Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

In any case, the magician and the dead are the enemies of the church!

‘Now that’s the case, I can only maximize the results! Thinking of this, the knight commander finally stopped playing soy sauce, ready to intervene in the battle and show his true strength!

He stretched his hand into his arms, where there was a special summoning book.

That was the twenty-seventh ancestor of the dead, the twenty-fourth ancestor-Al Nahat! It is also known as the “stomach world” existence!

Al Nahat has a strange ability. He has the ability to completely wipe out opponents in one-on-one. At the same time, he himself will be wiped out, and then slowly resurrected after decades!

The Templar Church captured him and placed him in a prison full of mirrors so that he could only see himself. At the same time, he used the miracle method to take out his stomach and make his stomach use his power. In the terminal, every time he uses the teachings of the stomach world, his main body Alnahat will die once, and then it will take decades to use it again next time!

He is preserved by the burial agency and exists as the ultimate weapon against the dead! Usually, Narubalek decides whether to bring it into the battlefield!

Of course, his one-to-one spike ability is not absolute, it will only hurt people when facing a powerful existence, but will not completely kill the opponent!

Otherwise, it will be used once every few decades. For so many years, the Church of the Holy Trinity may have completely killed the 27th Ancestor…

Under normal circumstances, this thing will not be used on a very powerful existence such as Alte Luci, because it is simply a waste of the precious use of the stomach world. And as long as the teachings of the stomach world can still be used, then it is a powerful deterrent!

But now, the church has to thank Bai Yigong! Thank you Roa, because he attacked Alquette while Alteluci was seriously injured after he fought her. Coupled with the pursuit and killing of the White Wings for so many years, the power of Alte Luci has been greatly reduced!

Once, Alte Luci almost fell asleep forever, but at that time she signed a contract with the thirteenth ancestor, so that the night of Valachia brought her a lot of blood and survived again!

But this time, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, our luxurious lineup, is the best time to use the Stomach Scriptures. Although I can’t guarantee that Elte Luci will be completely silenced in one blow, it hits the stomach Scriptures. After that, Elteluci will absolutely no longer have the ability to resist!

At that time, whether it was to seal her or whatever, it was the church’s own choice!

The teachings of the stomach world itself were stored and used by the burial organization, but this time, the burial organization gave it to the knight leader. Not everyone can use the stomach world teachings. Due to the production problems, the people who use them need strong will and pious beliefs, and the people who have these in the church are naturally those powerful beings!

The knight leader can use it, which also shows his power!

Here, Liang Yiluo and Altluci are fighting Loreliya. Although it seems to be two-to-one, in fact, with the support of 50 magicians with ranks, it is basically two-to-51!

The cooperation between Clone team and Lorelia is perfect. Although every magician of Clone team is far behind Loreley, the 50 united together brings Loreley’s combat power. It is a doubled improvement! Even if Loreliya herself, it would take a long time for Liang Yiluo to defeat her. Now Loreliya’s combat power has doubled, so that Liang Yiluo can only support left and right blocks for a time, if not for El Telu. Qi helps him, I’m afraid Liang Yiluo will have to use the last trick!

The violent wind and lightning seem to never go out, but the purple flame is gradually disillusioning…

At this time, Liang Yiluo also discovered his own shortcomings. When facing a single enemy, he can rely on swordsmanship, but in the face of such violent storms, lightning and thunder, he has no tricks to deal with!

As for the so-called breaking the hurricane with lightning with one sword, Liang Yiluo can only curse secretly. He doesn’t have such a thing as the demon eye, how can he cut off the concept of hurricane and lightning?

What’s more, in essence, Liang Yiluo’s swordsmanship qualifications can only be said to be average, he has such a powerful swordsmanship completely proud of his origin power, because its fundamental power should be the origin power!

‘I have entered a misunderstanding… For so many years, I have only studied swordsmanship without neglecting my own most essential and most powerful power… Fortunately, I discovered it early and it was too late. Swordsmanship is not for me. The way of life is just a means to deal with the enemy! “Such understanding, but this understanding does not make Liang Yi Luo suddenly become so powerful, it will only allow him to have a more accurate choice of the future path.

Today, he still has to face Lorelei’s Bassemiro style!

Feeling that the source of the pain that envelops him is already precarious, I am afraid it will be broken after a long time, Liang Yiluo decisively abandoned it!

Following my own heart, the most essential and core power of the source of pain began to gather, like a purple supernova exploding! In the next instant, a purple flame rushed straight into the sky, and they spread in all directions, as if to reshape the entire world!

The terrifying explosive power at that moment finally knocked Lorelya out of the Wind of Bathmelo, and due to the sudden interruption of the magic, several members of the Clone team were also hit hard!

Loreliya’s figure appeared again from the gust of wind, except for a little embarrassed, she didn’t suffer any harm!

“Huh, Liang Yiluo, how many times can you use the attack just now?” Loreliya still asked in an arrogant tone.

For a person of her level, she can see through the emptiness and reality that Liang Yiluo just broke at a glance. I am afraid that after using it once, it will not be possible to use it again in a short time…

“You can try it!” Liang Yi said without showing weakness. But he knew that, as Lorelei said, the kind of explosion just now was a terrifying blow that completely destroyed the source of pain, and he had used it once before against Mei Lian. In a short time, he was unable to condense the source of pain…

Although his original power had analyzed part of the concept of wind, the time was too short to become an effective combat force in a short time. Faced with Loreliya, who played and applauded the element of wind. , Is tantamount to playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

After thinking about it, Liang Yiluo found sadly that he had no other way except the last move… No matter how strong the sword aura is, you can’t tear the concept of wind on the entire earth, even if you can tear Luo Lei apart for a while. Laya’s wind, but the opponent has the support of 50 magicians, and the existence of the wind of the entire natural world. He can persist in fighting for a long time, but he can’t burst out sword aura forever. You know, use a sword. What a huge force is needed to tear a gust of wind!

Even if Liang Yi Luo is very arrogant, he doesn’t think his will can support it. Even if it is a multi-level meta-twisting phenomenon, it can only attack a small section, facing the endless wind, it is useless at all!

Bathmelo Lorelia, who has such a reputation at a young age, how many people can completely resist this kind of combat skills and magic?

It’s no wonder that Loreliya dared to chase down the white wing father!

“Miss Bathmelo, please limit their actions!” The knight leader who had been rubbing the book in his arms suddenly said.

Lorelei gave him a strange look, but still listened to what he said, and the wind blew up again, but this time it only surrounded the two of them.

“Heihime of the true ancestor, although I believe you will have the power that might come back in the end…” The Knight Commander said so, and then slowly took out the items in his arms.

Yes, each of the twenty-seventh ancestors is extremely terrifying. Although Alteluci is weak now, when it comes to the real last moment of life and death, Alteluci will definitely fight the danger of falling asleep. The temple church and the magicians present now have a better time! At least a large part of the people will be lost!

The thing in the hands of the knight commander is a squirming thing like a human stomach and a disgusting thing like a book, but it is densely packed with countless divine scriptures, exuding weird sacredness!

Elteluci and Loreliya saw what was in the hands of the knight leader, their expressions changed!

Item 0025

“Is this the ultimate means of the church?” Loreliya moved a few steps without a trace. Although she still trapped Liang Yiluo and Altluci, she focused a large part of her attention on it. On the knight leader!

She can’t guarantee that the knight leader will deceive in the end and use the holy scripture of the stomach world on herself! If the other party is really like this, then she will tear the other party to powder before using it!

“It seems that you all recognize this thing… Miss Bathermelo, don’t worry, this thing won’t apply to you. Please be sure to limit their actions!” said the chief knight. Seeing Lorelia’s movements, he naturally knew what she thought.

But how can Lorelia relax? But she also hopes that the knight commander will use this horrible thing on Altluci. After that, within a few decades, the Templar Church will no longer be able to use the teachings of the stomach world. This is also good news for the Magician Association. !

Magicians are also human beings. They are also afraid of death. No matter how powerful a magician knows that the church has such a thing, if he encounters something against the church, he will not do it with all his heart, who knows When the church in the temple is angry, will it shoot out and kill itself?

What’s more, in terms of immortality, the magicians are too far away from the dead. The ancestors of the dead may not be killed by this thing once, but it is difficult for the magicians…

“That’s it?” Seeing the expressions of Alte Luci and Loreliya, Liang Yiluo knew the seriousness of the matter!

“Stomach-Boundary-Education-Diction!” Alte Luci gritted his teeth and said the word.

“Unexpectedly, did the other party really use this?” At this moment, Elteluci said as if she had given up resistance.

“That’s not necessarily!” Liang Yi’s expression changed after he knew that the thing was the teachings of the stomach world. He naturally knew this horrible thing!

At the same time, he also subconsciously prepared to attack, not giving the opponent a chance to use it.

Suddenly, Alte Luci grabbed Liang Yi Luo’s hand.

Being caught by the gentle and delicate hand, Liang Yiluo’s heart trembled, but the power coming from above prevented Liang Yiluo’s actions.

“It’s too late… if you can… find a way to escape from here…” Altluci said sadly.

But even she herself has no confidence that Liang Yiluo can escape the siege of so many people… She believes that since the other party has taken out the stomach world teachings at this time, then everything must be prepared, and it is impossible to give herself the last Chance of an outbreak!

“That’s right, everything is ready…” With a triumphant smile, the divine scriptures on the stomach world began to shake, and then all the scriptures instantly penetrated into the stomach-like thing, the stomach world. The scriptures seemed to be injected with powerful vitality, and began to beat like a heart!

At this moment, Alte Luci suddenly covered her chest with her hands, and fell down weakly. Liang Yiluo quickly supported her!

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