TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 43: The beginning of the true adventure

Continuous Growth (Passive) (Level 1 - 5): The user will continue to receive experience, even without killing any creatures. The amount of experience increases according to the user's level and skill level.

"This is amazing!!! This ability will make me stronger much faster at higher levels. " Liu Yang found his special reward incredible.

The system only gave two options this time. Active or Passive Ability. There was no choice of an attribute as before.

"If the passive skill is so incredible, what would the active skill be like?" Liu Yang did not know the answer to that question, but he had a vague idea of ​​how powerful the active skill would be.

"I think it's time to leave the village and explore the outside world" Liu Yang got up and walked towards the village. He had been gone for more than a week.

Every week outside the village fighting and killing the creatures, he returned to the village and rested with his women.

Some idiots tried to kill Liu Yang using the mutant beasts, but it was in vain and they still died because he threw the mutant beasts at them.

As he walked, Liu Yang heard some explosions and screams.

"Watch out!!! This beast has paralyzing poison !!! "

"Explode its head !!!!"

"Use the shield to defend yourself !!!"

Many shouts of orders were heard.

Liu Yang looked closely and saw a group of people fighting two mutant beasts, a snake and a frog. The two beasts were the size of a large car.

(It looks like newbies are having a hard time. It is better to go train with the zombies to level up first before fighting the mutant beasts or demon) Liu Yang thought.

Each type of creature in the initial five zones had its own specific characteristics that gave the inhabitants an advantage.

One example is the zombies, they were numerous, but slow, the problem was the zombie poison. Killing them was easier than beasts that were stronger and faster than zombies.

"Watch out!!!!" The group's instructor shouted when he saw a third mutant beast, a snake, appear and attack the group.

Shuooo !!!! Pow !!!!

A loud sound of something cutting through the wind was heard before it hit the body of the mutant beast. A hole the size of a ping pong ball appeared in the snake's head, it died instantly.

Pahhh !!!

The snake's heavy body fell to the ground lifeless.

"!!!!!" This scene surprised everyone, but they soon received the instructor's sermon and went back to attacking the two mutant beasts.

It didn't take long for the two mutant beasts to be killed.

"We finally defeated these two mutant beasts" The group fell to the floor, panting. They were tired after a long combat training session.

"Instructor, do you know who is the person who helped us? He looked so strong. One stone was enough to kill a mutant beast "A member of the group asked.

"It was the village leader who helped us. I heard the news that he was training in this area, but he goes much further where there are much larger bands of mutant beasts "The instructor replied with pride and fanaticism.

"Ohhh !!!"

"This is amazing!!! The village leader saved us !! "

"But it's a shame that we didn't get to see him ..."

The group of newbies were happy and disappointed to be saved by Liu Yang but were unable to see him.

"You don't have to think about it at the moment. The village leader does not have much time to make public appearances, he usually stays at home or training at night "The instructor was a resident of the old village E, he knew of some habits that Liu Yang had.

"Instructor, do you think we can be like the leader someday?" A newbie asked. He always dreamed of being a hero like in manga or comic.

"You can do this, but you will have to work hard. The village leader always worked hard every day to get stronger. Tomorrow we will fight the zombies again, your formation is still bad "

"Again?? We are already tired of killing the zombies, they are very weak "

"You need to train the basics again. Or do you prefer to stay on the training ground like the other newbies? "

"We prefer to go to combat training. This is much better than staying inside the village "

"So work hard and reach level 10 to get out of here, but before you think about it, you need to learn how to fight properly. None of us know what the place is like outside the village. We also don't know whether you will go to the same place or you will be separated. Because of this, this training course was created. "

Combat instructors were carefully chosen after tests and interviews. Some time ago, an instructor killed all the newbies in the group. He was able to escape because he was already at level 9 and just had to press a button to go to level 10 and leave the starting area.

Because of this, much more rigorous tests were created.

"Liu Yang, you're back" Lin Lan and Anna hugged Liu Yang when he got home.

The two women usually stayed at home and sometimes went to the training ground to train their combat skills.

"Yes. I'm back "Liu Yang hugged the two women and without thinking twice. He started to run his hand over their soft, sweet bodies. He was already gone for a week and fighting tiring and tedious every day.

This greatly increased his sexual desire. He wanted to vent his fatigue on his women.

"Liu Yang, let's go to the bathroom. We will help you to bathe. You stink of sweat and blood "

"Hehe ..." Liu Yang carried the two women to the bathroom.

The erotic bath began with the soft, seductive moans of the two women.

The other women arrived after they learned that Liu Yang had returned home.

Liu Yang stayed in the village for a few more months, he spent all his energies playing every day with the six women in bed. Besides eating, doing activities, and sleeping, Liu Yang did nothing else.

Lida Aoi and the two assistants moved into Liu Yang's house, as it was easier for them to be together. Only at work are they separated.

The village was operating well and without his interference. The size of the village has become like a large city with five different districts with a large square joining the five locations.

The city appeared to have been created in some kind of city-building simulator.

The new inhabitants started to appear in a shorter time before it was six months to appear, now, it was only three months, but the number was smaller.

Among the newbies, there were still civilians, convicts, soldiers, and members of the governments of the world outside the continent.

When they discovered the rules of the place, they immediately questioned and wanted to be the leaders in the place of Liu Yang. For they were politicians in the real world and were better able to rule than any young man.

These words caused laughter from the other inhabitants, as they found it funny that the group thought that the rules were the same as in the world outside the Dark Continent. After learning the true face of the new world, newbies are always quiet and follow the rules like everyone else.

But there were still those who want to become influential members of the city. This is only possible after a lot of hard work and struggle. Something newbies don't have.

Many of them died from not listening to the instructors or reading the rules. This was a valuable lesson for the other newbies.

The soldiers sent to the Dark Continent were better than the politicians, as they were used to following orders and know the meaning of hierarchy.

Liu Yang was not a tyrant like James Hunt, but that doesn't mean he was someone tolerant. Those who disobeyed the rules were executed or imprisoned, depending on the crime committed.

Older residents know this, but newbies always tried to do that and were killed in the end. They respected Liu Yang because he was enforcing his rules.

Those who didn't like it always tried to cheat, but when they were caught, they were severely punished. The worst punishment of all was to be slowly devoured by the creatures. The images of sinners being eaten alive by the creatures were still imprinted in the minds of the newbies, they were always afraid before attempting to commit a crime.

Liu Yang did not even need to create a patrol or police group to deal with the offenders. The inhabitants themselves did this for Liu Yang, these people were fanatics for him. They were the best guards possible.

Two months later…

The day was clear with dark clouds in the sky. The icy wind blew everywhere in the city.

Inside Liu Yang's house, he was lying in bed with eight naked women. Two more were added a few months ago, he was attracted to the two women and took them as a lover.

"The day has finally come ..." Liu Yang looked at the beautiful women around him and smiled. His previous night was very relaxing and enjoyable.

"Liu Yang, are you leaving yet?" Lida Aoi was the first to wake up.

"Yes. I'm leaving "He kissed her lips.

"We will say goodbye to you. Let's eat something together and play some more "


In the village's central square it was packed with a large crowd. Liu Yang was up on a stage with his women. They looked at the crowd in front of them.

"Today is the day that I'm leaving the starting area. I am happy to have created this city with your help. "

"Whooaa !!!!!!!" Liu Yang fanatics shouted. Many of them were saddened by his departure, as they can no longer see Liu Yang fighting several dozen creatures at the same time.

"I know you have a question in mind. But I can assure you that there will be no other village leader. Unlike before, I will still be able to control the village after I leave. I can also check things out from the system window. I am aware of the things that happen in the village. If you don't believe me, you can confirm it a few days later "Liu Yang spoke casually, but his words contained hidden threats.

If any idiot tries to do something wrong, he will know. If anyone tries to do something with his women, he will know.

"I hope you remember that" Liu Yang showed his powerful aura. The power of the conqueror was active, those closest to him were afraid of Liu Yang, while the most distant was only a little cold.

Some were skeptical about this, but others believed in his words. Liu Yang has already shown them many miracles if he really can return. This will be another miracle.

"I hope to meet you in the future somewhere outside that initial area" The women kissed Liu Yang on the lips.

The women in the crowd were jealous and jealous of the eight women. They also want to be upfront and kiss Liu Yang.

"I will be back soon" Liu Yang whispered to them.

Liu Yang touches the level button to level 10.

The instant he hit the button. Several messages echoed.

"Congratulations on leveling up to level 10. You received two attribute points and one skill point."

"You will be sent out of the starting area. The place where you will appear will be a random area "

White light covered his body before disappearing.

"Leader, have a good adventure !!!!!"

"Leader!!! Create a legend for us !!!! "

The fanatics shouted.

The eight women felt a little loss after Liu Yang left. They don't know when they will be able to see him again.

Liu Yang's true adventure across the Dark Continent will begin.

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