Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

A single instant step turned the distance between the two into nothingness, lifted up the sharp blade he called Yan Modao, and cut it down with a sword!

“Slashing the Rock Sword!”

A type of unfancy slash, but with inexplicable power, he slashed Gilgamesh straight. At the critical moment, if Gilgamesh’s instinct hadn’t allowed him to hide behind him, I’m afraid this sword would have Cut his head in half… If the hero king just appeared on the stage, he was beheaded by a Master with a sword, then it would be the biggest joke ever…

However, although he avoided the ending of his head being chopped off, Gilgamesh did not completely avoid the slash. Fortunately, although his armor looks very upstart style, it is also a treasure in the end. Although this sword smashed his armor into a crack, it was impossible to kill him with the remaining power, but a blood-stained sword mark still fell on Gilgamesh’s right chest.

Being in mid-air, kicking with his left foot and kicking on Gilgamesh’s great face, the hero king flew out from the top of the telephone pole with kinetic energy, tumbling with dust all the way until he hit the store. It stopped on the box… but the sound of the head hitting the iron box was so loud, I don’t know if his head will be damaged…

After turning over, Liang Yiluo jumped back to where he was, Lancer also hurriedly came over in time to block in front of his Master. It was already a negligence for the rescue to be too late!

Looking at the heroic king who was so arrogant just now, he was cut by a sword and kicked again in the next instant, like a clown.

The whole scene was silent.

Chapter 0010 Lucky E’s Hero King and Berserker

“Hahahaha! Is that the Servant of Tosaka Tokimi…” Hidden in the depths, Ma Tong Yanye laughed happily. Seeing Tosaka Tosaka’s Servant being embarrassed, he had an indescribable joy!

Tosaka Tokimi watched the battlefield in a daze, as if stupid, but as an excellent magician, he quickly reacted.

“Oops, if this is the case, the King of Heroes will be furious, now is not the time to be exposed…” Tosaka Tokimi secretly pondered, thinking about how to deal with the next situation…

Yanfeng Kirei stood beside him silently, without saying a word, the only person he thought about was Eimiya Keiji…

Everyone was stunned at the change in the situation.

Webber opened his mouth wide in surprise, but accidentally bit his tongue, “Well, it hurts, it hurts… Is that guy really the Master? Couldn’t it be the Servant pretending to be!!” He covered his mouth with his hands. A dull voice came from it, and also said the aspirations of most people present.

The hero king who is extremely arrogant as soon as he enters the stage, that sky full of treasures, let people know its power, but is it so embarrassing that those are all bluffs? That hero king is just a mere illusion?

“Muya! To include Lancer’s Master as a key observation object is really…too dangerous!” Kiritsu Eomiya secretly gritted his teeth, finding a way to kill the Master is part of the battle plan of Kiritsu Eomiya, but despite doing Well prepared for the hard fight, but such a Master is out of specification, right?

“…Ah, yes!” Jiuyu Mai is still in shock, but his reaction is a little slow…

Of course, only Liang Yiluo knew that everything that happened just now was the carelessness of the hero king and his underestimation. If he was prepared and threw his treasures all over the sky, he wanted to get close so easily. It’s very difficult!

“Oh oh!! What a great guy, I want him to join my army more and more…” Rider exclaimed, and at the same time agrees with Liang Yiluo’s skill and thought!

“Mongrel!!” The hero king with his head inserted into the storage box finally stood up, his face was extremely grim, his scarlet pupils wanted to eat, “What a courage!” He looked down at his armor and splashed blood. , Even without a mirror, you can feel the swelling of your right face, and the hair you have taken care of is completely messed up!

“In that case, I want to die, the king will fulfill you!!” The entire space behind it was completely shaken, countless ripples spread, and a handful of weapons emerged, knives, guns, swords, halberds, hammers, and sticks. There is nothing, and it is much higher than the previous treasures, and the number is several times as much as before. It is conceivable that the hero king is angry at this time!

“The **** did a good job, and he can make this king so angry! Even if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, this king will not forgive your felony!” For the proud, his performance just now made him really ashamed. He lost face in front of so many people, and this result must be a sufficient price!

Seeing so many treasures, both Liang Yiluo and Lancer in front of him looked solemn.

“… Saber.” Alice Phil called to Saber softly. Saber glanced at her and nodded, but she moved to the position where Liangyi fell. As a knight, she would not take the initiative to take the initiative. Playing more and playing less, but Archer’s words really mocked countless people after he came out. The call of’bastard, bastard’ also made Saber’s hatred of him soar. Although Liang Yiluo is an enemy to her, it is very suitable for her. Chivalry, plus the duel with Lancer is not over yet, even if he won’t be siege, but he will still be able to block these treasures…

However, today’s hero king is really a fleeting disadvantage. Just when he was about to shoot the treasure, not far from him, there was a flow of magic power. In the stunned everyone, a figure appeared in the whirlpool of magic power. Words, as soon as they appeared, grab the sticks scattered on the ground due to previous battles. As the magic power flows, the sticks made of steel bars turn into existences like treasures, accompanied by a terrifying roar, a stick The heroic king was drawn onto the heroic king, and the hard-pressed heroic king focused all his attention on the people in the court this time.

In addition to the fact that all the treasures are out of the sheath, for his treasures, it can only be shot in one direction, but it is a big disadvantage. All the weapons are pointed at Liangyi. Berserker’s appearance is too sudden, and the location is in him Next to it, it’s so close again… With so many coincidences, it’s been swept again…

This time, even Liang Yiluo was stupid, looking at the Hero King blankly, and muttering to himself: “…Who is the lucky E?”

After the attack, Berserker did not continue to attack, but stood still, allowing the people present to see his full picture.

His figure is as black as ink, like a shadow, and he is tall, covered in black armor, like the deepest darkness, with a full-covered helmet on his face, with tiny gaps in his eyes, like a pair of blazing fires. The burning eyes are shining, like a ghost who just crawled out of hell, surrounded by ominous magic!

Whether it is Saber, Rider, or Archer, they all have a noble temperament, but Berserker is like an evil spirit!

“…King of Conqueror, did you invite him?” Although Berserker hit Archer as soon as he came out, which made Lancer’s upcoming pressure much less, but anyone who saw Berserker’s posture would not have a good impression…

Rider frowned. “Invite? From the beginning, there was no room for negotiation!”

The magic around Berserker rolled around like an evil spirit roaring. Endless curses surround him, letting those present know that even so dirty, but its own strength is beyond doubt!

“Humble bastard, looked at me with your filthy eyes, and touched me with your filthy body!” The hero king’s face was not hideous this time, very calm, but the more calm the more stressful it is. Big!

If Liang Yiluo’s attack just now made him think it was disrespectful, then this black Servant would be synonymous with ‘dirty’!

“I want to smash your corpses into ten thousand pieces!” The endless treasure finally came out of its sheath, and fell with a murderous intent. The sound of’uuu’ breaking through the air sounded, it was the sound of the treasure driving the air, as if even The air is afraid!

Most of them went to Berserker, and a little bit went to Liangyi, but he was one person who wanted to fight two!

The road was blown away, the ground was blown apart, and every blow was like a bomb exploding next to him. The damage it caused was not a battle at all, but a war!

However, although it seems to be grand, the result is small…

The treasures that hit Liang Yiluo were all resisted by Lancer with a spear, and the occasional fish that slipped through the net, Liang Yiluo also used the sword to peel them off at will.

At this time, everyone noticed the sword in Liang Yi’s hands. The terrifying murderous aura made people tremble, and the patterns on it were also very strange, but there was a holy firmness in the murderous aura, as if it was no regrets about the road… …

‘This sword can be said to be a treasure, and its level is not low…’ Everyone who saw it sighed, indeed, the two swords in Liangyi’s hands are indeed treasures, but It’s just for people, but it’s best for him…

The treasure that was shot at Berserker was the highlight, but among the many treasures he shot, he caught the brunt of it, and then he used Archer’s treasure to shoot down the other weapons one by one!

Although his body is huge, he is tossed and moved in a small space. Although his reason is lost, his martial skills are still outstanding! With supreme skill, let Archer’s treasure rain all return without success!

Liang Yiluo looked at Berserker with bright eyes, endless martial arts, this kind of unity of mind, skill and body is what is most useful to him!

“Even if you are crazy, you still deserve to be a great fighter!” Rider said, everyone agreed. Although the curse around him is disgusting, but this extraordinary bravery also makes people have to admire it!

It is not a problem for Archer to see that his treasure is held by the enemy and can be used at will, but, “—— bastard! You dare to touch my collection with your dirty hands! Death! Right!”

The space flickered again, and the group of treasures appeared, and there was not a duplicate of the previously shot treasures!

Thinking of the remarks made by the nouveau riche mentioned by Liang Yiluo at the beginning, everyone agrees now…the extravagant act of shooting with a treasure at will, and it is a disposable item!

“Damn thief! Just let me see how much you can bear!” Treasure shot at Berserker with the aura of tearing the sky, but this time he didn’t care about Liang Yiluo…

‘What a good MT! Liang Yiluo is very grateful to Berserker. For Archer’s attack method, even if he wants to fight, he is not interested in attacking. He throws the treasure on your HP and grinds you to death. This kind of guy is really disgusting!

Just like a carpet bombing by a fighter plane, after this attack, the entire surface was almost ploughed over. I am afraid that some of the road construction in Fuyuki City will be busy tomorrow…

But the result is still surprising. Berserker once again grabbed the shot treasure, waved his hands, knocked down other weapons, and then even selected the higher-level treasure shot in the battle, and hit the other side. Throw it, so that the one in your hand will always be the strongest in the rain…

“Really a guy who doesn’t know how to use flexible applications…” Rider shook his head as he watched Archer splurge.

After this burst of treasure, Berserker continued to grab it at will, picked up the treasure on the ground and threw it at Archer, but this time the hero king easily avoided…

“Gilgamesh is going to be real! He is going to use a real treasure!” The voice of Yanfeng Kirei appeared in Tosaka Tokio’s ears. Tosaka Tokio was holding his head, really helpless. The Servant of Gamesh, he really doesn’t know how to deal with…

However, anyway, now is not the time to show the cards!

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