Touch of Fate

Chapter 267: Politics Again?

"Alright, just try to keep your mouth shut and follow my lead." Julia whispered as they passed through the banquet hall.

Cariel nodded absently, her gaze wandering and a look of fascination on her face. Obviously, she wasn't really paying attention.

"Listen!" The cat beastman hissed, earning her a sharp glance from one of the guards stationed nearby. A quick, apologetic laugh was sufficient to cause his suspicious glare to shift elsewhere.

"Ahem. We need to be careful. If they find out we aren't really entertainers, we'll be treated as spies."

[Although, I suppose that's actually the truth now…] She thought glumly as she led her air-headed companion through the crowd of nobles.

The pair were dressed in vibrant, flowing garments that were designed to add a flair to their every movement. She regretted having to resort to this measure, since the outfits were counterproductive to their goal of avoiding attention, but she'd been left with little choice.

Her original plan of pretending to be servants had fallen through when it became obvious that security measures around the event had been heightened dramatically. Strangely enough, she couldn't find anyone from the criminal underworld who was willing to help. Eventually, she'd determined that their leader had ordered them to assist in securing the party, and virtually all of the city's gangs were working to prevent possible intrusions.

If it hadn't been for a fortuitous encounter with an old acquaintance, she might have been forced to rely on simply staking out the entrance. Thankfully, in a rare stroke of good luck, she ran into Emerald, a cat beastman bard used to work in some of the seedier taverns in Wyrport. Apparently, she'd recently fallen in with a troupe of traveling performers, and was now one of their leading singers.

Since the truth wasn't an option, she was able to secure Emerald's help thanks to a swiftly concocted story about unrequited love. The bard had always been a sucker for those kinds of tales.

As soon as she heard about the unfortunate Cariel, who had her heart stolen on the field of battle and dreamed of nothing so much as meeting the unnamed man to express her feelings, she'd immediately agreed to help.

Unfortunately, there were limits on what even a key performer could do, and the best she'd managed was to get Julia and Cariel positions as back-up dancers. They were even expected to participate in a few of the larger shows scheduled to take place tonight, albeit in minor roles where their lack of experience shouldn't be glaringly obvious.

They still had the better part of an hour to go before they needed to report to the director, so that gave them a good opportunity to search for their target. Of course, since neither one of them actually knew the Hero's name, asking around for him wasn't an option. So, they relied on the tried and true tactic of simply wandering around until they ran into him.

By this point they'd moved into the ballroom, where the troupe's musicians were playing a jaunty and upbeat song for the dancing party-goers. Julia scanned the crowd, and although she didn't find their target, she did see a familiar face.

The dog beastman warrior who'd fought alongside Cariel against a powerful Death Knight, was out on the floor, dancing with a pretty, silver haired girl who looked a bit younger than him. They seemed to be enjoying themselves despite his obvious lack of dancing experience. Thankfully, his innate agility was making up for it to some extent.

[He's definitely a commoner. Probably a meritorious promotion. He would have to be pretty amazing to make it this far. Maybe he had a major contribution during the war? His partner, on the other hand, is much more refined. The daughter of a lesser noble, perhaps?]

As both a familiar face, and someone who was presumably involved in the hierarchy of the Almiran military, he might very well be able to help them in their search. At the very least, he should be able to point them in the direction of someone who could help.

With that in mind, she moved to get his attention, only to realize at the last second that she'd taken her eyes off Cariel for a little too long. Unsurprisingly, the angel had vanished in the short span of time Julia had been distracted. As she frantically glanced around the room, trying to spot her infuriating comrade, she couldn't help but feel depressed.

[Ugh…Why do I have to deal with this?]

For a moment she toyed with the idea of simply leaving. It was not as if Julia had much to expect in return for her efforts. Even the hefty supply of gold she'd received in payment had been largely consumed as traveling expenses.

[Besides, Cariel will be alright by herself. She could easily fight her way out of any difficult situations.]

All Julia had to do, was break her word to rhe angel, a living manfestation of divine will, and possibly earn the ire of the most vengeful of Ea's five creator gods…

Sighing, she resumed her search by heading towards the dining hall. She suspected that she'd have better luck wherever they were serving food.


Mike opened the door, that should have taken him back into the dining hall, only to find himself in a small office-like chamber. A simple desk was set up along one wall, stacked high with a variety of papers. Bookshelves lined the walls, packed with all kinds of documents, tomes, and scrolls. Beyond that, however, it was sparsely furnished, with only a few plain wooden chairs and a fireplace to break up the scene. Even the stone floor was left bare of any adornment.

As soon as he entered, a familiar person turned from where he was casually regarding the fire, a glass of amber liquid in one hand, and gave Mike a neutral look.

"So good of you to join me." Count Graveston spoke, his voice echoing a little in the small room. "I apologize for the abominable lack of décor, but I like to keep my offices in the capital utilitarian. It helps me focus. Would you care for some refreshments?" He indicated a small platter on his desk, where a few liquor bottles were lined up next to a serving plate of pastries.

Mike had to ask, "How did I get here?"

The Count gave him a slight smile. "The palace was designed and built by one of the greatest mages to have ever graced the central continent. He spent close to a decade adding a myriad of enchantments into everything from its crenellations to its very foundations. The purpose of many of these spells remains a mystery, and few alive today have the confidence or skill required to even begin to unravel their secrets. However, I believe you learned by now that there are very few things in this world that are truly hidden."

[That doesn't really answer my question, but I suppose I'll chalk it up to his usual cloak and dagger antics.]

"Alright, then can you at least tell me why you've brought me here? I presume you have something you wish to discuss?"

The Count gave him a simple nod before striding over and sitting at his desk. He took another sip of his drink before replying. "I've been informed that you were approached with an invitation a few minutes ago."

Mike blinked, suddenly feeling a little less confident. "How- "

"Please try to think a little." The older man cut him off, "If I am capable of redesigning the interior of the palace to bring you here, merely to save myself the trouble of having you sent for, do you think monitoring your activities is beyond me?"

He didn't really have a response to that. It seemed fairly obvious in retrospect.

The Count gave him a stern, almost appraising look for a few seconds before glancing down at the documents in front of him, idly sorting through them. "I no longer have the authority or power to command you thanks to your recent…elevation, and I suspect that such tactics would have little effect anyway, given your personality. As such, I am going to give you a recommendation."

He pointed to the pocket Mike was keeping the letter. "Accept that invitation, but do so with the utmost caution. Its sender is also a Tier 4 mage, who has been ruling most of the Riverlands from the shadows for centuries. She is known to extend such invitations to powerful and influential people visiting her area of influence, although her exact purpose in doing so is something of a mystery. There will be banquets and entertainment, and you will be expected to remain in attendance for the better part of a week. At the end of which, she will either give you her blessing, or demand you leave the Riverlands entirely."

"So, it's some kind of test?"

The Count nodded. "That is the prevailing theory, although I suspect the truth is a bit more complicated. Nevertheless, refusing the invitation or failing in her test will bring you a great deal of trouble. There are a thousand ways that the people of the Riverlands can make you feel unwelcome without ever giving you justification to take action. Attempting to accomplish your goals without their acquiescence will prove difficult, even for one with your power."

"I see," Mike muttered. He had no reason to doubt the Count's words, instead trying to figure out what the man could gain from the warning. Perhaps he was simply concerned that, as thing were, Mike would end up in some form of confrontation with the other Tier 4 mage. It was hard to picture the Serpent of Almir being too worried about the well-being of another country, but he supposed that there were probably other factors at work. Finally, he asked, "What can you tell me about her?"

The Count slid a thing packet of papers towards him. "Everything you need to know about her is in there, although I will save you some time by summarizing. Despite her long life, she has remained out of the public eye, working mainly through puppets and pawns. The common folk of the Riverlands treat her like some kind of mythical figure, and most discredit her existence. To the ruling elite, she is known simply as The Sable Enchantress, a genius in the use of Illusions and Mental Magic. She is rarely seen outside of her sprawling estate in the forest northwest of Falstad, but her agents nevertheless control the majority of what occurs among the various city-states that compose the Riverlands Alliance. If not for the presence of Anuln the Untamed, the Tier 4 swordsman who makes his home Karnam, she would have sole dominion over the entire region."

"So, based on what you've told me, she has the upper hand in the undeclared power struggle, and it would be in my best interests to establish friendly relations with her. Is that correct?" Mike asked.

"The situation is complicated. Due to both parties' unique skill sets, they have more or less come to an impasse. The Enchantress cannot intrude upon Anuln's small domain, and the swordsman is unable to hold any of his gains for long. However, that might change should another Tier 4 join the fight. Perhaps, one that is known to be rather young and inexperienced, but with a track record of defeating powerful opponents?"

"You think she plans to use me as leverage against Anuln?"

The Count sipped his drink again, before responding. "Its possible, but given her predilection for subtlety, it seems out of character. Truthfully, I am unsure of what her true aim is, hence my warning. Your best option is to attend her banquet, promise nothing in regards to her power struggle, and continue on with your business once you've received her blessing. The Oracle you drag around with you should be equipped to help you in that regard, but to be on the safe side, I have taken the liberty of securing a knowledgeable and trustworthy aide to accompany you in your travels."

"I appreciate the offer," Mike returned as calmly as he could, trying to not let his irritation show on his face. "but I will have to decline. I need to be able to trust my companions. A stranger- "

The door opened suddenly, an irritated looking Morris standing there. As soon as he spotted his father, his gaze hardened. "By the gods! Will you stop doing that?! I've been trying to find my way out of the back corridors for the last hour!"

Ignoring his son, the Count gave Mike a small smile, "Ah, but you are already well acquainted with him, are you not?"


Below is a brief description of the Kingdom of Almir. Readers are welcome to skip to the next chapter. To keep these from becoming too long, I will be discussing three major components: history, society, and political system.


The Kingdom of Almir




Founded in the twilight years of the second Pyrathien Empire by the former imperial governor, Tiberius Almir, the Kingdom of Almir has been the dominant political force on the central continent since its inception.

In the early days, they quickly rose to prominence as a trading nation, taking advantage of its geographical location at the center of the Inland Sea Region to become a major stopping point for mercantile shipping once Pyrathien trade restrictions had fallen.

Thanks to friendly relations with the Nirethian elves to the northeast, and the dwarven nation of Galaglacia to the northwest, they enjoyed a long history of relative peace and prosperity, the natural boundaries of both the Forest of Shadows and the Barrier Mountains serving discourage border wars.

For that reason, the greatest dangers faced by the Kingdom for most of its existence came from within. Succession struggles, rebellions, and armed conflicts between powerful nobles repeatedly brought the country to the brink of ruin, and spurred several dynastic changes. Nevertheless, the nation was able to survive more or less intact until a major calamity struck.

The Day of Ashes, as it later came to be called, marked the end of Almiran dominance. In a titanic flash of light, the dwarven nation of Galaglacia was destroyed, vanishing in a wave of heat and death that rendered their former territories uninhabitable. The resulting ash cloud shrouded the central continent for months, leading to widespread famine and disease.

Because of the devastation caused by the calamity, the King of Almir was unable to do anything to prevent the western third of his country from breaking away and forming the independent Duchy of Tenundi. This created a longstanding conflict between the two nations, that has lasted until just recently.



The Kingdom of Almir is a feudalistic society with a noble class ruling over a much more numerous class of commoners. However, unlike in other regions of the world, frequent civil wars and rebellions have led to the destruction of a large number of noble houses, which in turn has given rise to the tradition of promoting meritorious commoners into the nobility. As such, there is less stigma between the ranks, and abuses of power are less frequent compared to other societies.

The commoners of Almir, for the most part, live in fortified villages dotting the sprawling plains the central continent. Farming and herding are the most frequent occupations, but thanks to the continent's famously fertile soil, agricultural yields are usually quite large, allowing for the existence of a thriving class of merchants and craftsmen. A fair amount of the population is also employed in nautical pursuits, with trading and fishing being prevalent.

Humans make up the vast majority of the population, due in large part to Pyrathien immigration regulations limiting the number of non-humans that could settle there. Nevertheless, a significant number of non-humans have come to live in Almir over the years, and they remain a common sight in most major cities.

Thanks to their relatively small number, and the disproportionately large amount of support they lent the allied war effort during the Great War against Lacot, non-humans enjoy little in the way of overt persecution in Almir. That said, the prospects for advancement are minimal, and only on extremely rare occasions are they promoted into the nobility.

This benign treatment of immigrants has in turn led to a large number of refugees flooding into Almir's port cities. Unfortunately, without guild credentials or sufficient capital to open a pioneering villages, there is little recourse for these desperate individuals save turning to crime. Which is the reason why non-humans are common among the gangs and guilds that manage the Kingdom's criminal underworld.

Political System


As a monarchical and feudal society, Almir's governmental authority ultimately rests with the crown, and is in turn disseminated in myriad of different ways among a multitude of noble landlords and government officials. In theory, this ensures that there is a stable flow of power extending from the king or queen to the lowliest knight or tax collector. In practice, however, this has led to royal power being strongest around the capital itself, and declining the farther you travel from it.

Although technically all sworn to the service of the reigning monarch, the nobles of Almir are managed through a complicated web of patronage, territory, and familial relationships that only loosely corresponds to political reality. As a result, most regions of the country are typically dominated by a major noble house which maintains enough power and influence to force their lower ranked neighbors into compliance. This system is widely believed to be the cause of the numerous civil wars the country has fought, as it has a tendency to give rise to powerful regional lords.

Cities in Almir are typically run by a combination of a noble overseer and commoner officials, who have a degree of autonomy not seen in other parts of the country. Guilds are the other major pillar of Almiran society, and are known to regulate and control their individual trades with ruthless efficiency.

Currently, the Kingdom of Almir is undergoing a succession struggle, with factions forming around the three possible heirs to the throne. Following the invasion of Skull Lord Kultanis, however, the First Prince Johnathan has emerged as the most likely candidate for the throne thanks to his active involvement in the Skull Lord's eventual defeat.

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