Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 647: Ace Agent, Fighting Zombies

Chapter 647: Ace Agent, Fighting Zombies

The zombies ignored Miyano Akemi's complaints, and the first zombie stepped onto the lawn.

"Mr. Subaru! Hurry up and plant the peas! As long as there are three or even two grids left, it will be in time!" Miyano Akemi reminded loudly. Three grids are just enough to kill the zombies, and two grids will leave the peas for a few bites.

Grid? Subaru Okiya was a little concerned about this quantifier. He calmly looked at the grass under his feet and found that the grass in Kudo's house was divided into 5 rows and 9 columns of squares with two colors, and the zombie army standing opposite was arranged in 5 teams according to the 5 rows. Now the first zombie stepped on the 2nd road.

But even if Mingmei said so, what exactly does planting peas mean... Eh? What is that?

Subaru Okiya finally found a shelf in a corner of the grass. There were some bags of plant seeds on it and a shovel next to it.

After taking a look at the slowly walking zombie, Subaru Okiya came to the shelf and picked up a packet of seeds. On it was a picture of a green thing that looked like a cartoon cannon, with a rhizome with eyes.

There is an English word "Peashooter" marked below it. This word refers to a toy gun in American slang. When he was receiving FBI training, his instructors also used it to jokingly refer to those spy weapons with little power.

But 'Pea' does mean peas, so Mingmei's pea planting is a pun? But this is indeed a bag of plant seeds.

Believing that Mingmei would not harm him, Subaru Okiya took the Pea Shooter seeds, tore open the bag, walked to the last grid of route 2 where the zombies appeared, poured out the only seed inside and planted it in the center of the grid.

No fertilizer or watering is required. The seeds sprout and grow in less than a second after being planted, turning into green plants exactly the same as the ones pictured on the packaging bag.

Uh, is it really a plant? Subaru Okiya blinked his eyes at the thing, wondering in his heart.

When the pea shooter saw the zombie, he immediately spat out a green round bean that was slightly larger than his fist. Although it was slow, the trajectory was straight and hit the zombie that didn't dodge.

Subaru Okiya felt that the zombies seemed to be fine, and he was ready to take out his pistol and try it out.

"Hurry up and plant the sunflowers!" Miyano Akemi hung on the wall again and urged: "It's better to plant the sunflowers in front of the peas. They can produce sunlight and resist damage!"

"Wabi Babu."

"Chi chi chi chi."

"【Sunflower, protect, organize, blame】"

"Martin-kun said, 'The Sunflower Protection Association condemns you'... Eh? Did he say that to me?"

Sunlight? When Subaru Okiya was scratching his head and preparing to do as he was told, he suddenly noticed a luminous object in the sky. He looked up and saw a big fireball slowly falling from the sky.

Who fired the flare grenade? This was Subaru Okiya's first reaction.

"Subaru, go pick up the sunlight! It will disappear if you're too late!"

Mingmei calls this thing sunshine?
"Pick it up with your hands? Are you sure it won't burn your hands, Miss Qiuya?"

"No, I picked it up - no, I picked it up with my mouse."

The fireball emitting bright white light fell to the ground, and when Subaru Okiya saw that it did not ignite the lawn, he bravely walked over and poked it with his finger.

The fireball flew up again, startling Subaru Okiya, but it went straight to the shelf where the seeds were placed.

Subaru Okiya chased the fireball back to the shelf, only to see a fireball pattern engraved on the corner of the shelf with the number 75 written next to it.

Subaru Okiya seemed to understand and took a bag of sunflower seeds from the shelf, and noticed that the number next to the fireball pattern had changed to 25 again.

I see. The sunlight that Mingmei mentioned is a resource for exchanging plant seeds, and these magical plant seeds are used to resist zombies.

As the ace agent of the FBI, Subaru Okiya, after getting over the initial period of confusion due to being exposed to a lot of unfamiliar and counterintuitive things, gradually grasped the current situation and summarized the rules.

He looked over at the peas he had planted earlier, just in time to see the head of the zombie that first stepped onto the lawn suddenly fall off.

The zombie fell down exactly three squares away from where it was when he planted the peas.

The zombie army on the opposite side of the lawn started moving, and the second zombie stepped onto the lawn on Route 5.

"Hey, come on, keep hitting him!" Subaru Okiya encouraged the Pea Shooter while planting sunflower seeds on the grass closest to him.

However, the pea shooter on lane 2 was unmoved by the zombies on lane 5.

"Hey, guy? Look there!" Subaru Okiya walked over and manually turned the Pea Shooter's head, forcing it to face the zombies on the 5th lane: "Fire! Fire! Fire!"

There was no need for Akemi Miyano to explain. After seeing that the Pea Shooter remained unmoved, he understood that the Pea Shooter was only responsible for the enemies on the row of squares in front of him.

After picking up the sunshine twice on the lawn and picking up the sunshine spit out by a sunflower, Subaru Okiya also planted the Pea Shooter on the 5th lane.

Good, I understand everything.

Just when Okiya Subaru thought he had secured victory, zombies appeared on lanes 3 and 4, and the zombie on lane 4 had an orange roadblock on its head.

"Wabi Babu."


"[This is a mentally retarded zombie]"

Miyano Akemi turned her head and looked over: "Isn't it called Roadblock Zombie?"

"Wait." "Ji." "[Yes, idiot.]"

"It's a roadblock!"

"Wait." "Ji." "[Yes, idiot.]"

"Roadblock...wait, I'm at a disadvantage if we argue like this, it feels like I'm being scolded!"

"Wow." "Ji." "【Retarded.】"

"..." Miyano Akemi turned around and quickly instructed Okiya Subaru: "Look for potato mines quickly and plant them on road 4 first!"

However, Okiya Subaru refused to listen: "It's okay! I calculated it, and it's no problem to plant two peas and a sunflower before it reaches the fourth to last grid!"

Soon after, Subaru Okiya discovered that other zombies would lose their arms after five peas, and turn their heads after ten. However, the zombie with the roadblock on his head would only have the roadblock on his head tilted after five peas, but after ten peas, the roadblock fell to the ground, and the zombie had already arrived in front of the peas.

"That's unscientific! How can the roadblock above his head protect him from the damage when a pea hits him?"

Miyano Akemi shrugged regretfully: "There are also zombies with metal buckets on their heads, which can withstand forty rounds of ordinary peas."

Okiya Subaru has been honest: "Is it too late for me to plant potato mines now?"

"Let's look for some nuts."

The nut was drawn too abstractly, and Subaru Okiya could not recognize it for a while. As a result, the pea was eaten by the zombie. Then the zombie with a broken arm triggered the lawn mower at the end of the lawn, and Subaru Okiya lost his car.

Subaru Okiya asked a soul-searching question: "Why did the Kudo family buy so many lawn mowers?"

Dave Martin, who was lying on the wall watching Subaru Okiya playing games in a hurry, suddenly heard the sound of zombies coming from his side. He turned around and saw that it was not only this yard that was attacked, but also the yard of Dr. Agasa's house. Dave Martin jumped off the wall and found the shelf in this yard while rolling up his sleeves.

The real expert players have started to take action!
He first planted a sunflower next to him, then glanced at the zombies that were still slowly approaching, but did not rush to act.

"Ji~" Tuji was eager to try and kill the zombies with his fists, but was stopped by Martin.

The underlying logic of the zombie army is that the second zombie will be sent out immediately after the first zombie dies, so waiting for the first zombie to reach the sixth grid before killing it can buy yourself more time for development.

"Hmm..." Martin looked at the complete variety of plant seeds on the shelf, including all the purple cards - the purple cards were originally bought by players from Dave, and he suddenly had a bold idea.

"Ahiwue ice watermelon!" He picked up a bag of ice watermelon seeds and a bag of giant mushroom seeds: "Ahiwue giant mushroom!"

Then he put the two packets of seeds together in his hands and made an enchanting sound: "Eng~Ahiwuer Bingguadapu Mushroom!"

A row of ice melon mushrooms suppressed all demons and monsters. Soon Dave Martin set up the anti-zombie defense line in Dr. Agasa's yard, and came back to continue hanging on the wall to watch Okiya Subaru's anti-zombie campaign.

It can be seen that Okiya Subaru has now roughly understood the essence of this game. Under the command of Miyano Akemi, he has built a relatively stable basic defense line. In addition to the Pea Shooter and Sunflower, there are also the Slowing Ice Shooter and the Defensive Nut Wall.

Subaru Okiya has now given up the idea of ​​trying to attack the zombies with his pistol - the number of zombies has exceeded three digits, and the mere eight bullets in his gun cannot deal with it.

But a major problem arose at this time. That is, Subaru Okiya was running around in the yard to pick up sunlight. He kept running around, especially after planting two rows of sunflowers. He had to pick up sunlight all the time and had to be distracted to upgrade and replant the plants.

Now Okiya Subaru felt like he was playing football in the Kudo family's yard - no wonder the boy named Kudo Shinichi was such a good football player, his yard was so big.

When the sunlight was no longer visible in his field of vision, Subaru Okiya leaned against the nut wall beside him and took a breath.

"Waibi waibi, waibi bab!"

"Chi, chi, chi, chi."

"[Cousin, you feel so weak, have you not eaten?]"

"Martin Jun is asking you, have you not eaten? Why do you feel weak after running a few steps?"

After Martin's question was translated, Miyano Akemi looked at Okiya Subaru with a smile and asked.

"Guess what?" Okiya Subaru rolled his eyes secretly: "I really didn't have breakfast!"

Who would play football before breakfast? The key is that I was hungry, but I fed the zombies with nuts.

By the way, are these plants on my hand edible? I see those zombies chewing them and they look pretty delicious.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were no zombies in his area, Subaru Okiya curiously looked at the muzzle of the Pea Shooter.

If you can take out a pea as big as a fist and eat it, it should be able to replenish your energy.

Nothing could be seen through the pitch-black muzzle. Just as Subaru Okiya was about to reach in to take something out, zombies started to appear behind him. The Pea Shooter didn't care at all that there was a living person standing in front of him and spit out a pea.

This time, Subaru Okiya 'ate' a pea as he wished, but he ate it with his forehead, which almost broke his disguise.

"Mr. Subaru! A large wave of zombies is coming!" Miyano Akemi reminded.

Hmm? Where are those zombies? Subaru Okiya immediately stood up and turned around to look.

I saw a dense group of zombies stepping into the grass like a dark cloud covering a city. The leader was holding a small red flag with a brain painted on it.

The existing firepower can't stop it! Even if we rely on carts, the carts on routes 4 and 5 have all been lost!

"Cherry bombs!" Miyano Akemi warned loudly, "Plant the cherry bombs where the zombies are most densely populated!"

Subaru Okiya was stunned for a moment, picked up the seed packet of the cherry bomb and looked at it, then raised his head to look at Miyano Akemi who was lying on the fence: "You want me to rush into the center of the zombie pile with the bomb?"

"It's okay! The zombies won't care about you! The explosion of the cherry bomb also has a delay, I believe Mr. Subaru can escape!" Miyano Akemi encouraged with clenched fists.

Okiya Subaru was unconvinced: "Why are they attacking this house?"

"For breaking into a home, eat your brains!"

"What if I run into a pile of zombies? They won't care about me?"

"Well..." Miyano Akemi finally discovered the problem and turned to ask Martin: "Why can the players in the game grow plants by staying in the house, but Mr. Subaru has to run around?"


"Stop talking nonsense!" Okiya Subaru interrupted Martin's voice: "These two routes are going to fail! What else can we do except hold the bomb and die together?"

"Wabiribiaalergewarourou, ahyourediroma teeth cleaning!"

“Ji…” “[Fourth, nuts, behind, potatoes, neat, explosion, explosion.]”

"Dig up the plants behind the nuts on the 4th lane and replace them with potato mines. After the zombies eat the nuts, they will overlap and be killed by the potato mines together!" Akemi Miyano translated, "Then place cherry bombs on the 4th lane to kill the zombies on the 5th lane!"

...After many operations that seemed thrilling but were actually not safe at all, Subaru Okiya finally withstood this wave of attacks. Currently, there are only two sunflowers and a car left on the field.


“Ji…” “[Very good…]”

"Martin-kun congratulates you for sticking with it," Miyano Akemi translated. "Now you can tidy up the lawn and remove all the remaining plants."

"Ah? Shovel them away?" Okiya Subaru was puzzled, but when he saw Miyano Akemi nodded to him, he still swung the ruthless iron shovel at the remaining two sunflowers.

Dave Martin was leaning on the wall again, talking a lot, and handed a nut wall to Subaru Okiya.

Subaru Okiya took it and felt that it was similar to the ordinary nut wall he planted, but also seemed a little different, after all, this one could be held in his hands.

Akemi Miyano continued to translate Martin's gibberish based on her memories of playing games.

"Okay, great job, now I've got a surprise for you...let's go bowling!"

"Hey! Take this wall of nuts! Why should I give you a wall of nuts?"

"Because I'm - crazy!!"

"Go now! Bring me a championship!"

What bowling? Subaru Okiya looked at the wall-nut in his hand blankly, and felt the hunger in his stomach urging him to crack the walnut and eat the kernel inside to satisfy his hunger.

But he heard the zombies roar and he raised his head.

A large wave of zombies is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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