Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 624 Diablo Dies

Chapter 624 Diablo Dies

{Reminder: Team: The Shapeshifter Cluster has captured the Corpse King Dragon Right. If you don't let go of the Corpse King Dragon Right within ten minutes or the Corpse King Dragon Right dies, you will successfully achieve the highest rating for the mission. (3:48)}
It was a complete defeat.

Sitting in the command room of the Japanese space battleship Daitengu, Karasuma Renya looked at the countdown in front of him and adjusted his mood.

From ecstasy to rage, from heaven to abyss, the reversal happened in an instant.

The previous second, with a powerful subordinate like Gin by his side, he successfully obtained the ultimate weapon comparable to an atomic bomb, and had already launched it at the target Lich King, and by the way, he was able to eliminate his competitors.

A second later, Gin inexplicably broke free from hypnosis and turned against them on the spot, while the opponent's Samsara team was able to resolve the main gun's attack.

That is the senior one, extremely powerful. That is his new goal, an existence above immortality.

It feels a little unfair that Gin joined a team that has the protection of such a powerful veteran, while I have to fight with more than one veteran... Well, this side is indeed more suitable for me.

Because my hunt is not over yet.

Bang, bang, bang! The explosion-proof door of the command room was knocked hard from the outside. Those bewildered Japanese soldiers must have wanted to ask why they fired and why they landed the battleship.

After Gin disappeared, Karasuma Renya immediately shot Colonel Kanehara and the soldiers who had knelt down to surrender with a pistol, leaving him the only one alive in the command room. He then used the fake base station technology on the battleship to send the information he knew about Diablo, but in order to confuse the audience, he did not include Tobio's elf bloodline and Thunder Bow.

After that, he used the authority of the command room to forcibly shut down the engine of the star battleship, causing the star battleship to land on the ground under emergency shutdown measures.

The soldiers outside must have gone crazy, right? After firing the main gun, they turned off their stealth system and landed on the ground, as if they were waiting to be killed.

Oh, that's right, when Karasuma Renya did this, he didn't care about the lives of the soldiers at all.

When there were only three minutes left in the countdown, Karasuma Renya finally adjusted his mood. He picked out a soldier whose clothes were relatively clean and intact in the room, stripped him of his clothes and put them on, searched for his ID, memorized his name and number, and smeared the dirty blood on his face to cover up his handsome features.

The door of the command room is a blast-proof door. Once it is closed from the inside, it can only be opened from the outside with the ID card or fingerprint authentication plus a password of Colonel Kanehara or a higher-ranking officer. If you want to break through violently, you need heavy equipment or a god-level master. To put it bluntly, if the battleship falls and is besieged by the enemy, the commander can hide in it and resist for a day or two.

It is much easier to open the door from the inside. Just scan the ID card of lieutenants and above.

The door opened, but the soldiers and non-commissioned officers who were knocking and banging on the door outside didn't dare to go in and just stood there.

Karasuma Renya rushed out in a panic, grabbed the collar of a soldier who couldn't dodge in time, and spoke in a panic with some disordered words: "Ninjas, those ninjas! Fuma Huitaro! He killed the colonel and everyone else! The ninjas are rebelling!"


Diablo realized that at this time, the only ones in the city who could still broadcast their intelligence with the help of base stations were the Yanhuang government and the Japanese warship that had infiltrated H City.

It just so happened that some unknown accident happened to the Japanese warship and it was forced to land on the ground. It was not far away, so Diablo went over to check it out.

There are too many people who have obtained my information. Even if I want to kill them, I can't kill them all. Besides, the mission has failed. In three minutes, I will return to the main god space and accumulate points and debts. It doesn't matter whether this world has my information or not. But I have to confirm who knows my information and leaks it. If it is really my teammate, I must find an opportunity to kill him in the next mission.

Diablo sneaked into the Daitengu. The Japanese soldiers on the Daitengu were very alert because they were afraid that Yanhuang would arrest them at any time, but they were also confused because of the rumors that the decision-makers had collectively died and the ninja masters had collectively rebelled.

Diablo has the physique of vampire blood and the ability of the Crimson King. He quickly shuttles between the rooms on the battleship. Although he is very fast, there is less than two minutes left, which makes him a little anxious. When he encounters patrolling soldiers, he can use time deletion to bypass them, but if there are some corridors that are too long, he will simply use the Crimson King time deletion to kill the soldiers after bypassing them.

There was nothing special about that moment for Diablo. He just walked around behind a soldier and stabbed him in the heart. Then when he was about to leave, a red light screen appeared in front of him.

{Warning, attack on teammates detected, execution of elimination begins.}
Diablo's mind froze for a moment.

Kill? Attack teammates? Me?
Could it be that the soldier I just killed...

Diablo turned around and looked at the body lying face down on the ground. Could he be the bastard who leaked his information? Damn it, who are you?
Diablo stretched out his hand towards the corpse, but his fingertips began to turn into points of light.

Wait, if my hands disappear, how can I hold the Cross of Rebirth? Diablo reconsidered the meaning of erasure, and suddenly realized that he was really going to die.

"Why!? I have the Ankh of Rebirth! I want to use the Zero Ticket! I still have talents to use! Let Tobio take my place!"

Diablo's palm had completely disappeared, and the cross of rebirth that he had buried in the flesh and blood of his palm fell out. The small metal seal fell to the ground and bounced a few times, making a crisp sound.

Everyone is afraid of death, and Diablo is one of the best. He bought two rebirth crosses in the store in the main god space, which can be resurrected by holding it for five minutes after death, and a reset ticket that can force quit the current task and reset everything to the state before entering the task but clear the points. He also strengthened the talent skill of dual souls in one body to the level that he can use Tobio to die in his place.

However, these props and skills were given by the Main God Space, and the Main God Space's annihilation did not intend to leave him any chance. These resurrection props and skills were useless in the face of the Main God Space's annihilation.

Diablo collapsed to the ground, and everything from his hands and feet turned into points of light.

Diablo's clothes, his weapons, and the items in his storage space all fell to the ground with a clang and scattered all over the ground.

On the ground, the "soldier" who was killed by Diablo's heart suddenly moved, supported his body with trembling arms, and crawled from the pool of blood to Diablo's relics. Because the last thing Diablo did before being wiped out was to get close to him, these things were very close to him.

When he placed his hand on it, the items belonging to the main god space would show relevant information. He soon found the healing potion and put it into his mouth with all his strength.

A few seconds later, Karasuma Renye, who had recovered most of his strength, sat up and put all of Diablo's remaining relics into the storage space, leaving only a bottle of purification potion and a bottle of healing potion, which he drank in one gulp.

"The last time we took an action that risked our lives like this was eighty years ago, right?" He chuckled, watching the countdown in front of him coming to an end.

The mission failed, and he would be deducted a huge amount of points after returning to the main god space. But his hunt was successful, and he obtained all the props of a senior. This was a very simple plan, to anger Diablo, then lure Diablo to hurt himself, and use the erasure mechanism of the main god space to kill Diablo.

Simple plan, crazy gamble.

The first thing to bet on is that Diablo will come to the ship and meet the soldier you want to kill, but even if you lose this step, it will not be immediately fatal.

The second step is to bet that Diablo will kill ordinary people in a simple way, but since he was deliberately infected with the zombie virus not long ago and his body has begun to change, he can still breathe for a while after being hit.

The third step is to bet that after Diablo is killed, his items will fall down.

When that team got the Corpse King Dragon Right, the Main God Space popped up a ten-minute reminder in front of them. It was obvious that the Main God Space was encouraging the snatch between teams.

What if the stolen items could be stored in the storage space?
Combined with the deliberate team fighting in the main god space, Uramaru Renya speculated that the props could be dropped after the reincarnation was killed.

The fourth step is to bet that among the items dropped by Diablo, there are items that can heal injuries and solve the problem of being infected by the zombie virus.

Gin suddenly broke free from hypnosis behind him. The last thing Karasuma Renya could think of was that the senior member of Gin's team gave Gin the item that could break the abnormal state of hypnosis.

So he bet that Diablo, as a veteran, would also have such a prop.

All speculations are reasonable, but without evidence they can only be called conjectures. Taking action based on conjectures is gambling. If these three steps of the gamble go wrong, Karasuma Renya will have to die together with Diavolo.

But luckily, he won the bet.

The countdown came to an end, Karasuma Renya failed his mission and was teleported back to the main god space.

The soldiers killed by Diablo have been discovered, and the noise here also attracted the soldiers patrolling around. But when the Japanese soldiers arrived here, there were only three glass bottles left in the empty corridor, and not even a drop of blood was left.


When Conan opened his eyes again, he found himself in a quaint courtyard. The courtyard wall and a three-story house were painted with water-brushed stone, the ground was a cement road, there were no green plants, and the whole thing looked gray.

"This yard was left behind by my predecessor in the previous team. It's considered a low-level residence in this area," Aikawa Ayumu introduced.

"Where exactly is this place...?" Conan asked, but subconsciously looked at Martin.

Martin looked up, looked left and right, chuckled and shook his head: "Not familiar."

Aikawa Ayumu thought about the mysterious leader of the team, and wondered which era he was from, and explained: "This place is a resting place after completing the mission. Outside is a very special city. Most reincarnations are used to calling it the main city. Although some reincarnations think this is the main god space, I heard that the more experienced reincarnations do not agree with this statement."

"A special city?" Conan raised his head subconsciously. Before he even left the hospital, he noticed something special about this city.

There is an inverted road above your head, and on both sides of the road are inverted buildings.

Not only are there upside-down roads, but also horizontal, vertical, left-facing, and right-facing roads. These perpendicular and intertwined roads can be divided into six different dimensions. Some roads even have buildings on both sides.

Why does this phenomenon occur? Conan thought there was no gravity here, but he confirmed that he was standing firmly in the courtyard under the pull of gravity.

"In short, after completing the novice mission, we can rest here for up to three days. If we complete the advanced mission, the time will be extended accordingly." Ayumu Aikawa introduced: "As the captain, I can also choose to start the next mission in advance, but I personally don't want to do that at all."

Ah, the novice mission... Conan wanted to complain so much that even Gin, who remained silent, moved his lips slightly.

Martin picked up the golden bowl, unsealed the curse, and released the corpse king. However, as soon as the corpse king Long You was released, he was locked by an invisible force in the main god space, and then slowly rose up and was taken to a distant unknown place.

"Where will he be taken?" Conan asked curiously.

"Not necessarily." Martin replied: "First of all, it is certain that a corpse race bloodline will be available in the mall in a while. And if Long You surrenders to the main god space, he may also become a reincarnation. If he would rather die than surrender, he will probably be a guinea pig in the laboratory."

"So you guys don't care about the mission rewards at all?" Ayumu Aikawa said again: "You're really worthy of being a newcomer." A newcomer who can win easily with the help of a big boss.

{Team: Shapeshifter Cluster, mission achieved S-level evaluation, basic score 3700 points, S-level multiplier score 55500 points. Side quest triggered 2, completed 0, harvested points 0.}
In addition to a bloodline-stealing mission triggered when they met Bai Xiaofei, a related side mission was also triggered when they saw the Sirius, but they had no time to deal with it at the time.

"Half of the points from the mission reward have been allocated to another watch, so I can only use them to add points." Conan realized: Adding the points from killing the zombie brother, the points I can use in the main god space are only a little over 30,000."

At the same time, Conan had already summoned the mall of the main god space without any instruction to see what he could buy with his points.

When using points to purchase items in the mall, you will also gain experience points of a corresponding proportion. Experience points will increase the level of the reincarnationist, so the higher the level of the reincarnationist, the more good things he or she has exchanged in the mall.

“Only over 3…” Aikawa Ayumu curled his lips: “After you spend these points, you will be a LV Reincarnator. People who don’t know will think you are a senior.”

Ayumu Aikawa followed the previous team and never obtained an S-level evaluation. He only got an A once. In the other times, he only completed the basic goals. He also failed several tasks and had points deducted. In this way, he spent more than 2 points, which was equivalent to SpongeBob's golden spatula, to be promoted to LV.

But now Ayumu Aikawa has completed the S-level evaluation with the help of Martin, and he has not even shared half of the points with the second watch. His worth has increased fivefold, which is enough to exchange for many powerful bloodlines and props. Although it is not enough to skip LV3 and go to LV4, it can also make a qualitative change in strength.

(End of this chapter)

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