TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 364: Invite

While the other three participants were stunned by the stunning scenes of their companions being killed, they did not realize that another second had passed.

Kisa and Slyrea took advantage of this moment of distraction and attack again. The two women finished killing the other three quickly.

The initial distraction was all that Liu Yang's group needed to win.

If Sohkal's group had used their protection or attack skills when the fight started, they would have had a chance to survive the first round of attacks, but they would have preferred to watch Liu Yang being attacked and ignore the two women.

This choice was extremely fatal and completely changed the course of the battle.

Liu Yang didn't even have to do much, he just needed to wave his hand and the poison would hit those close to him.

"T… T… T… The winner of this War Game is Belshee Gasholl !!!!!!!!!!!!!! She won with an overwhelming victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!" The narrator had to recover from the shock before announcing the winner. She didn't believe what she was seeing.

"Whooaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!" The audience did not need confirmation from the narrator to know who was the winner of the War Game. They saw everything with their own eyes.

There was no way for the Sohkar's participants to react, they were slaughtered as if they were vegetables by the two slaves. The worst happened to the four participants bribed by Sohkar, they died in a tragic and painful death.

"This is impossible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not accept this result !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sohkar shouted wildly. He started running towards the arena with an angry look. He did not dare to believe that his group really lost.

Nobody felt sorry for him, especially those who had the same goal as him. What they felt were happiness and hesitation.

Happy because someone else suffered more than they did. Hesitation because Belshee found an extremely powerful participant with two much more powerful slaves.

This discovery made them a little afraid to ask for a War Game against Belshee for her property, but the greed for the crystals was still very tempting. 

"Allston, you did it!!!!" Belshee ran to the edge of the arena and celebrated. She was extremely happy to have won the War Game.

"I told you that I could do it, right?" Liu Yang just stretched.


"Belshee, what are you going to get for winning the War Game?" Liu Yang did not know that Sohkar bet.

If Belshee lost, she would have to marry him, but if he loses the War Game, he would have to give something of equivalent value. But Liu Yang didn't know what that thing was because he didn't ask.

"Allston, I will receive a store controlled by the Sparking family, or I can receive a value in gold coins of the same value."

"I see ... Belshee, can you choose the gold coins?" Liu Yang asked.

"Golden coins? Allston, do you need money? " She was surprised to hear that.

"A little. I need money to invest in my property, right? I don't have enough for this "Liu Yang commented.

"This is not a problem. I'm yours from now on, so whatever you ask for, I'll do it." Belshee said coquettishly.

"Hehe ..."

"Ladies and gentlemen!!!! Since the War Game was won by Miss Gasholl, her opponent, Sohkar Sparking, must pay her one of the shops in the city center controlled by the Sparking family or the equivalent amount in gold coins. This is the agreement between the two sides" The narrator announced. She already knows about the items used as a wager on the War Game.

That information was something public and everyone can know about it. But the narrators announce it, just to remind them that the losing side needs to call.

"Envoys, you will take care of the following matters" She commented to two middle-aged orcs who appeared in the arena.

Both had powerful auras.

"Sohkar Sparking, according to the rules of the War Game. As for the losing side, you need to pay the winning side your share of the bet. Belshee Gasholl, would you like to receive one of the stores controlled by the Sparking family or gold coins? "One of them asked.

"Envoy, I choose gold coins"

"It's all right. Sohkar Sparking, you need to pay Belshee Gasholl gold coins equivalent to one of your stores in the city center. You have an hour to do this, otherwise, the Sparking family will suffer the consequences for not honoring the War Game "The other envoy commented.

"..." Sohkar had an empty look on his face. He looked dead.

The loss of the War Game did a great deal of damage to him and the Sparking family.

Some minutes later…

It was not long before the Sparking family's envoys arrived with the gold coins. They knew the War Game rules and no one dared to break those rules, they could only grit their teeth and take the loss.

"Envoy, inside this bag there are gold coins that are equivalent to one of our main stores in the city center" A middle-aged man handed the bag to the envoy.

Internally, he felt his heart bleed from the action.

"I will check" The envoy did not trust the other side. He looked and analyzed the gold coins.

"The amount is correct and there is no problem with gold coins. Belshee Gasholl, you can take the coins" He tossed towards her.

"I thank you for your help" Belshee was very happy with the victory.

"The War Game is over. The next one can start in half an hour "The envoy announced.

Balshee's War Game was just the first of the day. The arena will have several more throughout the day.

"Let's go" Liu Yang called the two women and came down from the arena.

"Yes, young master"

"Wait!!!" One of the envoys shouted at Liu Yang.

This scene attracted the attention of everyone in the audience.

"Envoy, do you have anything to talk to me about?"

"What is your level?" He asked solemnly.

"200" Liu Yang answered honestly. He didn't need to lie to someone like the envoy.

"I'm looking for people like you for a War Game. Do you want to participate? The rewards can be satisfying for you." He asked.

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The audience was shocked to hear the envoy's words. Nobody imagined that he would offer a place for Liu Yang to participate in a War Game.

"What kind of War Game?" Liu Yang narrowed his eyes.

"The War Game is only for people who passed the second Wall Challenge. But I can say that you will try to win the second challenge soon. If you win the challenge, you can appear there" The envoy threw a card towards Liu Yang.

Liu Yang just kept the letter without looking at the contents. He was not worth looking at because he still didn't meet the minimum requirements.

"I will think about it." Liu Yang commented.

"We will be waiting for your response" The two sent out of the arena, but they went somewhere to continue watching the other War Games.

"Let's go." Liu Yang walked, followed by the three women.

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