Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

In contrast, for the diversity of magic, the weirdness is too far behind, compared to those magicians in the world of type moon, who are in order to get to the root and study the laws of the world, the gap is really too big… if you say that type moon If the magicians of the world are scholars who study, the magicians of this world are simply a group of violent madmen without brains…

One is only studying the practicality, and the other is studying the essential laws. In terms of realm, the magician of the Moon World is a few grades higher than here…

However, this world can be of great help to the improvement of combat effectiveness…

Walking in the complex building, Luo Zhen’s perception diverges around him, even if he has a secret room, he can’t escape his perception…

‘It looks like luck, the top leader of this department is here today…’ Today is simply a lucky day, no matter what you do, everything goes smoothly…

Walking to the door of the house, there are many bright and dark whistles around, but Luo Zhen directly opened the door, and they didn’t seem to see it…

The old guy who was burying himself in the information in his hand raised his head and was about to give a reprimand, but in the next moment a pair of dark eyes with inexplicable power, completely controlled him…

“I have to say…Faced with this unknown power, even a person in a high position is still just an ordinary person…” Ordering the old man to stand up, Luo Zhen swaggered to sit where he was just now.

Let the person who has a very high status even in the whole of Germany serve him like a servant…

Data 0004

“Let your subordinates find me all the latest classified information and information about unknown phenomena!”

“Yes, Master…” the old man said respectfully, and then went out…

In a short while, many people came in one after another, putting neat piles of materials on the table, and it seemed to take for granted that Luo Zhen was sitting above…

Luo Zhen flipped through the information at a very fast speed, most of which were information from enemy countries, and the content was very detailed. Looking at it as a whole, I am afraid that Adolf Hitler is now ready for war…

Completely transfer domestic conflicts, use war to consolidate one’s rights, use war to save this country…

The information is very detailed and rich, and there are even some supernatural information. These should be produced by magicians or those churches, but they did not have what Luo Zhen wanted…

After asking the supreme leader to find himself a place to live nearby, and then order him to send a copy of all the information to him from today, Luo Zhen returned the same way and went to his temporary residence…

“It seems…it’s impossible to get anything useful in a short time. The church needs time to find Evangeline, and the intelligence department also needs time to get the information…” Walking out of the building, watching the sunset on the horizon is about to fall, Luo Zhen murmured.

But he is not in a hurry. After crossing, the unknown mysterious power in his body has been consumed almost. Although he is slowly recovering, it may take a lot of time to recover to be able to travel again, using the evil of this world in his body. He can feel dimly that the time flow of the two worlds is different, so he has enough time to waste and consume…

“The Second World War… I didn’t expect that in my lifetime, I would be able to come to this era and feel the history myself…” Now this colorful life makes him so happy, that is what he once dreamed of. Hope to get it!

The whole world is shrouded in an aura of wanton destruction…

Day after day, time slowly passed, Luo Zhen had been living in his temporary residence, and he had barely gone out unless necessary. The head of the Intelligence Bureau under his control had been replaced because of Hitler’s coming to power. This made Luo Zhen helplessly go again and put the newly transferred top commander of the Intelligence Bureau under control again.

Receiving all kinds of information from the German Intelligence Agency every day, Luo Zhen screened all the information, hoping to get useful news, but did nothing. However, in the countless pieces of information, he seemed to witness history personally, from this truth. In his novel, the form of the entire world is in his hands.

With his thinking beyond ordinary people, although these pieces of information were numerous and complex, Luo Zhen didn’t have any difficulty in reading it.

In addition to reading information every day, Luo Zhen occasionally ran out secretly, attacked some clergy, and searched for some secret books in the church.

Although there are no earth-shattering secrets recorded, Luo Zhen used his own wisdom to research the general development of magical things by integrating countless memories with the knowledge in books…

In a long time ago, a true genius was born. His talents surpassed all the magicians of the past. By standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, he used the four powers to the extreme—he even used all things. The foundation, the power of earth, water, fire and wind, reached the realm of gods and created the world!

No one knows his name, everyone calls him the original magician, because he has built a world, a real world that belongs only to the magician. In this world, magic is daily life. It can be said that since he established this world, magic has truly embarked on the stage of history!

In addition to creating the world and such great achievements, the original magician also has a great contribution…

Before the systemization of magic, there were some extraordinary powers in many primitive tribes, and each tribe had the existence of wizards, who used witchcraft to cure diseases and save people, use witchcraft to drive out enemies, and were respected in the entire tribe…

After magic began to be studied, the original magician had carefully studied the magical witchcrafts in various places, and then he was surprised to find that the source of these witchcrafts turned out to be human beliefs!

Primitive tribes always believe in a certain totem, and people’s wishes are blessed on the totem, and sorcerers use this belief to exercise this power.

However, the methods used by these wizards are very simple, so witchcraft does not seem to be very powerful, and therefore makes those wizards look down upon.

But the original magician was a whim. He applied the four powers of the magician to the power of faith, but the result was just as he expected, forming a power similar to magic but different from magic. This is magic!

Since the power of faith he can use is very small, the true power of divine art cannot be exerted at all. This also gave him the idea of ​​building a huge religion, collecting the beliefs of the entire world, and thus obtaining powerful power!

He is a person who does what he thinks. Through his unremitting efforts and various methods, Christianity has been formed like this. In order to have a props for collecting beliefs, just like the totems believed by primitive tribes, he builds the religious totems of his own. Set up for the cross, and he can be said to be the God in the legend of the Bible!

It is precisely because he has absorbed the will of the people that he has enough power to create the world! In the beginning, God created the world, and what is recorded in the Bible is fact, not fiction! It’s just that God created the magical world instead of the world that already exists…

After this, the original magician left this world and went to the world he created, and his whereabouts gradually disappeared. Before no one has seen him, some people think that he has already fallen, and some People think that he has already reached a state, has become immortal, is hiding in his own heaven, watching the development of this world at any time…

After Luo Zhen received these news, he sincerely admired the original magician. He created the world and even turned himself into a god. This is the fantasy of how many people dream, but it is truly realized by that person…

I don’t know how many people in the world believe in him. Some of these beliefs are used by the clergy of the church in this world to produce all kinds of magical skills they use, while the other part is acquired by the magician and becomes his exercise of the right of God. Source of power…

Manipulating the earth, water, fire and wind with the power of faith is the essence of the power of the original magician!

Luo Zhen analyzed all the problems and felt that it was completely enough. If there is any secret of that kind of existence, it is not at all that he can fully understand now…

And this world war is about to break out, behind the church, the power of the church comes from faith. If there are fewer people who believe in or not enough faith, then the clergy of the church will lose the qualification to use the magic arts, unlike The magician uses the power of earth, water, fire and wind, which is the basis of material, while the clergy uses the spiritual power of human belief…

The more pious people believe and the more people they believe in, the stronger the clergy, and vice versa…

In the Middle Ages, the people were ignorant and they believed in God crazily. Therefore, the church at that time was terrifying to the extreme, surpassing the entire continent!

But now, with the unfolding of modern natural sciences, people have begun to believe in science instead of an illusory God. The church has tried countless times to annihilate the development of science, whether it is to burn the pioneers or send people from the Inquisition to assassinate, but Their behavior was to try to resist the torrent of history, and was eventually overwhelmed by the torrent of history…

The church also wanted to suppress it entirely by force, but strong suppression by force will only arouse resistance from the people and prevent the people from believing in God, but will shake the foundation of the church itself…

Therefore, in modern times, the overall strength of the entire church is much weaker than it was hundreds of years ago… But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, with such a long history of power, they naturally have their trump cards…

The church tried to restore its prestige and let more people believe in it. They are now trying to provoke a world war and let the people live in dire straits, because during the war people will trust everything they have to God…

When Luo Zhen got the news, he couldn’t believe it… Although the church, a sacred place in people’s minds, did not deal with him, it was also because he was non-ethnic. From a standpoint, the hostility between the two was It’s normal, but now they dare to let the Lambs of God kill each other for their own development and to gain stronger strength!

Data 0005

In an underground palace somewhere in Germany…

“Recently, a true ancestor appeared in Germany…”

The six silhouettes wore the magic robes used by magicians. Their faces were hidden under the cloaks, and their long clothing corners fell to the ground. They were high and low. Except for the voice of one of them, the others did not move at all.

“Do you have information…”

“There is no information at all. We have not been created for a long time, and we are not enough to have the power to cover the entire world. I once asked the church to check the archives, but I didn’t find…”

“Well, the church has a history of thousands of years in this world anyway. Since they can’t find the information, it seems that this true ancestor has indeed appeared inexplicably.”

The dialogue between the two figures echoed in the hall…

“Huh! Are the church people really reliable? I think they also have their own plans. Don’t be fooled by them…” The third voice joined in, speaking with pride and sarcasm, as if to disdain everyone. Take a look…

“On the 6th, we need the help of the church in this world. They do have their own minds, but as long as they can accomplish the goal of our Lord, everything can be discussed.” The first figure to speak out faced the provocative voice, language Still calm and indifferent.

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