Transcendent Dawn

Chapter 292 - 0292: Remodel (Three More Monthly Ticket Requests)

Chapter 292: Chapter 0292: Remodel (Three More Monthly Ticket Requests)

Translator: 549690339

The Arrogant School!

Its core is certainly the Language of Arrogance!

Since acquiring this passive ability, Su Lu has been considering using it as a core to create a completely new professional path.

This world is the best testing ground!

‘The power of the divine is truly unfathomable… Shewinado granted this language its mystery! It possesses ‘mystery’, and even if Shewinado has already fallen, even in this world, the Language of Arrogance can still communicate with the mysterious, brew transcendent power. It may be weakened compared to the Main World, but it’s enough!’

Creating a professional path from scratch, if accomplished, would undoubtedly enable Su Lu to gain a profound understanding of the professional system.

Of course, at this moment, he was not thinking so much as wanting to carry out an experiment!

One related to this world and the Dawn of the Gods!

‘Why does there exist a dawn and twilight of the gods? This fundamentally comes down to whether or not the world supports it… and why would a world allow the existence of transcendent power?’

‘Perhaps… this is just a rule, and the Spirit Tide is but the world’s breath, where one world’s breath could be three hundred years, while another could be a thousand…’

‘Another possibility is that it’s a mechanism for the world’s self-defense… to deal with certain catastrophes, it revives the Spirit Tide in a limited manner, providing support for the Transcendents…’

‘Even though Shewinado has fallen, he was after all still a divine being. Once His language starts spreading, what kind of changes will it bring to this world? I really do look forward to it.’

Correct, the role Su Lu wants to play in this world is that of a ‘Preacher-Su’!

After all, the Twilight of the Gods is tragic enough and the upper ranks are still controlling the transcendent channel, isn’t that causing the already rapidly declining professional individuals to further decline?

As for the dissemination of transcendent power causing hostility amongst the nobility, and possible backlash from this new system?

Heh heh… Su Lu is just worried that his sources of experience points are too lacking!

King’s Avenue.

Su Lu began to tentatively teach the four Silver Eye students the Language of Arrogance.

Unfortunately, the Divine Language was too difficult, especially in regards to the requirements for vocalization.

Ham and the others grunted and murmured for half a day, even straining their voices to the point of becoming hoarse, but they still couldn’t pronounce a complete and accurate syllable.

On the contrary, it was the old man, Silver Eye, whose eyes lit up as he thought of a solution.

‘You mean… body modification?’

Su Lu looked at Silver Eye.

‘Yes, master!’

In front of Su Lu, Silver Eye maintained a modest demeanor: ‘This mysterious language requires a lot of vocal cords, but our Darran School, no, many Life Schools have techniques to modify the human body. We can definitely modify vocal cords using various methods to meet the appropriate requirements.’

Wizards pursue knowledge at all costs, not even wanting to remain human. They naturally don’t care about this so-called modification of vocal cords.

Silver Eye is a man of action. Once he attains Su Lu’s approval, he immediately begins researching how to modify vocal cords.

He is an expert in modification, while Su Lu continuously proposes suggestions from the side.

Soon, the two have crafted a complete proposal.

‘Surgery and modification are too cumbersome and troublesome; the best way is through the use of magic potions!’

Su Lu made the final decision.

In fact, after teaching these four, he realized he was being somewhat presumptuous.

Shewinado’s ‘Language of Arrogance’ is not just a language; to be precise, it can’t be considered a pure language.

To chant it out loud, one must achieve a harmony between body and soul, and pursue a resonance of the spirit.

Back then, he learned so quickly because he was in the Dream of the Ancient God, where the ‘Knowledge of the Mad God’ was directly imparted to him.

If it were an ordinary person, or even a wizard, they would not have a chance to learn it within a few years.

‘So… we must utilize Magic Potion Study, and in Silver Eye’s modification potion, add a ‘seed’ that only I can create!’

This ‘seed’, made from the Language of Arrogance, contains a bit of Shewinado’s information.

This is the key to fast-tracking the ‘Language of Arrogance’!

Of course, taking a shortcut has its drawbacks, and it comes with terrible side effects.

For example… it will be restrained by the origin of all, Su Lu’s original ‘Language of Arrogance’! It could even cause one to hear certain things they shouldn’t hear, see certain things they shouldn’t see, and those with inherently high ‘inspiration’ might even dream of Shewinado!

Although this divine being has already fallen, it is not easy to say what might happen in such situations.

‘But well… to gain power, one must always take on some risk.’

Su Lu looked at the four magic potion bottles Silver Eye presented in front of him, and looked at him somewhat surprised: ‘Who would’ve thought… you’re actually quite the master of Magic Potion Study?’

Merely a casual mention, and this guy Silver Eye could bring out a potion to modify vocal cords and throats that met his expectations, leaving Su Lu somewhat pleasantly surprised.

Even he couldn’t do this! But if he had a formula, he could manage to concoct it according to the prescription.


Silver Eye smiled modestly. His Darran School is the kind of lunatic that can even change blood into mercury, and modifying vocal cords can only be seen as a minor surgery. Similar studies have been conducted in the past, leaving behind numerous valuable data from human experiments. He merely slightly modified the formula.

‘Alright, I’m going to carry out the final step now. You all better cover your ears.’

Su Lu smiled, then once again opened his mouth, uttering a shrill and sharp note.

It was like the cry of a madman, filled with a cacophony of noises, it was as if thousands of voices from a noisy opera were all converged into a single point.

Silver Eye was fine, but Ham, Ruff, Yoen and the others, even if they covered their ears, still felt an indescribable discomfort, as if they wanted to vomit.

However, within such notes,

four points of light emerged, falling into the magic potion bottle, and quickly dissolving into it.

‘Take advantage of it now and drink it down!’

Su Lu stopped his ‘chanting’ and spoke in a deep voice.

‘Alright, master!’

Ham was the first one to step forward, taking the potion bottle and pouring it into his mouth.


His eyes bulged, feeling like what he had swallowed wasn’t a potion, but a filthy ‘jelly’, which was stuck in his throat, not being able to swallow or spit it out.

The next moment, a burning sensation came over him, as though his throat was about to melt.

Ham’s face turned red. He grabbed at his neck in pain and collapsed onto the ground.

This was not just pain on a physical level, but also on a spiritual one.

His spirit felt polluted, and memories rapidly disintegrated. Dots of blue, red, and white seemed to float before his eyes.

Obscurely, he heard a voice besides his ear, as if someone was whispering close to his ear, yet he just couldn’t clearly hear it.

Feeling nauseous, upset, and wanting to vomit blood…

All sorts of feelings surged forward.

‘If you don’t want to die or turn into a monster, ignore the whispers you hear.’

The reminder from Su Lu came.

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