitants of Village E were not against the rules established by Liu Yang. It shows that they accept this.

"I have a doubt. Village chief Liu Yang, why is there a rule not to leave the village at night? Is there a special reason for that? "

"Before I answer that question. Can you answer my question? "

"As you wish"

"Is there a barrier in your village that prevents you from leaving or entering when night comes? Or something that prevents the creatures from entering the villages? " All the inhabitants of the E Village stared at the visitors. They want to know that answer.

"!!!!!!" This question was a surprise to the visitors, none of them imagined this type of question.

(If he asked that, the Village E must have a special barrier at night)

"No. Our village has no barrier. But there is something that prevents the creatures from entering the village "

"My village is the same"

The other four villages had no barriers that prevent residents from leaving or entering. The only similarity is that no creature can enter their village.

"I see…"

"Chief of the village Liu Yang, could you tell us more about this barrier that appears during the night?"

This small difference was surprising. Because only E Village had this barrier.

"During the night, are your villages surrounded by tens of thousands of creatures?"

"No" The messengers replied.

But when the thought of tens of thousands of creatures surrounding the village was terrifying.

(Is it possible that the barrier exists because of the tens of thousands of zombies that surround the village at night?) That is the question in your minds.

"Your thinking is correct. Unlike the day, there are only a few dozen zombies at the entrance to the village. During the night, tens of thousands of zombies surround the village. The barrier is raised and no one can leave or enter. If you stay outside, you need to pray to find a safe place. Otherwise, any scratches caused by the zombies, you will become a zombie "

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