Transform randomly in Kexue World

Chapter 659 Princess's Ordinary Experience

Chapter 659 Princess's Ordinary Experience
Princess Mira slapped away Martin's head-patting attempt.

"What do you mean you only help me and not Gis? Isn't Gis' request for you to help me?" Princess Mira was a little puzzled: "When Xiaoqing said this before, I didn't quite understand the difference."

"What he means is that we can't be used as a gun by him. What kind of help Your Highness needs is up to you to decide, not what Giss says." Kuroba Kaito said, "And how to help is up to us to decide, and it is not up to Giss to command."

"After all, it's just empty talk. Maybe the one who really wants to murder the princess is Guise?" Martin: "If all the royal family members are dead, he, the earl who holds real power, does real work and has a good reputation among the people, will also have a chance, right?"

"Gis..." Princess Mira was silent. Gis had taken care of her for many years. She actually trusted Gis very much, but she couldn't understand many of Gis's actions after her mother's death. She wanted to excuse him but didn't know how to explain.

"No!" Princess Mira suddenly felt that she had been deceived: "What do you mean I can judge for myself what kind of help I need? I never said I need to be played as a fool or treated as a hooligan by others!"

"Nonsense! Who is being rude to a fool? If this gets out, people will laugh at you! Tell me clearly, who is being rude to a fool?" Martin was suddenly angered and asked with his neck stiff.

"You!" Princess Mira refused to give in, stomped her feet and pointed at the other party.

"Who am I kidding?" Martin's voice rose again.


Idiot... No, it was Princess Mira's second brain crash.

End the current process and the system starts processing the previous accumulated item.

"And where are my jewelry? Give it back to me!" Princess Mira remembered that Martin had said he wanted to steal her jewelry.

"Here, here." Kuroba Kaito calmly handed a set of fake jewelry in his hand to Mira.

Princess Mira replaced the fake jewelry on her body with the fake jewelry in her hand, and handed the fake jewelry to Martin to wear.

Now, Princess Mira believes that these two people are really helping her.

But what kind of help did she need? To defeat her uncle and consolidate her rule? Not to mention whether it was reasonable to ask four girls who were two years younger than her, Princess Mira herself didn't really want to inherit the throne.

The person who had been trained to be the crown prince had always been her deceased brother, and Princess Mira had neither the ability nor the desire to accept the throne.

The help that I need most, my own wish...

"I want to experience the life of an ordinary girl! Just help me achieve this!" Princess Mira said seriously and sincerely, "As a friend, I'm counting on you!"

"Well... although I think the princess's words are a bit Versailles, this request is not excessive, not excessive at all." Martin turned his head to look at Kuroba Kaito: "The question is, what is the life of ordinary people like?"

Martin's life has always been to go out for adventures when he is full of energy, and stay at home watching anime when he is not interested. This should be different from the ordinary life that Princess Mira wants.

"You are being Versailles when you say that." Kuroba Kaito complained with dead eyes, and then thought, thought carefully, thought deeply, and thought hard.

"——How about we go and exchange with Xiaolan and Xiaoqing?"

"What are you two doing?" Princess Mira had no idea that there was a Ditto from another world and a high school magic thief in front of her. She thought they were trying to trick her again. "What do you usually do? Take me to experience it! Please!"

"That's easy to do." Kuroba Kaito checked the time and said, "It's about time, Princess, why don't you do some warm-up exercises? Otherwise, it might be too intense and you might not be able to bear it... By the way, you don't have any heart disease, right?"

"Warm-up exercises?" Princess Mira tilted her head in confusion.

"I just made her heart beat fast and her whole body was burning hot." Martin gave a thumbs up: "Just consider it as warming up." "Don't say anymore!" Princess Mira's face turned red again when she talked about the previous things, but then she tilted her head and heard a sound of 'beep-woop-beep-woop' coming from afar: "Is this... a police siren?"

"Why are you running if you know it's a police siren?" Martin and Kuroba Kaito each grabbed one of Princess Mira's hands: "Just stand there!"

"Eh?" Princess Mira was pulled by the two men and ran on the street.

After running for more than ten meters, she finally remembered to ask, "Is it that what you usually do is to be chased by the police?"

"This is Heizi's experience project." Martin said, "Most of the time, I was surrounded and raped by the police, or even slaughtered pigeons and parrots."

"Actually, we usually use hang gliders, but hang gliders can't carry two people." Kuroba Kaito explained calmly: "I don't know if the princess will use a hang glider, so let's try the ground project."

"You two are really bad guys!"

After running another hundred meters, Princess Mira began to think about why the police appeared: "Are the police here to arrest us? But why? Could it be that Gis has already seen through Xiaolan, so he notified the police to look for"

"Congratulations, you have successfully deduced the superficial logical relationship." Martin's words did not sound like a compliment.

Princess Mira: "On the surface?"

"The superficial logic is enough to understand the current situation. Are you sure you want to listen to the deeper part?"

"You've already said it, how can I not be curious? Hurry up and tell me!"

"Just like how Xiao Heizi and I could see the awkwardness between you and Xiao Lan, although Gis was fooled by you at first, when Xiao Qing spoke to the 'Princess', Gis also realized that you had swapped identities."

In other words, the only person who hid the fact that Princess Mira and Xiaolan exchanged identities was Aoko Nakamori.

Princess Mira: "Gis found out? How is that possible! Then why did he just watch me leave with you guys?"

Ma Landing: "There are two possibilities. The first is that this old man wants to usurp the throne and make Xiaolan or Xiaoqing a real princess. They will be easier to control than you, so he can imitate Prime Minister Cao and use the emperor to control the princes."

Kuroba Kaito interrupted, "But then there's no need to call the police, so it's the second possibility. Mr. Gis took the initiative to reach a tacit understanding with us to cooperate with each other."

Cooperation? Tacit understanding? Princess Mira found these two words difficult to understand, but after being dragged by the two men to run for two minutes, her breathing was already a little rapid, and she could no longer speak fluently while running.

Martin pointed to the alley on the side of the road, and the three of them walked from the main street into the alley.

Martin: "First of all, your safety. Xiaolan and Xiaoqing are held as hostages by Gis, so Gis is relieved to hand you over to us."

Kuroba Kaito: "Secondly, Mr. Giss should have noticed that the princess's wish was to experience a normal life, so he let the princess go. I hope to give the princess this chance."

Princess Mira: "Gis? Huh... Huh... Really... Huh... Then why... Call the police?"

How can an ordinary girl's life be chased by the police?
But these two guys are really skilled at running.

Martin: "The purpose is not to let the police chase us, but to send a signal to the outside world that 'the princess is out of protection'... and then lure out those who can't sit still."

(End of this chapter)

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