Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 35Chapter 35 Today is gin!

Chapter 35 Chapter [-] Today is gin!

Jingle bells—early this morning, the phone of the Mori Detective Agency rang.

"Dad! There's a call!" Mao Lilan, who was cleaning the office, went to the stairs and shouted towards the top.

"Here we come..." Kogoro Mori, with a beard and a beard, walked down while hanging his tie loosely around his neck.

"Hi, this is the Mori Detective Agency." Mori Kogoro answered the phone, his greeting sounded a bit vague.

At the same time he muttered to himself what kind of client would call at seven o'clock in the morning.

On the other side of the phone was an adult male's voice, which sounded a little cold: "Hello, I'm looking for Edogawa Conan."

"Tch, it turned out that I was looking for that brat..." Kogoro Mouri walked out the door again: "Hey! Brat, someone is calling you!"

Conan just went out, with a small schoolbag on his back, and Mao Lilan's schoolbag and karate uniform in his hand.

"Looking for me? Who is it?" Conan's small face was full of doubts. When he went downstairs and turned into the office, he handed the schoolbag and Taoist uniform to Mao Lilan.

How many boys are in the detective team?I'm going to school soon, what else do you want to say on the phone?
"I don't know who it is, don't tell me you broke something, right? It sounds so cold." After Maori Kogoro finished speaking, he yawned and went upstairs.

Not a child?Not Dr. Ali?Conan became even more curious, climbed onto Mori Kogoro's boss chair, and answered the phone in a childlike voice: "Hello, hello, I'm Conan Edogawa."

"Edogawa Conan——" There was a cold and deep voice on the other side of the phone. Hearing that voice, Conan remembered a man with long silver hair.

The next sentence on the other side of the phone made Conan's pupils shrink even more: "Or, I should call you Kudo Shinichi."

The other party used an affirmative sentence.

"Long time no see, detective boy."

A sinister sneer came from the other side of the phone, Conan's hand softened, and the phone receiver fell from his hand and fell on the table.

It's gin, it's unmistakable, that voice is gin, that's right.Conan recalled the figure who knocked his sap from behind and fed himself poison. The nightmare that was repeated several times finally happened in reality.

Mao Lilan, who was waiting at the door and waiting to go to school with Conan, naturally saw Conan's strange behavior: "What's wrong, Ke..."

"Hush!" Conan turned his head at the speed of light, so anxious that he even signaled Mao Lilan to keep silent with a somewhat ferocious expression.'s too late, with their style, it's impossible to deliberately give me time to escape, the office must have been surrounded by them!

At least, at least hide Xiaolan!Where to hide, where to hide so they won't find it?

As for the doctor, I can only hope that Martin can turn into a superhero today, Martin... huh?

Conan suddenly calmed down.

Listen carefully, besides the long sneer, there is also a muffled suffocated laughter coming from the receiver.

Conan took a deep breath and grabbed the microphone: "Doctor, you made another voice changer for Martin to play with?"

"Okay you big detective." On the other side of the phone was Gin's cold voice: "If this call is from the real Gin, wouldn't you just betray me and the doctor?"

Sure enough, it was Martin.

Conan squeezed out the next words from between his teeth: "Before I die, I can take your scourge and die together, and I can be regarded as helping the black organization to accumulate virtue."

You used a voice changer to call me early in the morning to scare me. I almost peed my pants. Are you wicked?
Do you know why your house needs to change location in a few days?Because if you stay one more day, someone will come to your door and beat you to death!

I want to smash you, smash you!

"But there is one thing you guessed wrong, it's not a voice changer." Gin's voice, to be precise, came from Martin's words again.

"It's not a voice changer... Wait, did you mean—?" Conan seemed to understand.

"Except for you, Dr. Ali and I have never heard that person's voice. How can we use a voice changer to imitate it? Hey, is the opposite person really a great detective? Could it be that the opposite person is playing with a voice changer?" Martin Jokingly said: "However, in terms of appearance, whether it is hair or clothes, they are quite similar to what you described, and now it seems that the voice is similar."

"You, you, you..." Conan hesitated for a long time, but still couldn't suppress the ecstasy in his heart, he dropped the phone heavily, jumped off the desk, and ran out the door.

Mao Lilan still didn't know what happened: "Conan, what's the matter?"

However, Conan didn't even have the mood to explain. When flying past Mao Lilan, he didn't forget to take off his schoolbag and throw it into the office.

"Lan, ask for leave for me, I won't go to school today!"

Conan ran for an hour and arrived at Dr. Ali's house. As soon as he entered the door, his eyes were firmly attracted by the black figure on the sofa.

Wearing a black wide-brimmed hat, with the brim and long bangs covering his eyes, leaving only a hard and stern face, and a black coat from head to toe, it is exactly the same as the gin in his memory.

If he hadn't heard in advance that Martin turned into gin today, if Conan saw this one as soon as he entered the door, he would turn around and leave without saying a word.

Of course, if possible, he would prefer to walk with the head.

The most convincing proof that this person is Martin and not Gin is that when Conan came in, he saw that 'Gin' on the sofa was holding a comb in one hand and grabbing his own hair with the other, combing his hair with a grin.

"What are you doing?"

"I got up in the morning and my hair was pressed, and when I moved around in a hurry, my hair was all tangled up." Martin replied with a voice as cold as gin, then looked up behind Conan, and sneered: "Why didn't you take Xiaolan with you?" Come? I also want to ask her how to arrange her long hair."

"She's going to school." Conan answered naturally, "I came here on leave."

Martin was taken aback, but of course he didn't show it on Gin's face: "Why do you still have to go to school? Didn't you already go to school yesterday and the day before yesterday?"

"So today is only Wednesday!" Conan felt puzzled: "I have to study five days a week!"

"Impossible!" Martin couldn't believe it. He had watched hundreds of episodes of Conan, and the ratio of those who went to school to those who didn't went to school was simply not like this!
Conan's IQ finally took the high ground again: "Stop messing around, so you called in the morning to trick Xiaolan into helping you comb your hair?"

"It can only be regarded as an additional purpose." Martin continued to comb his hair with grinning teeth, thinking whether he should go to the supermarket to buy a bottle of Rejoice or Pantene: "The main purpose is to inform you of this matter, you see, you are not in a hurry to die Are you running?"

In addition, his hut is likely to replace Gin's home. If Conan can help find Gin's home, he can find his hut.

"That's right!" Conan just remembered, he jumped onto the sofa and grabbed Martin's clothes: "Quick, tell me about the black organization!"

"Are you stupid? Didn't I say that I don't have the memory of the person I transform into?" Martin scolded coldly.

Conan froze.

"As for Gin's personal information, we can measure his height and weight later, but if you want to test my body tissue for blood type and DNA, unless the results are available today, those samples will disappear tomorrow." These Martin has experience in everything: "Fingerprint rubbings seem to disappear, why don't you try to draw one with a pen?"

Conan was lost and let go of Martin's sleeve.

If it was Little Corgi today, he would definitely see his big ears drooping in frustration.

"It's not that there is no information." Martin gave Conan a little hope, then put down the comb, opened the waistband of his trousers with his free hand, and glanced inside.

"This buddy is wearing Vigorous Dragon's men's boxer briefs, which are also pure black." Martin told Conan the confidential information: "Why don't you go find a counter and squat him for a few days?"

Conan: "..."

Conan was lying on the sofa with a hopeless expression on his face. Just now he thought he was one step closer to the organization, but in the end he got nothing... Quickly use your brain to think about how to use such a rare opportunity today'Qin liquor'?
(End of this chapter)

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