Touch of Fate

Chapter 165: Back to the Basics

"Alright. That's enough for now. The others are starting to arrive. You still have a bad habit of over committing when relying on magic. It makes you vulnerable to counterattacks from people who know what they are doing. We'll need to make time for sparring in the future." Instructor Johnathan was commenting, while doing a few after exercise stretches.

Mike groaned slightly, spat the dirt out of his mouth, and slowly got back to his feet. He hadn't even seen the blow that had floored him. Taking a few moments to brush the dust off, he moved over to take his place next to the assembly area. In a short time, the other students had filed in and lined up.

Johnathan paced in front of them with his trademark scowl. "How many of you are aware that a Tennundian army had invaded the Western Marches, and are even now marching on the capital?"

Quentin was the first to react, "What?! What are we going to do? Oh Gods…"

The others were equally stunned by the Instructors words. Rebecca and Aine engaged in a furious exchange of whispers, while Kalith and R'hakun exchanged mildly concerned glances.

Mike was a little surprised by how shocked they were. After all the Tennundians had launched an assault on the University itself only a few days ago. It would be more surprising if this didn't lead to war in some fashion. Perhaps it was the knowledge that they might be under siege soon.

Johnathan gave them a few minutes to mull over the news before he continued. "That's enough. I'm not done speaking yet. The nation is in a difficult situation militarily, and as such, the Prime Minister has begun the process for a general Call to Arms in the Capital. As students of the University and citizens of Almir, it is your duty to serve in the soon to be formed University Army. Of course, this does not apply to our guests from other countries," he nodded the direction of the elf and beastman. "Though we would welcome your participation, should you feel inclined to assist us."

The two foreigners in question looked relieved by the revelation, obviously planning on jumping ship as soon as possible. What the instructor added after that caused their faces to fall once more.

"However, if you decide to leave us, please note that your tuition is forfeit, and you will no longer be allowed attend the University in the future. I would recommend thinking carefully before you make your decision."

Ignoring the discomfort of his neighbors, Quentin asked with some desperation, "Is there any way the rest of us can refuse?"

Johnathan stopped, fixing a baleful gaze on the pudgy man. "Your country will be fighting for survival, and the addition of a single mage, even one of your inexperience, may change the course of battle. If you feel that you are unable or unwilling to defend your home against invaders seeking to destroy everything you hold dear, then you are free to leave. You will be seen as a traitor to the nation, so you'd better get on the first ship heading out. Hopefully, you'll live long enough to regret your cowardice."

Quentin twitched once, as if seriously considering leaving, before finally sagging in resignation.

"Good on you. Does anyone else feel the need to leave? No? Alright, then I will begin preparing you for the roles you will fulfill once the Call is fully implemented."

Curious, Mike asked. "And when will that be, sir?"

Johnathan shot him a look before answering. "I'm not privy to the plans of the upper levels of the government, so I couldn't tell you an official date. Since I have been authorized to inform you lot, it can be safely assumed that it will be issued to the populace in the near future."

[Sounds like I might have another day or two before things go crazy. Might be worth running into town and picking up a few things, before the news hits, if it hasn't already.]

"Now, if there are no more questions, let's begin. As low tier elemental mages, you will usually be fulfilling one of two roles. The first is to serve in a general mage corps and provide mana support to more powerful casters. Typically this group is made up of the least combat proficient mages, ones who could be best put to use as batteries." Johnathan began harshly.

"The other is to be attached to units of Knights or warriors, to provide magic support in the heat of combat. This role is typically filled by the most skilled of the Tier 1s and the low Tier 2s. This is a more dangerous job, but it is also a more important one. The government recognizes as much, and the wages of this group tends to be significantly higher. You will also earn a great deal more recognition and glory, should such things interest you. There are a few other possibilities open, but generally speaking, unless you are a crafter or a healer, you'll fall into one of these two categories."

"So how do we know which ones we are?" Kelith asked.

"That is simple. As your team leader, it is up to me to decide where you best fit, and I say that all of you, with one notable exception, are bound for the mage corps. You are all beginners lacking experience, and it would be the height of folly to place the lives of Almiran soldiers in your hands." He gave each of them a hard stare. "However, I am a fair man. If, over the course of the next few days, you can prove to me that you are more than a mere mana battery, you might be able to change my mind."

"Before we do anything else, I have to teach you the most basic war mage skills, so that regardless of your role in the coming conflict, you won't be a total embarrassment to me."

What followed was the closest thing to a magic class that Mike had actually experience in his time at the University, and he learned a great deal from it.

Johnathan demonstrated and then walked them through the acquisition of three simple abilities, mana transference, mana defense, and mana attack. They were rudimentary, requiring only a small amount of effort to make use of. Even the other students were able to pick them up quickly.

It had never occurred to him that he could use the energy by itself, without filtering it through one of his other magic skills. This completely altered his perspective on how spellcasting worked. While he was learning the transference skill in particular, he felt like he'd come to a new understanding of mana.

[Why didn't my first attempts at healing just end up as a mana transference? An application of my luck maybe? Anyway, these seem to be basic magic skills. I wonder why it took so long for me to learn them. Is it really a matter of training?]

Almost as if reading his mind, Johnathan spoke up. "I know some of you must be wondering why we didn't start with these skills. The reason is simple, they are dead-end abilities. Neither Mana Attack nor Mana Shield advance beyond Tier 1, and Mana Transference is so difficult to improve that there have been no recorded instances of anyone achieving a higher level of skill than the substandard Tier 3 skill Mana Investiture."

"What does that skill do, sir?" Mike asked, rather interested. His instincts were telling him that there was a hidden gem here.

Johnathan gave him a hard stare before answering, "It allows you to store altered mana in objects and even other people. In theory, this could allow you to spontaneously create magic items and grant mana based abilities to others. However, the efficiency is so low as to be pointless. If you have the time to be worrying about mastering such things, I suggest you focus on improving your current skills, show off."

Not wanting to argue, Mike simply acquiesced. However, he was planning on experimenting with the new skills at his earliest convenience. As soon as class ended, he took a moment to go over his [Status] to plan for his future development. From the sounds of it, he didn't have much time left before the war kicked off, and he needed to be as ready as possible.


Below is a status update. Please feel free to skip to the next chapter.




Michael Rasmussen

Race: Human

Age: 15

Class: Skill Master

Tier: 3 (High)

Title: None

Multiverse Traveler

Blessed One

Hunter of Renown

Battlefield Healer




Dungeon Savior


Saint of Healing

Nemesis of Demons



Fortuitous Alchemist

Known to the Lurker

Conjurer of the Draconic Bloodline


Elementalist (NEW)




Primary Skills:


Communication Magic (Rank 3)

Advanced Healing Magic (Rank 1) (TIER UP)

Analyze (Rank 2)

Journeyman Almiran Military Swordsmanship (Rank 2)

Intermediate Water Magic (Rank 3)

Intermediate Fire Magic (Rank 3)

Intermediate Air Magic (Rank 2) (RANK UP)

Intermediate Earth Magic (Rank 1) (TIER UP)

Basic Light Magic (Rank 2) (RANK UP)

Basic Dark Magic (Rank 2)

Basic Conjuration Magic (Rank 3)

Basic Calling Magic (Rank 1)

Basic Alchemy (Rank 2)

Bind Familiar (Rank 2)

Blood Collector (Rank 1)


Secondary Skills:


Lifestyle Magic (Rank 0)

Advanced Lovemaking (Rank 3)

Athletics (Rank 2)

Intermediate Evasion (Rank 3)

Basic Dagger Fighting (Rank 2)

Intermediate Spear Fighting (Rank 1)

Intermediate Sword Fighting (Rank 2)

Intermediate Elemental Magic (Rank 4) (RANK UP)

Basic Summoning Magic (Rank 3)

Basic Riding (Rank 5)

Basic Haggling (Rank 4) (RANK UP)

Basic Musical Performance (Wind Instrument) (Rank 2)

Basic Unarmed Fighting (Rank 4)

Basic Chanting (Rank 3)

Dual Casting (Rank 2)

Aerosense (Rank 1)

Basic Stealth (Rank 2)

Basic Dismantling (Rank 3) (RANK UP)

Basic Blacksmith (Rank 2) (NEW)

Mana Transference (Rank 1) (NEW)

Mana Shield (Rank 1) (NEW)

Mana Attack (Rank 1) (NEW)


Passive Skills:


Intermediate Fear Resistance (Rank 2)

Intermediate Physiological Resistance (Rank 1)

Advanced Poison Resistance (Rank 1)

Basic Heat Resistance (Rank 4)

Basic Mental Resistance (Rank 5)

Basic Electricity Resistance (Rank 1) (NEW)

Moderate Mana Enhancement (Rank 5) (RANK UP)

Moderate Mana Regeneration Enhancement (Rank 5) (RANK UP)

Moderate Endurance Enhancement (Rank 3) (RANK UP)

Moderate Agility Enhancement (Rank 3) (RANK UP)

Moderate Strength Enhancement (Rank 1)

Basic Willpower Enhancement (Rank 3)

Limit Break (Rank 1)

Detect Hostile Intent (Rank 3)


Inherent Skills:

Traveler's Luck


(BC) Vampiric Regeneration, Lesser




- Elementalist -

Through your mastery of the four basic elements, you have achieved a new level of understanding and control. Minor increase to the efficiency and potency of all Earth, Air, Fire, and Water Magic skills.


Primary Skills


- Advanced Healing Magic (Tier 4, Rank 1) -

An advanced form of True Healing Magic. By channeling pure mana into the bodies of the injured, practitioners of Intermediate Healing Magic can stimulate and supplement natural healing processes, allowing recipients to recover from virtually all forms of injury. Higher skill ranks allow for the healing of more severe injuries and lowers the overall mana cost of healing.

Rank 1 Effects: Restorer

- Restorer -

Through sheer mastery of the healing arts, no ailment can withstand practitioner's abilities. Allows the user to completely restore their patients to perfect health, removing any condition. So profound is this restoration, it can even reverse magical transformations and curse that effect a subjects soul. Also includes the effects of all lower tier abilities.

- Intermediate Earth Magic (Tier 2, Rank 1) -

One of the most basic forms of Elemental Magic. Earth magic allows the user to create and manipulate earth and stone. It is characterized by its permanence and durability, providing the most effective defensive techniques of the four basic elements. Higher skill levels increase the mana efficiency and power of the magic produced.

Rank 1 Effects: Minor Creation

- Minor Creation -

As the most fundamental of the material elements, Earth has a sympathetic relationship with all other forms of matter. Skilled practitioners of Earth Magic can take advantage of this relationship to modify the earth the create, allowing it to take the form of other materials. The quality and nature of these materials are determined by skill level.


Secondary Skills:


- Basic Blacksmithing (Tier 1, Rank 2) -

The art of fashioning a variety of implements and items out of forged metal. Minor system correction to practitioner's knowledge and ability in regards to smithing. Functions as the Prerequisite and Limiter for all other forms of smithing.

- Mana Transference (Tier 1, Rank 1) -

By manipulating their natural mana reserves, users of this skill can transfer their mana to others. This process creates resistance between individual mana reserves, causing a loss of energy. Higher levels of skill increase the efficiency of transference.

- Mana Shield (Tier 1, Rank 1) -

By manipulating their natural mana reserves, users of this skill can create a shield of pure mana around their bodies. Due to the unstable nature of raw mana, it is difficult to maintain this shield for long periods of time. Higher levels of skill improve efficiency, duration, and durability of the shield.

- Mana Attack (Tier 1, Rank 1) -

By manipulating their natural mana reserves, users of this skill can create projectiles of pure mana to launch at their foes. Due to the unstable nature of raw mana, the effective range of these projectiles is limited. Higher levels of skill improve efficiency, range, and power of the projectiles.


Passive Skills:


- Basic Electricity Resistance (Tier 1, Rank 1) -

Exposure to electricity has rendered the user more resistant to its negative effects. Minor resistance to the negative effects of electricity.

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