Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Chapter [-]

When Conan called, Martin looked a little scary.

A head, half of the chest cavity, and a bionic spine made of nickel-plated titanium alloy, the end of which is connected to a power cord for charging.

Dr. Ali is on the side, doing mechanical mapping of his spine.

The phone rang, not the landline of Dr. Ali's house, but Martin's big brother, which was placed on the table beside him.

"Doctor, can you answer the phone for me?"

Dr. Ali stopped what he was doing, picked up the phone and pressed the answer button.

"Moses, Moses! This is Brother Martin, who is about 1.5 times as handsome as Shinichi Kudo!" Martin said as soon as the phone was connected.

His mobile phone number is currently only known to Conan, Mao Lilan and Dr. Ali, so the caller is either Conan or Xiaolan who can't find Conan.

"Hello, Martin? It's me, Conan." Sure enough, it was Conan.

But Martin said, "Ah, a name I don't recognize. Doctor, hang up."

Of course the doctor would not hang up, he looked at the phone curiously, wanting to know what was going on with Shinichi.

"If you are Robocop today, do me a favor." Conan didn't argue with Martin, and continued to talk about business.

Martin: "So you have encountered a case? As expected of a great detective, I visit Mihua Town twice a day, and there are new cases every time."

Because it was almost dismantled by Dr. A Li, only the mouth can move in the whole body, and Martin's broken mouth index has risen to a new height.

"No, not in Mihua Town, but in Erchome of Xididan Town, there is a burger restaurant there, let's meet there."

"Don't talk to yourself, I haven't promised to help you yet." Martin reminded: "By the way, you seem to be in a hurry. Have you encountered any dangerous cases?"

Wisdom cases solved by pure reasoning definitely don't need his help, that is, robbery, kidnapping and other cases where people will fight?Martin's toaster brain worked.And the ready-made combat power of Mori Ran and Mori Kogoro is not around Conan, which means...he is with the Boy Detectives.

Martin didn't want to go in an instant: "I'd better respect the fate of others, the main reason is that I really can't leave now." Martin looked at Dr. A Li's workbench, one of his legs was completely resting on it, and the other had been taken away. Disassembled into parts.

"Don't! The beautiful sister who is suffering is already summoning the righteous RoboCop! Heroes save the beauty!" Conan tried to persuade Martin in a different direction.

"Emmmm... beautiful sister?"

"Yes, it's so beautiful!" Seeing that Martin's heart was moved, Conan hit the iron while it was hot: "The fish and the wild goose are ashamed of the moon, with bright eyes, bright teeth, and skin like fat! Ms. Asano, the weather forecast host of Nimai TV!"

Martin was still thinking: "emmm..."

Conan had no choice but to continue: "Young and beautiful, and she has a very gentle personality, and she is very patient with children! She is a beautiful girl who is suitable for the lover of her dreams!"

At this time, Martin suddenly heard from the opposite side: "Doctor, have you recorded everything?"

Conan was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Hmph~" Martin snorted triumphantly: "I'll send the recording to Xiaolan later, and the big detective will be finished! Both dog legs will be broken!"

Conan felt his blood pressure was higher than Martin's.

"Brother, please stop playing." Conan begged, "Life is at stake!"

Martin didn't believe his nonsense at all: "Did you really treat me like a toaster? If it's a life-threatening situation, you wouldn't call me and call the police directly with Kudo Shinichi's voice."

"You're looking for me, it must be because of insufficient evidence. To be safe, you need me to help you search before calling the police, and the big detective is not willing to let Xiaolan do these things."

Conan was speechless, and was hit by Martin. The situation was not serious enough to be a matter of life and death. The kidnapped Ms. Asano would send a series of digital codes to his Call machine (pager, BB machine) every 10 minutes , there is no sign of danger at present. In fact, he has been searching for more than two hours with the three little ghosts.

"There is a price to pay for being lazy, Detective," Martin reminded.

No matter how many seconds the silence lasts, it will seem extraordinarily long.Finally, Conan's soft voice came from the phone: "Please~Ma~Ding~Brother~Brother~"


When Conan hung up the phone, Dr. Ali was already assembling Martin's parts. Within a few minutes, Martin was completely assembled, and the first episode of the rocket backpack was also converted into an expansion module and installed on Martin.

"Drip! It took 114.514 seconds to start up this time, defeating 0% of the users in the country." A green light flashed from the black window on Martin's eyes from left to right: "Diddi, the self-test is starting... the self-test is complete, complete 99.4%, doctor, you installed three pipes and one servo motor wrongly."

Under Dr. Ali's flustered expression, Martin took another bodybuilding pose: "But it doesn't matter! As long as the program and the person are able to run, there is no problem! This is the fault tolerance rate!"

"Doctor! In which direction is Xidi Dan?"

"Over there..." The doctor pointed in the direction: "You take the subway, it's about 10 minutes away."

"Why take the subway..." Martin went out and did some warm-up exercises.

A trace of cold sweat hung on the doctor's head. As the person who put the rocket backpack on Martin himself, he quickly guessed Martin's thoughts: "This is very unstable, and it is better not to use it unless it is a last resort..."

"I don't feel compelled by kidnappers or anything like that." Martin is still very confident in the fighting power of today's transformation: "So the best time to test it is now—! Wuhu Wuhu Wuhu !"

As the rocket backpack spewed out the tail flame, Martin turned into a silvery light and disappeared into the night sky.


"Conan, is the foreign aid you mentioned just now sister Xiaolan?"

In front of a hamburger restaurant in Nandidan Town, the children asked.

Conan shook his head: "His name is Martin. He is a... very 'magical' big brother who recently lived in the doctor's house."

Conan held a small notebook in his hand, which recorded the digital codes sent by the kidnapped Asano sister, most of which he had not deciphered yet.

From the phone call just now, he could deduce that Martin must have been dismantled by Dr. A Li to the point of being incapacitated, that's why he said, "Doctor, have you recorded it all?" ' instead of 'I've taped! '.In addition, it takes at least 25 minutes to get here from the doctor's house, and now it has only been 10 minutes before hanging up the phone, and it will take at least 10 minutes for Martin to be assembled and then take the subway to come here.

So during the waiting time, Conan took out the small notebook that recorded the code and continued to study.

"Huh?" Mitsuhiko raised his head inadvertently, pointing to the sky: "What do you think is that?"

There is a point of light in the sky, with a white tail trailing behind it.


"But it's cloudy now."

Today is a rainy day. Not long ago, it was thunder, lightning, and downpour, and the rain just stopped.

"How do I feel... getting closer to us?"

"Whoa! Turned the corner!"

Hearing that something was wrong, Conan raised his head and tried his best to identify it, his face changed greatly: "Hurry up and hide in the store! Hurry up!"

boom!Unidentified objects landed on the street, creating loud noises and smoke.

The smoke cleared, and the children poked their heads out of the burger shop curiously.

Standing in a small pit half a meter wide and ten centimeters deep in the middle of the road, a robot in silver armor smiled at them.

"Wow! Bald!"

"The mail bucket is perfect!"

"It's the trash can freak!"

(End of this chapter)

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