Touch of Fate

Chapter 263: A Burning Descent

As the farm house collapsed in on itself, wreathed in the intense inferno of dragon fire, Mike sighed and glanced over at Selene. "Welp, that was a bit of a bust."

"Are you sure there wasn't something worth saving in there?" She asked, a little annoyed. "Even if the boss wasn't going to talk, there could have been documents, or ledgers, or something."

"Already asked the other members we captured. You know, the ones I threatened to let Red eat. According to them, this was only meant to be a temporary safe house while they tried to kidnap Sera. Their main base of operations in the region is located in the city, near the docks. I'll be heading there next, but I have a sneaking suspicion I won't find much. The Cabal seems to be good at covering its tracks."

"Whatever. Then I assume this particular mission is at an end?" The vampire asked with arms folded, irritation still present in her body posture.

[I guess she's angry about me basically wasting her time?]

"That's right. As soon as we're done torching this place, I'll take you back to Almirn and let you resume your usual duties. I still have some business to take care of over the next couple of weeks, so I may have to call on you to handle a few things from time to time, but you should be in the clear in the short term. Anyway, you did a good job here. Because of your efforts, we got the chance to remove this particular blight from the capital."

Sounding slightly mollified, Selene shot back. "I know you are just trying to get on my good side, but I appreciate the sentiment anyway. Speaking of which, when are we getting out of here? I'm craving some real blood. Living off the small animals I managed to catch around here has been very depressing."

Mike chuckled. "Soon, I just want to make sure that the fire is controlled before I..."

He trailed off as he detected the appearance of a massive source of hostility. The range of his detection had increased since his breakthrough, and it was now a bit more accurate, so he could instantly tell that a powerful creature was descending from above very, very quickly.

Grabbing Selene, he sent a mental warning to Red while taking to the air with a blast of magic. A veritable mountain seemed to slam into the ground where he'd been standing mere seconds ago, creating a shockwave of dirt that extinguished the farmhouse's fire and threatened to knock Mike out of the sky.

Righting himself and then taking a moment to calm his disoriented vampire familiar, who had only just started to shriek cry out in alarm, Mike surveyed the new arrival, using Appraise as soon as the bulky creature became visible.



Age: 4352

Race: Greater Flame Dragon

Class: Lord of Fire

Title: Sovereign of Stonebirth


[...This is a bit troubling.]

Murthinax looked very similar to Red, only on a much larger scale. In fact he was so big that he might have trouble fitting inside a football stadium, if he were to appear on Earth. Red's bus-sized body was so completely dwarfed by the new arrival, that he looked like a small pet by comparison.

"Enslaving my kindred carries a heavy price, human!" The dragon roared, causing the air to vibrate with the unseen force of his voice. "Even the Dragonknights never dared to bind a Flame Dragon, but I am merciful, release my kin from bondage and I shall spare your life."

It took a moment for Mike to realize that he was talking about Red. "Um...I think you are mistaken about something, your...uh...lordship."

This didn't seem to amuse the powerful creature, "Do not think to offer excuses, whelp. Your ancestors were still clawing in the dirt...what?"

For the first time since his arrival Murthinax turned his burning gaze away from Mike, focusing on Red, who was now sitting in front of him, making an impassioned plea. They were too far away for his words to be heard, but the meaning came across shortly.

"You are a summoned creature? I thought that technique was lost...I see."

Looking back at Mike, the dragon called out again. "Come here, human. It seems that we have much to discuss."

By now, the hostility he'd been detecting since Murthinax's arrival had faded, so he figured it was probably safe to descend. Landing next to Red, he let Selene continue to hide behind him, a look of abject terror on her face, which was understandable considering her proximity to the colossal beast.

The Greater Flame Dragon stared at him for a few moments, taking in great gusts of air as if sampling his scent. Finally, he spoke again in a voice that was far too loud to be listened to comfortably. "You are quite young for a Tier 4 mage, but I suppose that make's sense considering your other titles. However, that doesn't matter right now. Is it true you brought this one," he gestured at Red, "into existence using your magic?"

Mike took a moment to let his ears stop ringing. "Its true. Although it was really more of a fluke, to be honest."

"And could you recreate this 'fluke' if you needed to?"

He thought about it for a moment. With his newfound understanding of Summoning Magic, he was fairly certain he could figure out the chant he'd used to summon Red in the first place, and perhaps even improve on it in a few ways.

"I believe so, but it would require some experimentation."

The massive dragon looked at him for a few seconds before rearing up and laughing. It was a concussive, volcanic affair that forced Mike to create a mana shield around himself and Selene as fire rained down on them. "HAHA! Finally! Human, do you have any idea what this means?!"


"It means that I need not be the last of my kind!"

Mike staggered for a moment as the ground shook with the dragon's excitement. "I wasn't aware that Flame Dragons were in danger of going extinct."

Murthinax's demeanor changed in an instant, becoming far more subdued. "It is a long story. One that I have no intention of sharing at this time. Just know that I have not encountered another living member of my species for several centuries. Regardless, that has changed now. Tell me human, how difficult would it be to create more like dragons like my cousin here?"

"Hmm, that's hard to say since I've yet to perfect the method, but I can probably manage to summon a few a year, once I get that ironed out."

"HA! Excellent!" The dragon exclaimed happily. "Do they need to be bound to you like this one is?"

"At first, I think? But I'm pretty sure I can release them after they've finished manifesting." He replied uncertainly. What he'd said felt right, but he hadn't really put any thought into it before now.

"However, that doesn't mean I'm going to do so just because you asked."

The air seemed to thicken as Murthinax regarded him again, and rumbled in a deep, almost subsonic, voice, "Oh?"

Not letting the sliver of unease he felt enter his voice, Mike replied calmly. "Summoning a small army of dragons is a time and energy consuming process, and I've yet to hear what I would be getting out of this deal. Surely you didn't think I would work for free."

The tension increased as the massive creature stared at him for a moment longer, before it finally relented. "That is...fair. Very well, what is it that you desire?"

Mike hesitated. He honestly didn't know what a creature like the Greater Flame Dragon could give him.

[Well, he's a dragon, so he's probably got some treasure stashed somewhere, but that feels like a bit of a waste. Some kind of magical boon maybe? Wasn't there that story about a dragon heart a while back? Not sure what I'd do with one, but...Argh! Whatever, I'll just throw it back into his court.]

"Thank you for the offer, but I feel that a wise and honorable dragon like yourself would know best what he could give someone like me."

The dragon chuckled, sending forth another stream of lava which needed to be avoided carefully.

"How cunning. Very well, I shall play along." He muttered before straightening to his full height and speaking again in a deep resounding voice. "Michael Rasmussen, for the aid you have given and will give to me, I shall grant you three boons. By the ancient laws of dragonkind, these shall be gifts of knowledge, power, and wealth in a measure equal to your task. Is this acceptable to you?"

[That's kind of vague. Oh well, its not like this bargain is actually costing me anything besides some mana and a little bit of time. I'll just go along with it for the time being.]

"It is."

"Very well, then the contract is formed." Murthinax intoned solemnly, causing a visible shudder to pass through the air around them as a powerful wave of mana surged from his body.


"...Wait, what are you-"

"Now, human, I will begin repaying my debt by imparting knowledge upon your companion here. I shall take him back to Stonebirth with me, teach him what it means to be a dragon, and train him in the ancient arts of our kind. With the evident strength of his spirit, I do not believe it will take long for him to rise from his status as a Lesser Flame Dragon." The colossal creature interrupted.

"Now hold on a minute-" Mike started to argue. However, Red stopped him.

"I want to go." The dragon said, speaking to him in discernible words for the first time. His voice was deep and rumbling, although to a much lesser extent than the other one, but still carried a naive tone which belied his youth.

"I need to become stronger so that you won't leave me behind."

Mike shook his head, finding the idea silly. "Come on now, I wouldn't do that."

Red tilted his head in a strangely cat-like fashion. "Why not? You've already done it with the little one."

It took Mike a moment to realize that he was talking about Audra, and felt a pang of guilt.

[I suppose I can't blame him for thinking that way.]

After a few moments of consideration, he nodded. "Alright, you can go, but I expect you to come back eventually. I can hardly pretend to be a Dragonknight without my dragon mount, now can I?"

Red bent down until his head was level with Mike, then nuzzled against him. Although fairly unpleasant, due to the dragon's rough scales and hide, the sentiment wasn't lost on him.

Murthinax rumbled, "If your goodbyes are done, child, then let us leave. The flight to Stonebirth can be taxing for one of your size." He began to flap his building-sized wings, lifting into the air in a manner that defied all of Mike's knowledge of aerodynamics.

Roaring over the sound of the wind his passage was creating, the Greater Flame Dragon added, "I will seek you out in time, human. To both deliver more of your reward and to check your progress. For now though, fare thee well."

The dragons took off into the evening sky, quickly dwindling to specks that vanished completely in due time.

After a few moments of silence, Selene coughed and loosened her grip on his shirt. "Ahem, well that was strange. Does this sort of thing happen to you often?"

"Not..." Mike started to deny it, but realized he really couldn't. "Haa...actually, this is something of a common problem for me."

"Right...remind me to keep my distance when we get back to the city. Speaking of which, how are you planning on getting there now?"

Mike frowned, "I don't suppose you can turn into a bat or anything, right?"

Selene just stared at him, not bothering to answer.

"Figured as much. Alright, come here, I'll carry you. Thankfully, its not that far away."


Biographies Part 4





Also known as the Mistress of the Earthen Realm, Ruler of All That Grows, Giver of Life, Mother of Instinct, and a host of regional names and titles, Teun is one of the Five Creator Gods of Ea.

Like all of the greater gods, she has no definite form, but usually appears as a statuesque women with skin the color of rich earth and tangled, vine-like growth in place of hair. As the goddess most frequently associated with physical passion and lust, she is known to have an enchanting and seductive air. Few among the Ascended can resist her charms, and even her fellow Creators are known to fall prey to her persuasion when she's seeking a favor.

Teun is commonly associated with plants and mammals, and her sacred creature is the Treant.



Vivacious and mercurial, Teun is a goddess of passion who embraces emotion and embodies the principle of living in the moment. She is the most direct of the Creators, often boldly stating her opinion with no thought to how it might derail the conversation, something that irritates Aminatrea greatly.

Detractors often call her reckless and impulsive, prone to sudden mood swings. To her adherents, however, she is bold and adventurous, unwilling to waste time on overly complex plans when action is required. This is not to say she doesn't exercise some degree of forethought, merely that long-term consequences rarely factor into her decision making process.

Teun, thanks to her role as the goddess of life is easily the most popular deity amongst mortals. Rural communities are nearly universal in their devotion to her. This is especially true in the case of farmers, miners, and those who work with the soil. As such, her church is by far the largest and most diverse, spanning nearly every race and region.

She is quite popular among her fellow gods, but rarely has the wherewithal to maintain a strong faction. As such, she tends to ally with one of the other Creator Gods when making major decisions, lending what support she can muster to their causes. Teun is in an unstable romantic relationship with Lysande, which is often leads to intense drama between the two celestial entities. However, this has not stopped her from taking on a number of lovers among the Ascended, and even the occasional mortal.

Spheres of Influence


Teun governs the Aspects of Earth, Life, Plants, Animals, Passion, and Instinct. She is often associated with Fertility, and to a lesser degree, Marriage. As such, most wedding ceremonies in the Inland Sea Region are partially dedicated to her.

Because of her involvement with nature and natural processes, virtually every person who makes their livelihood off the land pays her some degree of homage. From the hunter offering a silent prayer before his fires his arrow, to the farmer planting seeds blessed by a Teundan priest. From the miners requesting safe passage through her domain, to the expectant mother pleading for a safe delivery. When combined with her role as the supposed source of carnal pleasure, she is understandably the most popular goddess in the pantheon. A fact that continues to irritate Aminatrea to no end.

With few exceptions, the various races of Ea routinely worship her, with her most fervent supporters being the many tribes of beastmen. Most of their rituals and traditions stem from the worship of one of her Aspects. Teun is also the patron of the dwarves, who focus primarily on her role as the goddess of Earth, and by extension, all the lies within the ground.

Not all of her followers are benign, however, and several primitive monster tribes worship her as the Mistress of the Hunt and Goddess of Hunger. They pay homage through ritual sacrifices and feasts, which is all too often composed of their sentient victims.

Similarly, vampires, ghouls, and those types of undead that must feed to survive are also frequent worshipers of hers. However, she is often superseded in their hearts by certain members of the Ascended that more closely align with their worldview.

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