Touch of Fate

Chapter 172: A Quick Conclusion

[Do I really want to do this? Will it even change anything?] Brenden thought to himself as he drew his sword. His actions felt hollow, like he was just going through the motions. Yet his rage was very much real. He didn't think he could bear the idea of continuing as things were.

Anger fueling his every step Brenden launched himself towards Mike, his mind working on overdrive to prepare a counter for whatever his rival threw at him.

[Judging from his lack of stance, it's probably going to be a blast of wind to throw me off balance followed by some application of Earth Magic to bind my movements in an effort to encourage me to give up.]

Just thinking about the patronizing manner Mike was approaching this fight was getting his blood boiling. Brenden knew deep down that he wasn't really a match for him, something that had been true for as long as they'd known each other. Every step of their journey up to this point had just reinforced that, but it wasn't something he could really accept.

In just the last few weeks, Mike had gone from an amateur caster to a skilled and dangerous mage, capable of making a mockery of some of the most accomplished warriors the central continent had to offer. His confidence while facing the Eternal Blades that night had rattled Brenden, however, he'd chalked it up to Mike's ignorance. That had changed once he'd heard the full story.

[How far have you gone while I wasn't paying attention? Am I even a companion in your eyes? Or am I just more baggage that you have to protect?]

These thoughts swirled through the back of his mind while he ran forward, summoning every ounce of strength and speed his transformed state could provide. As soon as Mike raised his hand, he tensed his legs, ready to dodge whatever spell was flung his way.

But there was nothing he could do.

Searing agony tore through him as the very tissues of his body fought against his movement, freezing him in place. His sword fell from his lifeless fingers, sinking point-first into the dirt of the training yard.

"You asked for me to not hold back, well I'm afraid I can't do that, Brenden." Mike spoke softly. His head was tilted down slightly, eyes obscured by shadows of the setting sun. "You would die, if I did."

The mage raised his arm further palm towards the sky, somehow lifting Brenden into the air as well. "Perhaps this will give you the answer you are looking for, whatever that might be. I'm just sorry it turned out this way."

Mike clenched his hand into a fist, and the world went dark.


When Brenden opened his eyes again, it had already grown dark. He sat up quickly and looked around, spotting Mike standing a little ways away, staring at the night sky. He started talking, seemingly knowing that the beastman had woken without needing to look.

"I wasn't sure if that was going to work, since I've never tried it before, but it seemed quite effective."

"What did you do?" Brenden asked in a husky voice. He felt numb, as if the answer to the question didn't matter, but he felt compelled to ask it anyway.

Mike glanced back at him for a second, seemingly gauging his emotional state before replying. "When I reached Tier 2 in Water Magic, I gained the ability to control all kinds of liquids with varying degrees of difficulty. A human's body is mostly made up of water, and I figured a beastman's is probably similar."

Brenden felt slightly sick. "You took control of my blood?"

"More like the water in your blood, but I suppose that's close enough." The mage replied simply, emotionlessly.

[That's it then. Now I know.]

"I'm not sure why I'm surprised. You do the impossible on a whim all the time. Why shouldn't you have the power to render weaklings like myself powerless without even trying?" Brenden growled bitterly.

Mike turned to look at him, golden eyes unreadable. When he spoke it was a hushed tone, little more than a whisper. "You know, this is the second party I've been in. Although, I suppose the first case was more of a temporary arrangement."

Brenden blinked. He hadn't known that. Mike had always seemed like something of a lone wolf.

Mike looked down at his hands, his voice taking on a slightly husky quality, as if recalling a painful memory. "Do you remember the Night of Wrath? It seems that most people have forgotten, what with the demon invasion that took place almost immediately after."

He nodded. What was Mike getting at?

"I was defeated by a superior enemy that night. One that could have killed me in an instant if that was his goal. One that almost killed the rest of my party in front of me while I was powerless to do anything about it."

"Wha…who was it?" Brenden asked, utterly floored by the revelation. He'd seen Mike take a beating a few times, but he'd always come out on top in the end.

"A Tier 4 vampire warrior by the name of Brutus, who wanted to deliver me to his master."

Brenden was speechless for a second. "You actually fought the Lord of War? I thought he was a legend. What happened?"

Mike met his gaze once more. "While I was lying there, too broken to do much more than squirm, I was forced to watch as he killed one of my party members." He paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "We weren't really close. Had a disagreement right before the attack, actually, but the sheer helplessness I felt then was pure agony. I don't think I'll ever forget the sound of her childhood friend's heartbreak when her lifeless body hit the ground."

The noble's monstrous laughter rang out from a corner of Brenden's mind, but he quickly dismissed it. That was not something he could bear to deal with right now.

Mike stood still for a second, lost in thought, before he started once more. "Thankfully, Limit Break activated soon afterwards, and I was able to fight back. Apparently, the resulting light show made quite the impression."

[Wait…does that mean?]

"You beat him?" Brenden asked in disbelief.

"I did, and all I can say about it, is there is much more to the Limit Break skill than enhancing one's stats for a little while. Or at least that's the case for me." Mike scratched the back of his head. "I'm telling you all this so that you'll understand something about me. Thanks to a confluence of circumstances, I am in a position where I can accomplish almost anything given enough time and resources. Even without that, I have access to abilities that will let me bypass my own limitations in times of need."

"So you're a step away from being omnipotent? Is that supposed to make me feel better?" He replied with a growl.

"No, but I want you to understand that, even with all my gifts and abilities, I nearly lost my comrades simply because someone more powerful showed up. I may be stronger now, but a Tier 4 could still wipe the floor with me, especially since Limit Break is on cooldown." He paused again, taking a moment to reaffirm his resolve. "If we fight in this war, there might be an enemy I can't protect you or the others from, and that prospect scares me."

Brenden looked at Mike. It was easy to forget that despite, his skills, titles, and the way he held himself as someone in the prime of his life, he was still a teenager. One younger than Brenden even. Yet he continued to place the weight of the world on his shoulders, trying to pick up everyone's slack, and facing all his problems alone. Like he couldn't depend on anyone else.

It made him furious.

"So that's how you see us. As people you need to protect. People too weak to defend themselves or make their own choices. Baggage that you are forced to carry around." Brenden spat, angrier than he'd ever been.

A look of hurt coupled with guilt flashed across Mike's face. "I don't...I mean, I haven't…."

"Save it! I don't want to hear it. Sera might be alright with that, and Tal may have come to terms with it, but not me!" He started walking away, stopping only to retrieve his sword, which was still sticking out of the ground.

Mike raised an arm as if to try and stop him, but froze and slowly lowered it. He watched in silence as his friend left the training yard.

Moving quickly, Brenden headed to the campus gate and started walking into the city, no clear destination in mind. He only wanted to distract himself from the guilt he felt for lashing out in anger, especially when he was really only furious with himself.


Mike watched as the beastman walked out into the night, never looking back.

[Shit. I messed up.]

He'd realized that ever since coming here, he'd neglected his friends in a way he hadn't considered. The University was a place where he could grow and become more, but that didn't mean it was the same for the others. He'd deluded himself into thinking that the training sessions and occasional adventure was enough for them.

It was clear that they were holding back, letting him pursue his own path without care or worry, meanwhile he slowly left them behind. He was taking them for granted, and treating them like an afterthought.

[Some friend I am. I reduced the lot of them to nothing more than ornaments to highlight my own greatness, then I got upset when one of them came to resent it.]

However, beating himself up about it accomplished nothing. He sighed deeply, letting his negative feelings wash through him, and regaining his calm once more. He spent the next few minutes contemplating his options, before coming to a decision.

He would do what any good leader should, and rededicated himself to improving those who followed him. After all, if he could really do anything with enough time and effort, surely he could help his friends to stand on the same level as him. Help them grow into people he could depend upon.


"Shit." Brenden cursed as he sat on the fountain's edge in the center of the deserted city square.

He'd been wandering aimlessly for hours, only choosing to stop when he found a place where he could be alone.

By now he was more frustrated than angry. Frustrated by how easily he'd forgotten his promise to make himself a worthy rival. How quickly he'd been left in the dust. It all seemed like such a sham now.

An arm came down around his shoulders, as a wash of intensely alcohol-tainted breath caused him to gag. "Now that's the face of a boy whose truly lost his way."

Brenden pushed the drunken beggar away in disgust, getting to his feet in the process. "What in the hells is your problem?!"

The old man gracefully spun on one leg, landing in a classic fencer's pose. "What ingratitude! And here I was thinking you were finally ready to learn proper swordcraft."

Looking at the beggar clearly for the first time, Brenden felt his mouth fall open. "Master? What are you doing here?"

The old duelist laughed and took another swig from the clay jar that was clutched in one hand. "Merely enjoying the hospitality of the capital. Or at least I was. Most folks seem too worried to play host nowadays. Something to do with a war, I think. Anyway, here I was, hoping to find a good place to lie down and bask in the moonlight, when who should I see, but my ungrateful pupil looking more lost than ever. What's on your mind, boy?"

Brenden started to yell a comeback, but thought better of it. "I found myself a rival. Someone whose strength and ability I can admire, but I am frustrated by my own powerlessness. He sees me as someone to be protected, not a comrade but a liability. I can't even argue, because he is right! I'm too weak to even challenge him, let alone stand by his side!" His volume increased throughout his statement, until he was nearly shouting at the end of it.

He took a few deep breaths to calm down, before taking a seat once more. "So, I am at a loss."

"That's all you're worried about? Psh! That's an easy fix. I thought for sure you'd caught your girlfriend cheating on you or something. Now there's real heartbreak, let me tell you." The old man's eyes went misty with memory. "Ah, Sonia, how could you do that with my brother? He had such terrible taste in liquor."

Brenden resisted the urge to punch his old master. He knew the old man was riling him up intentionally, but he was not in the best mental state right now, and these antics were starting to get on his nerves. "What in the hells are you talking about? If it was an easy fix, I wouldn't be worried about it."

His master gave him a sly look. "Why, if your weakness bothers you, then simply get stronger. It's not often in life that the solution to your problems is so easy to identify."

Sighing, Brenden shook his head. "You don't understand. My rival is powerful mage who improves at a ridiculous pace. I thought it was crazy that he managed to defeat an Eternal Blade in a one on one duel, but I recently found out he took down someone even more impressive before I even met him. I just don't see how anything I could do would let me catch up at this point."

"Yeesh. You certainly like to challenge yourself. Luckily, you happen to have a gifted teacher who knows exactly what you need to do."

Brenden looked up at the man in shock. "What?"

"Tell me, what do you know about High Attributes?"

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