Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 136

Chapter 136

When the Creator discovered the tree, it already existed there. Although from the perspective of modern magicians, the Creator is already a long-lived monster, but in fact, the appearance of the Creator is similar to those of the sages who lived in the gods and studied magic. Bi, he is only a young man… but the Creator is the master of all the laws. He still lives here today when all the ancient sages have died…

Since the Creator used the power of that tree to go to Mars to create a magical world, his power can be said to have reached the peak of his life at that time, so he himself opened up a few teleportation arrays between Mars and the earth, and then he didn’t After returning to this planet, the world tree was gradually forgotten by him…

As alchemy products, Thales and others are just toys for the creator. Natural creators can’t tell them everything. They just assigned tasks. When these puppets discovered the world tree, they got some from their hometown, the magic world. data……

As for things related to the Creator, Thales could never tell Luo Zhen…

However, Luo Zhen is noncommittal. Although he has forgotten most of the things, he knows a lot of information. At least that tree can connect to the magical world, knowing that this tree has a relationship with the Creator, and after decades , A man who returned to the modern age from the future, one of the important supporting roles of the magic teacher in this comic, Chao Ling Yin, also used the power of that tree…

‘Although the words are incomplete, Thales did not deceive me subjectively…’ Luo Zhen thought to himself. Luo Zhen, the creator, found a way to use the power of the world tree for granted… And Chao Lingyin, who lived in the future world war, and mankind was almost extinct, she also found a way to use it with the mission of saving the future. Luo Zhen didn’t think so either. How strange, you know, in the face of the crisis of the extinction of the race, the unity of human wisdom can be said to be earth-shattering. In order for the race to continue to survive, it is really not difficult to study the use of the magical power of the out-of-bounds tree…

‘But is there anyone in this world who controls time? ‘Luo Zhen thought about it carefully. Except for the person from the future, Super Ring Tone, no existence has manipulated time, and Super Ring Tone’s return to the past is technology rather than magic. This kind of technology is the magic of the world. It is impossible for the teachers to feel…

Unable to remember, Luo Zhen gave up completely. He didn’t necessarily go to really pay to help the whole world find it. If he meets with fate, he will meet, if he does not meet, it does not matter, although he is also interested in the power of time. But this kind of invisible and uncertain thing is far less attractive than the power in front of you…

“Very well, I have probably understood the situation…Finally, in the Far East, Shi has to act according to his own will…” Luo Zhen said lightly, with a strong dislike of being instructed in the language. …

“Of course, Mr. Luo Zhen, we are only a cooperative relationship, and the whole world does not restrict your right to move…”

Luo Zhen nodded, regardless of whether Thales could see it or not, and said, “I have nothing to say. Tell me what you need to arrange, methods, and places. Then I will leave. I haven’t exercised for so long. Need some activity.”

“No problem, I will send you what you need as soon as possible, and I wish you good luck again!” Thales also knew that the conversation between the two sides was over. As soon as the voice fell, the blessing circle disappeared, and the props for the contact Turned into a seemingly ordinary coin…

Luo Zhen looked at this coin and said nothing for a long time…

Item 0013

“No. Three, have things been dispatched?” No. One asked, the gathering place of the whole world.

“Well, it was the real ancestor who contacted me on the initiative, and what you explained has been allocated…” Thales replied indifferently.

No.1 nodded with satisfaction, “Very well, there is no progress in the investigation of No.2, so let the true ancestor go. It doesn’t matter to us whether he contributes or not. The far east is an unexpected joy. , But here in Europe is our main goal, and it’s not worth it to split manpower to go to the east…”

“The people in the church have discordant opinions?” Number Two, who was standing next to Number One, asked.

“Well, not everyone in the church advocates war. Even those who advocate war do not want to expand the war beyond control. The conflict between us and the church will soon become prominent. After all, this is the headquarters of the church, and they will not destroy it themselves. The contradiction between my own base and the church cannot be suppressed, and there is no need to suppress it. Now everyone’s attention must be highly concentrated…” The last sentence, Number One, is for everyone.

Thales nodded, but there was always something unspeakable in his heart. For some reason, his heart hated war. Every time he saw people displaced by war, he would feel a kind of heartfelt sadness… …Although he knows that this kind of emotion is unnecessary for the whole world, but he can’t get rid of it.

“By the way, Luo Zhen said that if there is news about Evangelin, you need to be the first to notify him…” Thales said, as if suddenly remembering something.

“What does that guy want to do with Evangelin’s news?” Number Two was quite puzzled.

No. 4 was smirking, “Perhaps it is the friendship between the true ancestors? Haha…”

But for this issue, the people present are actually not interested, just talk casually.

“The East, let the true ancestor toss by yourself…” No.1 concluded at last, that they don’t have much trust in Luo Zhen, they just use each other, as long as the true ancestor will not come. Just interrupt their plans. Now Luo Zhen has gone to the east, which is just what they want.

On August 13, 1937, the Z army resisted the invading R Army’s attack on Shanghai. This was the first important battle in this war, and it was also the largest and most tragic battle…

Luo Zhen is walking in this battle…

In November, the Z army began a chaotic retreat…

The bombers in the sky flew past, the roaring sound was endless, the sound of killing, the sound of machine gun shooting came from time to time, the smoke was filled with smoke, and the damage was bad…

Luo Zhen stood on the top of a tall building, watching the city. He blessed himself with magic. Even in the war of hundreds of thousands of troops, no one found him.

Looking into the distance, you can clearly see the warships on the coast. Since the war, the Z army has been retreating steadily, but the city of Shanghai has always been under control. The main force has already withdrawn from Shanghai, and the elite troops have suffered heavy losses. Looking at the current situation, Luo Zhen knew that I am afraid that the city’s fall would be today.

The army that did not withdraw from the city, mixed with people who did not want to stay behind, moved out of the city on the narrow road. The whole scene was chaotic, with noises and curses one after another…

While retreating, there will be someone behind to prevent the enemy’s attack. Planes dropped bombs from time to time, throwing the city into a sea of ​​flames. The bombers of the R Army bombed no matter whether military or civilian facilities were used at all. Many civilians were killed, and countless people were killed by machine gun fire…

The sky is full of sadness, and there are countless corpses scattered on the ground. There are soldiers from both sides and civilians…

Because the retreat order was too sudden and did not form an effective organized retreat, the various armies fought on their own, which also left a foreshadowing for subsequent defeats…

The crowd at Luo Zhen’s feet is the largest in the city. A dozen bombers are flying in the distance, and the harsh sound makes the noise less…

For a while, the entire crowd was quiet. Everyone looked up at the bomber group not far away. A desperate mood began to appear. In this crowded flow of people, as long as the plane drops bombs, how many people are there? Can survive?

Luo Zhen looked down at the crowd below, then looked up at the bomber that had emerged not far away…

“Heh…Although, this world does not belong to me, although I have abandoned the choice to survive as a human being, everything in the entire human race is not my business, but since it has happened, I will save you privately. Right…” In a faint tone, Luo Zhen raised his right hand from his trouser pocket, as white as jade, with five fingers slightly open, facing the flying fighter group with his palm…

“However, even if you are saved here, how many of you will survive the next war? Humans, for the desire of the heart, can you really do everything…”

Luo Zhen cannot stop the war. He is not a savior, nor a partner of justice. What he does is based on his own hobbies. He is not a superlative god, but also has his own faint compassion. If he encounters it, he hates himself. He doesn’t mind killing, it’s not about the country or race, it’s just about the other party’s behavior…

Nakata Ansen is the captain of a bomber formation. After the start of the war, he has no idea how many times he has attacked. He is a fanatical militarist. He believes that under the leadership of the Emperor, they will definitely win!

Although the beginning of this all-out war was different from what the military department expected, the time was too long, and the opponent’s resistance was so fierce, but the overall situation is still beneficial to oneself. The opponent’s army has been steadily retreating. Already saw the hope of victory!

Flying in the blue sky with his love plane, everything in the world is so small. Somewhere in the city, a large number of people are surging. He knows that it is the last big unit that the other party guards in this city to retreat. …

Nakata Ansen decided to lead his own bomber team and keep the opponent’s troops. Although the opponent’s air defense firepower is a bit fierce, his team is all battle-tested. He believes that they will be able to resist this area of ​​firepower…

People are out of sight, the streets are narrow, and the crowds are large. This is Nakata Ansen’s favorite. Just dropping a bomb can cause powerful damage!

Nakata Ansen feels the blood is boiling, he doesn’t care whether it is civilians or the army below, he likes the pleasure of blasting mankind to pieces!

The resistance on the ground was fierce, but within Nakata’s expectations, he seemed to see the panic of the crowd below, with a grinning smile, he was ready to drop the bomb…

“Overlord of Flame, follow my orders, come on, purify the flame of fire, the burning sword, gush out, burn the city of sin, fire and sulfur, burn the sinner to ashes-the burning sky! ”

At this time, it seemed to be auditory hallucinations, like the whispers of a **** from the sky. He hadn’t heard this language, but the meaning of the language was clearly conveyed in his mind. As the spirit of this magical spell remembered, Nakata Ansen The ferociousness disappeared, and he was horrified to see that the sky outside the bomber was like a burning cloud, endless clouds of fire surging up and down!

The sky was covered by fire clouds, covering the sun, and plunged the whole earth into the fiery heat like the setting sun! It seems that hot magma is flying in the air, billowing heat is gushing out, the smell of sulfur wafts over the earth, the scene of **** has come to reality!

The scope of this fire cloud is so wide that Nakata Ansen can’t see the edge of the fire cloud at all!

“Amaterasu is here! What is this?” But no one answered him…

Don’t let him think about it, the fire clouds seemed to converge in an instant, converging in the middle of the burning sky, and then it was like a dam collapsed, the flood broke through the obstacles, and the endless flames burst!

The dozen or so bombers did not react at all and were swallowed by flames. The entire plane and the pilots were turned into ashes. Only a few pieces of aircraft wreckage were fortunately not turned into ashes, burning with flames, and falling to the ground like a meteor. …

The fallen wreckage burned more and more, making this already dilapidated city even more barren…

More than these fighters, all the fighters flying in the sky of this city at that time were almost all turned into powder…

The violent explosion seemed to have absorbed the air of the entire city, causing everyone to breathe…

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