Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 652 (5k) The Princess of Five Equal Parts

Chapter 652 (5k) The Quintessential Princess

The presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel.

"What a joke! Why am I attending a stupid party at this time? You know, someone wants to harm me now!" Princess Mira Giuliati Vespaña, who was about to become the queen, was losing her temper: "What if I say I won't go?"

A week ago, her brother accidentally killed her mother while hunting and then committed suicide. In an instant, the young girl became alone, and her delicate shoulders were about to carry the responsibility of managing a country.

However, outside the palace, her people actively demonstrated against handing the country over to a little girl and demanded the abolition of the monarchy; inside the palace, conspirators were eyeing her and colluding with terrorist organizations to murder her. In the face of internal and external troubles, in order to maintain the international image of the Kingdom of Vespasian, she had to replace the late queen and fulfill the long-arranged visit to Japan.

The day's talks with the royal family and officials of the Japanese government had exhausted her spirit and patience, but the attendant told her that there was still a banquet she needed to attend.

In the room, besides the angry princess, there were two maids and the princess's attendant, Gis.

Gis lowered his head slightly and said in a steady voice, "I understand. You want to terminate this banquet organized by your mother. Do not respond to those who are sad about your mother's death. Tell them directly that you want to go back..."

Although he spoke in a tone as if he was carrying out the princess's orders, it was obvious that he was forcing the princess to submit with his words.

"That's so annoying! I get it!"

Gis obviously understood the principle of taking it easy. Since his current goal had been achieved, he would not push the princess too hard and backed out of the room. "There is still half an hour before the banquet begins. When you calm down, feel free to call us."

At the same time, he gestured to the other two maids to come out quickly. When a person is upset, it is wrong for the people around him to even breathe. What the princess needs now is to be alone and quiet.

After that, Guise went to arrange the banquet, leaving the maid and bodyguards to guard the door. When they thought everything was stable, the princess gave them a big job - she ran away.

Princess Mira hung a lit lighter under the temperature sensor in the master bedroom of the suite, and then quickly hid in the second bedroom. When the fire alarm was triggered and the maids and bodyguards all ran into the master bedroom to look for her, she immediately ran out and rushed into the elevator. Before reaching the first floor, she changed to the staff passage and prepared to escape from the back door of the hotel.

However, Princess Mira ran too happily without looking at the road and bumped into someone at a corner.

Duang ~
"Oops!" ×2.

"How do you walk!" Princess Mira scolded without even opening her eyes.

Although I was running forward with my eyes closed, putting facts aside, doesn't the other party have one percent of mistake?

"Sorry, I didn't see it..." The other protagonist of this "man-made disaster", Mao Lilan, was first to apologize. However, when she covered her forehead and looked up at the other person, she was suddenly stunned.

This face and hairstyle are exactly the same as mine... Qingzi and Kuroba-kun have different hairstyles from mine, so the person I bumped into was Martin-kun? When did Martin-kun run in front of me?

"Xiao Lan, you are really not suitable to lead the way..." Martin was originally complaining about Xiao Lan's directionlessness, but when he looked out from behind her and saw the person in front of Xiao Lan, he sighed again: "Oh~"

Although Xiaolan is not good at finding her way, she is lucky.

Xiaolan turned around and found that Martin, who looked exactly like her, was still behind her. She looked at the person in front of her and found that the other person's eyes were different from hers. He looked more like a foreigner. He was also dressed very luxuriously, wearing pearl earrings, a necklace-type jewelry inlaid with rubies and a pearl necklace around his neck. Even the buttons on his shawl were a large, watery gem.

And the dress she was wearing was also very beautiful, just like a princess...Princess?
"You..." Princess Mira also looked up at Mao Li Ran, and then was also stunned: Why is there a mirror here?
No... She looked at Martin behind Mao Lilan again. These two were obviously living people, and... they looked exactly like her!
"Are you the princess?" Mao Lilan asked in shock. How did she bump into a princess in such a remote place? !
"Who are you?" Princess Mira was of course also shocked, and what shocked her even more was that Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko then stuck their heads out.

"What happened?" Kuroba Kaito and Nakamori Aoko appeared and saw Princess Mira opposite them.

"Oh?" "Eh——!"

At this time, hurried footsteps came from behind Princess Mira, spreading far in the empty corridor, and there were also voices of conversation in English: "Have you found the princess?" "I'll go this way, you go over there!"

"Hide quickly!" Princess Mira said anxiously.

Out of habit, Kuroba Kaito pried open a locked warehouse door nearby, led everyone in, and then locked the door from the inside.

The five people in the warehouse said nothing, listening to the hurried footsteps outside, and someone tried to open every warehouse door.

When it was quiet outside, Mao Lilan looked at Princess Mira in the dim light of the security indicator: "Who are you..."

"Yes, that's right, I am the princess, just call me Mira." Princess Mira said half proudly.

Nakamori Aoko said in surprise: "Hey! I actually met the princess."

Mao Lilan: "What's even more surprising is that the princess actually looks a lot like us."

Nakamori Aoko agreed. Although she had met two people who looked similar to her, Mao Lilan and Martin, Mira was a princess! She naturally had a unique identity, and she was also a foreigner.

I actually look like the princess...both innocent girls, Mouri Ran and Nakamori Aoko, feel dizzy.

"By the way, are you quadruplets?" Princess Mira also asked her doubts.

Just as Nakamori Aoko was about to open her mouth to explain, Martin answered first, "Well, actually, we were born as quintuplets, but at that time our family couldn't afford to raise five children, so they sold one of them and used the money to raise the four of us."

When Princess Mira heard this, she gasped: "Could it be that I am the fifth child who was sold?"

"Probably not." Martin shook his head seriously: "If it's Lao Wu, he should look smarter."

Princess Mira was furious: "What do you mean? You want to be arrested for slandering the royal family?"

"Wake up, sister. You are in a foreign country. Even if you have to invoke diplomatic regulations, you should go to the top floor instead of the employee entrance."

The Kingdom of Vespania does not have a consulate in Japan. According to special diplomatic regulations, during Princess Mira's stay at the hotel, the top floor where the presidential suite is located can be regarded as a temporary consulate, which means that it is regarded as the territory of the Kingdom of Vespania in terms of rights and laws.

Seeing that Princess Mira was about to quarrel with Martin, Mao Lilan quickly changed the subject: "Princess, why are you here? Were those people looking for you just now?"

"Yes, I'm in danger! Those people just now were assassins sent by people in my country who opposed me!" Princess Mira said exaggeratedly and seriously, grabbing Mao Lilan's hand: "Can you help me escape?"

Upon hearing this, Mao Lilan and Nakamori Aoko immediately became serious and clenched their fists to help Princess Mira.

Kuroba Kaito, who was silent, curled his lips. Normally, could four high school girls be more reliable than the royal bodyguard team? If the situation was so critical that the bodyguard team was no longer reliable and the princess did not join her bodyguards but wanted to flee, then the outside world would have been in chaos.

Even if Princess Mira said that it was her bodyguard who betrayed Kuroba Kaito, he could still think about it first.

Kuroba Kaito looked at Martin, raised his eyebrows and squinted his eyes. In the dim light, they could still barely see each other's expressions: Are you sure you want to let this princess lie to these two silly girls?

Martin smiled: I think it's quite interesting.

But Kuroba Kaito was unsure... She was a foreign princess, the next queen. If something unexpected happened to her, it would be a diplomatic matter - although it probably wouldn't be as serious as the last time she stole her lace panties.

MD! Every time this guy comes to me, it’s a big deal!
Princess Mira was still making up a story about how she had encountered a very dangerous terrorist, but when she saw the nervous and worried look and clenched fists of the girl who came up to her, she suddenly felt a little bored, or perhaps she had a change of heart: "Forget it, I was lying just now."

"I simply escaped from my bodyguards. Those people who just came to me were my bodyguards." Princess Mira told the truth this time.

"Why?" Mao Lilan and Nakamori Aoko were puzzled as to why Princess Mira would run out for no reason, especially when the banquet was about to begin.

"If I were to explain why..." Princess Mira thought for a moment. She couldn't bring herself to give such an irresponsible excuse as 'I was in a bad mood and acted on impulse'. She had to find another reason... "Because I'm tired of having parties every day." The two girls in front of her were devastated.

Mao Lilan: "I want to say something like this, too."

Nakamori Aoko: "A princess is the pinnacle of every girl's fantasy."

"But I'm really tired of it." Princess Mira actually has a good idea of ​​what her words will make ordinary people think: "Maintaining a false smile, telling false lies, and bowing to a bad guy who you hate to death, even if you know that this person is secretly tripping you up, but you still have to consider the so-called royal etiquette..."

The more she talked, the more annoyed she became. The princess smacked her lips and said, "Hey, do you have any cigarettes?"

"Hey!" The two girls were very surprised that the other party would ask them such questions: "How could I have that!" "I'm still a minor!"

She even subconsciously reacted with anger, thinking that she was being treated as a bad girl, and her eyebrows were raised.

The princess was surprised: "How old are you?"

Mao Lilan: "17 years old! A sophomore in high school!"

Nakamori Aoko: "A youthful, beautiful high school girl!"

"Why are you angry?" Princess Mira was puzzled, and suddenly realized: "So, I am two years older than you - huh, I am indeed my mother's biological child."

Princess Mira, who almost thought that she was really one of the twins with a complicated life story and the long-lost sister of the four girls in front of her, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Pfft..." Martin laughed.

Princess Mira glared at him, and she felt as if the other person was saying with his eyes: I said the fifth brother should look smarter.

"why are you laughing?"

"I suddenly remembered that there was a girl in my cousin's family who was born two years earlier than us. She was lost in the war in a small European country eighteen years ago," said Martin.

Princess Mira started to panic again: Could it be that her life story was really so tortuous?

Isn't that right? Why do you laugh when you think about the child being lost at your aunt's house?

"I say, are you kidding me?" Princess Mira finally realized that something was wrong and looked dead.

Martin was surprised: "I say, you didn't just find out, did you?"

Princess Mira took a deep breath and decided not to argue with her.

Mao Lilan sighed softly: "I didn't expect the princess would smoke."

"I'm so sorry for ruining the princess image you admired." Princess Mira spoke in a sarcastic tone. Martin's teasing did not break her defense, but Mao Lilan's unintentional words ignited Princess Mira: "Princess, can't you smoke? I'm also a living person, not a puppet!"

Mao Lilan was just about to apologize after being frightened, but Princess Mira had already adjusted her mood: "I'm sorry, I'm in a bad mood... Anyway, it's something like this. I'm tired of my current life, and I want to skip the party and relax somewhere where no one is watching."

Princess Mira requested: "Could you please help me and let me go out among you?" They are quadruplets anyway, so adding one more to make quintuplets wouldn't make them more conspicuous, right?
After a few minutes of contact, she had already seen the personalities of the four kids. First, they were divided into two groups according to their hairstyle, those with horns and those without horns. Both the ones with horns, No. 1, and those without horns were very innocent types. No. 2 with horns was a bad guy. No. 2 without horns said nothing from beginning to end and always kept a distance from her, which showed that he did not trust her and was even wary of her.

The first person to reject her was the second of the two, Kuroba Kaito: "Impossible. It's obvious that your bodyguards have already sealed off the hotel. Not to mention taking you with us, we can't even leave now. We might even be investigated and questioned as if we were you."

As Kaito Kid, he certainly has plenty of ways to escape with his people. But now Nakamori Aoko is by his side, and he is just Kuroba Kaito, a high school student who can disguise himself and do magic. Kaito Kid is someone he doesn't know.

After hearing what Kuroba Kaito said, Nakamori Aoko, who had almost agreed to Princess Mira's request, could only persuade her: "Yes, you should go back, Princess."

"No! Absolutely not!" Princess Mira refused to go back in shame, but it was impossible for Gis and the others to lift the blockade of the hotel before finding her...

"Hey..." Princess Mira looked at Mao Lilan: "Do you want to experience what it's like to be a princess?"

Longhorn No. 1 is the most ideal person to exchange identities with, as his hairstyle is almost the same as yours and he seems to be very easy to talk to.

However, as soon as Princess Mira opened her mouth, Mao Lilan understood what she wanted to do and shook her head to refuse her.

"Didn't you just say that you dreamed of becoming a princess? Why did you refuse?" Princess Mira looked at the candidate, No Horn One: "What about you?"

Nakamori Aoko also refused with some fear.

"I think that girl over there should be very interested." Kuroba Kaito suddenly recommended Martin: "Princess, wouldn't you consider her?"

Princess Mira looked at Longhorn No. 2 with a bit of hostility: "You?"

"Yes, I am indeed interested." Martin's smile was a little weird.

"Then it's your turn, come and change your clothes!"

Princess Mira exchanged clothes with Martin without saying a word, and then Kuroba Kaito helped to adjust Martin's hairstyle to make it more like Princess Mira, and then used hair dye spray and colored contact lenses to eliminate the differences in hair and eye color between Mouri Ran and Princess Mira.

"I will go to host a banquet for the princess. You can take her out for a walk after the hotel is unblocked." Martin confirmed the division of labor: "The princess is now in your hands. You must keep an eye on her, Xiaolan, Xiaoqing, and Xiaoheizi. If the princess runs away and doesn't come back, I, the poor sister, will have to inherit the throne in her place."

Kuroba Kaito: Little Kuroko?

"Humph, no way!" Princess Mira, who had really thought about never coming back, said with a guilty conscience, "There will be a host at the banquet who will ask you some questions. The questions and answers are already set. Just read them. I just happen to have this card in my hand."

Princess Mira handed Martin a card with the answer written on it, and Martin picked up the card and looked at it.

The content on the card was neither a speech to promote friendship between the two countries nor a proclamation of future state governance strategies, but rather about Princess Mira herself: what she liked to eat, what her hobbies were, what she did in her spare time... Yes, even about what she liked to eat, Princess Mira could not answer truthfully. She had to obey this setting and behave like a princess that met the expectations and imagination of the outside world.

He is not a living person, but a puppet that can be dressed up by others, passively responding to the expectations of others.

After looking at Princess Mira with sympathy, Martin walked out of the warehouse and took the initiative to find Princess Mira's bodyguard to "surrender".

Princess Mira knew very well why Longhorn No. 2 looked at her with sympathy, but the one who sympathized with her was this bad guy who had been playing tricks on her, which made Princess Mira a little unhappy.

Princess Mira then turned around and asked the other three girls to leave together, but she found that the one with horns and the one without horns were also looking at her with sympathy.

This made her confused. They hadn't seen the card, so why were they also sympathizing with her? "What do your eyes mean?"

Mao Lilan shook her head: "Ah, no, nothing..."

Kuroba Kaito said directly: "Maybe he is looking at someone who is about to lose his reputation with pity."

(End of this chapter)

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