Transcendent of Type-Moon Gensokyo

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

The greatness that the fetters brings is gradually clear!

Fuyuki’s bridge has turned into a raging plain, and the endless army of heroic spirits is uniform!

Cavalry and infantry appear in the most ideal phalanx.

“The enemy is the king of heroes–my warriors, as opponents, we have no complaints. Let’s show our strongest dominance to the original king!”

“Oh oh oh oh! Lala Lala Lala Lala!!!” The King of Conquer roared and rushed forward like Gilgamesh!

An endless army of heroic spirits followed closely, with an earth-shaking momentum, closely following!

Facing this invincible army alone, Gilgamesh did not have any fear. He was content, stood calmly, and said softly: “Come on, Lord of the Overlord, let you see what a real king is. Look at it!”

Roars, shocks, this endless wave is getting closer and closer to Archer…

The wind is raging, flying sand and rocks! An invincible storm is swept!

The hero king’s eyes were happy and finally appeared. Although this is called war, in his eyes it is undoubtedly the Holy Grail battle of the game, and finally there has been an existence that can make him serious!

Rider’s challenge is worth it and must go all out!

“Lofty ambitions, endless dreams… This enthusiasm is amazing, but ah, soldiers, dreams are always dreams, and in the end they must wake up!”

Gilgamesh opened the door of the void with the key of the king in his hand, which is the treasure land of Babylon! But what appeared this time was not the gorgeous treasure rain, but just a strange sword!

“Because of this, you can only be stopped by me!”

Can this sword really be called a sword? Its sword body and the concept of the sword are completely different. The three cylinders are closely connected and surround like a spiral. This is something that has existed before the concept of the sword was born in the world!

It was a witness to the manifestation of the divine nature of creation, it was a testimony that opened up a generation of civilization, opened up Mesopotamia, and opened up an entire era!

The sword body of the three-section cylinder echoes the movement of the celestial body, slowly rotating with the mighty force of the rotation of the earth, representing the magical power of the heaven and the earth is too large to calculate!

“Come on, let me put an end to your endless dreams, and let me personally demonstrate the laws of this world!”

The heroic army seemed to feel the threat, and the speed of advance was even faster!

“Kill!” What if the King of Heroes makes a single blow? After one blow, my great army will ravage him to death!

But, what is the infinite pressure that that weird treasure brings to you? The arrow is on the string and I have to send it. Now I can’t think about it too much!

“Wake up! EA, the stage commensurate with you has been set up!”

Enuma Elish, the words of creation recorded by the seven clay tablets of Mesopotamian civilization!

The first sentence is: At that time, the thing above is not the sky, and the thing below is not the earth! !

And this is what EA means, for the creation of the world!

This sword is the form that has witnessed the concept of opening up the world and has been given it!

Standing proudly there, the hero king straightened his body and was about to repeat the great cause of creating the world!

“Come on! This is the separation of heaven and earth, the star of pioneering! (EnumaElish

The sky is crying, and the earth is trembling! If you want to create the world, you must return the world to chaos!

The huge magical power surged out, Gilgamesh just waved it gently, and the magical power surged away like a flood of extinction!

No need to target anyone or anything, because its target is the entire world!

The earth shattered, a bottomless abyss appeared, and the sky collapsed like a huge hole!

Rider perceives the crisis at his feet, but the momentum of the horse cannot be stopped. However, this crisis is nothing to this horse of heroic spirits!

The horseshoe kicked fiercely, leaped high into the air, and landed steadily on the ground on the opposite bank. However, the heroic army who had conquered the queen had no way, one by one fell into the abyss and was pierced by the sky!

“Boy, hurry up!” The Conquer King yelled, and Weber just grabbed the horse’s mane.

But immediately, not only the sky and the earth, as long as the concepts that exist in the world, regardless of time, space, are transformed into nothingness, into the original chaos!

Even the King of Conquer was shocked by this great scene!

The world collapses, this is the real manifestation of the end…

Before the sword was swung down, the Sun Luo Wanxiang was just a meaningless mass of chaos. After the sword was swung down, new laws opened up the sky and the earth!

This is exactly the true face of the anti-world treasure that represents the Seven Clay Tablets of Creation!

The heaven and the earth are turned into nothingness, empty and dark, only the sword in the hand of the hero king is shining, and it represents the pioneering star of hope! The light shines brightly, and the new world is recast again under this pioneering star. This is the new life after the end…

The Conquer King and Webber witnessed this miracle with their own eyes.

The inherent barrier has been destroyed, and the new world has reappeared. The two sides are still standing at the ends of the bridge of Winterwood, as if they have never moved, but the scene of the destruction and creation of the world, Weber and Rider will never forget…

Item 0044

But how can the greatness such as the king of conquer be confused by this mere image of creation?

Facing the destruction of his unparalleled army, Conquer King laughed!

Webber whispered: “Ri…Rider?” He could feel that the King of Conquer was not insane, scared by the horrible scene, but really excited. Yes, the excitement contagious Weber recalled that again. The chaos of creation will not be afraid!

Webber’s face was pale, but he didn’t hesitate or flinch.

“By the way, I still have something to ask you!” Facing Weber, the King of Conquer asked.

“Huh? What?” Webber was confused, wondering what Rider was going to do.

“Webber Wilvert, are you willing to use it for me as a minister?” Conquer Wang asked with a serious face, staring at Weber’s eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Weber trembled, but then left with tears of excitement. How long did he wait for this moment? Finally, someone is finally willing to admit him, admit his efforts, admit his strength, and admit everything about him!

“Yes, I do! I swear to use it for you, and to end for you, please be sure to guide me forward so that I can see the same dream!” Weber clenched his fists and replied loudly.

“Well, okay!” The Conquer King nodded in satisfaction, and pulled Webber off the horse.

“Hey?” He couldn’t resist at all, and didn’t want to resist, but Weber didn’t understand what it meant to conquer the king.

“It is the king’s task to show where the dream is, and it is your duty as a courtier to witness the end of the dream, witness all this, and pass it on to future generations!”

The King of Conquer looked at Gilgamesh with a smile, “Live, Weber, I command you as a king to live, and then, take the king’s way of life, take everything about the king, and drive Iskandar fast. His figure will be passed on forever!”

The war horse neighed, as if it was also telling something.

Webber lowered his head, did not speak, but expressed his meaning clearly. From now on, even if Rider disappears, the bond between the king and his courtiers will be passed on forever. Their fetters have long since become eternal.

Rider is able to lay down such a big empire, how can he lose his vision? He knew that the outcome was already known, but that was not a reason to give up the war. The life of the Conquer King Iskandar did not succumb, and some just conquered!

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