Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 288 - 0388: Fight to the Death (Third shift seeking monthly ticket)

Chapter 288: Chapter 0288: Encounter (Three More Monthly Ticket Requests)

Translator: 549690339

In the forest, a bonfire gradually rose.

Su Lu caught a snow chicken, disemboweled it, cleaned the viscera, then stuffed it with some wild mushrooms and other ingredients, sprinkled some spices on it and started grilling it gently.

In no time, an appetizing aroma filled the air.

“This world is bitter, but the ingredients are quite good…”

He tore off a chicken leg and started eating slowly, completely unconcerned about the bounty on his head.

A medieval-era bounty order? It was almost a joke!

Just a precise portrait would be hard to produce even if all court painters were put to work!

Moreover, all he had to do was put on the Crow’s Mask and change his name, and he would blend into the crowd again.

“As for the castles on the transportation routes… with my current abilities, I can go wherever I want whenever I want.”

In ancient times, many notorious criminals were caught because they were found, ran too slowly, and were trapped in the city gates.

But for Su Lu, even the highest city walls were a joke.

What’s more, the world is so vast, there are always mountains to climb, even if he doesn’t go through cities!

Therefore, he wasn’t worried in the slightest about the potential fury and pursuit of a northern duke.

However, at this moment, he was making no attempt to disguise himself. He was curious about the power of the top figures in this world and he wanted to see what a real powerhouse looked like!

“Anyway, in the low magic world, an occupational person can only reach the fourth tier at most. If I can’t beat them, I can always run….”

The delicious, tender chicken meat, along with the forest-flavored mushrooms, tasted wonderful.

As Su Lu was eating, he heard the sound of galloping horses.

A few knights, seemingly also wanderers, were attracted by the aroma and stopped on the side of the road: “Such a fragrant roast chicken, even Aunt Sofie can’t necessarily cook this well.”

A red-haired young man dismounted and smiled at Su Lu: “Hello, I am Ham Cass! A wandering knight from Western Red Rock City… May I rest here?”

“Of course, make yourself at home!”

Su Lu watched as the young men dismounted, ate their provisions and drank their water. One of them even took out a harp and began playing for their entertainment:

“Yo… We are merry horsemen!”

“Yo… We don’t take prisoners in battle!”

“Yo… We only want ladies’ handkerchiefs… and… to kick the asses of the powerful!”

It was clear that they came from relatively privileged backgrounds. After all, an ordinary family could not afford horses and weapons, let alone afford the expenses of having a strapping lad wandering around all year long.

Besides, they had received a certain level of education and knew a bit of music.

“Want some wine?”

Ham shook a leather bag in front of Su Lu, his eyes fixed on the half-eaten roast chicken.

“No need, thank you.”

Su Lu declined and saw the disappointment in his eyes, he handed over a chicken wing: “What brings you to the North Territory?”

“Delicious… This reminds me of the next-door auntie’s cooking…”

Ham finished the chicken wing in a few bites, even nearly gnawing the bone off, he reluctantly licked his finger: “We are wandering knights, we go wherever there’s action. We heard that there are some opportunities in the northern lands recently. The harsh climate is good for honing our bodies and spirits. Once our skills are refined, we plan to go to the Capital and become honored knights through the martial arts competition…”

The martial arts competition in the Capital is the most sought-after opportunity for wandering knights. The winner is usually rewarded with at least a courtly knighthood, along with numerous opportunities that come with it.

If they can catch the eye of a high-ranking official or noble, it is not inconceivable to become a hereditary noble.

“The current king is Felitlin III, right?”

Su Lu recalled what he had seen in the Duke of Wolf Fort’s study and spoke slowly.

This world, with its extraordinary beings and rigid social hierarchy, has seen the Dragon Dynasty struggling to sustain for a thousand years.

Every year, epidemics, local conflicts, various kinds of weird incidents, and other inexplicable reasons, lead to the deaths of a large number of people, which to some extent, serves to ease social tensions.

Even so, the succession of the Dragon Kingdom’s throne has gone through several major upheavals, with three instances of extinction of family lineage.

Now, the one sitting on the throne is indeed a descendant of Dragon I, but he does not come from the main lineage.

In the most recent ‘battle for the throne’, many nobles rebelled. Ultimately, a half-breed, with the support of several dukes, suppressed the rebellion and ascended the throne, calling himself ‘Felitlin I’.

While he was a descendant of the Dragon lineage, his bloodline also included several other major noble families like Rushing Wolf and others.

After all, over a thousand years, the major noble families had intermarried, and they were all technically relatives.

If they were to exterminate nine generations for guilt by association, they would almost be able to wipe out each other.

This resulted in an interesting phenomenon where, despite several uprisings, and blood being shed among the nobles, those who rise to power still have a part of the original bloodline.

This is another manifestation of a rigid social structure.

The major nobles will always be the major nobles, medium and small nobles will always remain medium and small nobles, and the commoners, unless they become official knights, will only face endless despair.

This channel of upward mobility is also controlled by the nobles, and there are too few real lucky ones.

“Yes, long live His Majesty the King…”

Ham raised his wine bag: “I heard that he is a kind elder… although he sometimes gets a little confused, haha…”

“Ham, one day, you will be hanged for your loose tongue!”

One of his companions said with a frown.


Su Lu laughed heartily.

Wandering knights, due to frequent interactions with ‘inferiors’ like mercenaries, tend to adopt vulgar and daring language, which the nobility often criticises.

Just after finishing his laughter, Su Lu abruptly looked towards the forest: “What?”

“What’s wrong?” Upon seeing his expression, Ham became somewhat alert.

“I smelled blood. We might be in trouble.” Su Lu said calmly.

“Is it a black bear? We do have four swords with us!”

Ham replied excitedly: “A full black bear skin can fetch at least five gold coins in the Capital…”

When on the road, encountering wild wolves, black bears and other large beasts is inevitable.

“It… doesn’t seem like a black bear, and… it’s very aggressive, we’re already in its sights!”

Su Lu shrugged and continued eating.


The next moment, the forest echoed with a howl that was a cross between a wolf’s cry and a bear’s roar.

A dark figure slowly emerged.

It had the body of a bear, the head of a wolf, several human arms growing from its ribs, and eight spider-like legs from the abdomen down.

It looked… like a monster pieced together from various ‘materials’!

“It’s a Stitched Abnormality!”

Ham’s face changed, and he leapt up, drawing his sword: “Yoen, grab the shield. Ruff, ready the arrows!”

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