Transformation, I am the most beautiful!

Chapter 74

"Congratulations to the host, the charm value has been increased by ten, and now the host's charm value is one hundred and ten, which surpasses the limit of ordinary people and achieves the achievement of seducing people's souls with a smile."

"Because the host has more than 100 points, now open the system primary mall, and the host can use the points to buy primary items.

At the same time, the advanced task will be released, the task content, get the Super Voice champion of this issue, the task is completed, and the host will be rewarded with 1,000 points or a permanent skill, and the task will be permanently deprived of the host's hearing, and it cannot be restored"

A large series of reminders in his mind made Li Yuan stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that the task of saving the boy He Yuan had been completed, and one hundred points had also been obtained.

While breathing a sigh of relief in his heart, Li Yuan felt that his whole person was suddenly much more relaxed.

"Li Yuanyuan, the blue and white porcelain on the Internet is what you sang, this song is now airborne to the tenth place on the hot song list, is it original? It was so good that I looped the single all afternoon. "

The slightly hoarse voice pulled Li Yuan's attention back to reality, and following the prestige, he found that it was Li Hu who spoke, the big fat man who was more than 1.95 meters tall and weighed more than 100 kilograms.

A few days ago, the two also played a game over the basketball court, and the final result was that their team won the victory, and the opponent walked 27 times off the basketball court.

And now, a few days later, Li Hu, who looks like a small mountain, does not look angry at all, on the contrary, the tallest and fattest boy in the audience is full of longing, and the admiration in his eyes is even more undisguised.

was looked at directly by such a tall boy like a hill, and I couldn't help but feel a touch of helplessness in my heart.

However, Li Yuan also knows that with his extreme appearance that exceeds 100 points, I'm afraid no boy can resist it.

Don't talk about others, even when you look in the mirror, you will be addicted to it.

Therefore, for the fiery eyes of the boys around him, in addition to feeling deep helplessness, Li Yuan did not feel as unacceptable as before.

"Yuanyuan, there are several of your original songs on the Internet, each of which is very good, are you planning to be a singer? If you're going to be a big star, we're all your fans, absolutely hardcore. "

The thin and tall Sun Bing also shouted not to be outdone.

"Yes, we absolutely support you."

Sun Bing's voice fell, and a warm response immediately sounded around him.

At this time, Li Yuan, who had already planned to leave, couldn't help but feel a touch of emotion in his heart, if there were so many people to support him, what else would he have to retreat.

After glancing at the basketball in his hand and slapping it lightly, the familiar and intimate feeling immediately spread from the palm of his hand to the bottom of his heart.

Breathing gently, and then a touching arc hung on the corner of his mouth, Li Yuan said with a smile:

"Let's have a game, if you win, I'll sing to you"

The voice fell, and he casually threw the basketball in his hand to the tall boy not far away, but to Li Yuan's surprise, the basketball in mid-air fell gently to the ground after crossing a graceful arc.

It was a little strange why Li Hu, who was on the other side, stretched out his hand to catch the ball, but just when Li Yuan was about to pick up the ball, he suddenly heard a sound of swallowing saliva

looked around, only to find that at some point, everyone in the original circle was looking demented.

And when Li Yuan saw the tall and thin Sun Bing on the left-hand side, and there was saliva left on his mouth, he could only feel a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"I just want to play basketball, that's it

The plan was in vain, and Li Yuan, who had a touch of dissatisfaction flashing in his eyes, muttered softly.

At this time, He Yuan, who was on the other side, suddenly shook his head, and then said with a complicated face:

"You really can't blame them, no boy can resist the smiling face just now, you don't know, that smile just now can really suck people's souls away, if it weren't for my strong concentration, I'm afraid I should be swallowing saliva like them now."

Suddenly remembered the reward of the system, just after the task was completed, he got a reward of ten charm points.

This is the charm of 110 charisma points, and it has a magic power that seduces the soul between the eyes.

In this case, the desire to play basketball will probably be in vain.

However, the task of saving the boys has been completed, and the mission of The Voice is still too far away, so I should be able to relax now.

Turning around slightly, regardless of whether the group of stunned boys behind him could hear it, Li Yuan, who waved his hand, said goodbye, then took a brisk step and strode away.

He hadn't gone far, but when he turned around, he found that He Yuan, who came with him, hadn't moved, and Li Yuan, who was a little strange, asked loudly:

"Why don't you go back together?"

Hearing this, the boy whose face flashed with a blush just shook his head.

When Li Yuan turned to leave, He Yuan, who sighed fiercely, raised his steps with great difficulty, but he only took a step forward, and he stumbled and almost fell.

Vigorously beating his legs, which were completely disobedient, for a long time, He Yuan, who had slowly resumed his actions, couldn't help muttering to himself:

"It's really a demon, it's just a smile, and the ability to make people take steps has been lost."

Just as He Yuan was muttering to himself, his shoulder was suddenly held down by a big hand, and when he turned his head, he saw a tall man like a hill staring at him upright.

"What is your relationship with the goddess? It looks very close."

There was a sudden burst in his heart, and when he saw the ill-intentioned eyes of the boys around him, He Yuan, who couldn't help sweating in his heart, immediately explained:

"Everyone misunderstood, we are just ordinary neighbors, we haven't even seen each other once before today, if you don't believe me, I can swear to God."

In He Yuan's oath, the mountain-like man's hand was slightly forced, and suddenly cold sweat broke out on He Yuan's forehead, who was already very weak.

"Ordinary neighbors? Don't you guys just behave? We're not blind."

Once the tall man of 1.95 meters has a straight face, he really has a powerful momentum when paired with the gloom under his eyes.

At this time, 440 years, He Yuan, whose face was already slightly pale, could only tell the truth for the sake of his own life.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, I'm out of love, I've been staying at home and crying for the past two days, and she happened to see it, you know, a kind person like her must not see others sad, so she comforted me, don't believe me, my eye bubbles are crying and swollen, I'm really just out of love"

The boy's still red eyes were obviously very convincing, and after making sure that the other party and the goddess were not that kind of relationship, Li Hu, who immediately became sunny, patted the other party's shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile on his face:

"What, scare me, I'll just say that in the eyes of a goddess, how can you take a fancy to a little bastard like you... Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I mean you're 108,000 miles away from the Goddess, you're not from the same world. "

In the commotion of the boys around him, apart from a wry smile, He Yuan didn't dare to say a word.

At this time, Li Hu, who suddenly raised his hands high and had a hoarse voice, said loudly:

"In order for the goddess to be able to look at me more, I declare that from today onwards, I will lose weight, within a month, without losing fifty catties of meat, I invite everyone to go to Tengwang Pavilion to be chic, please supervise"

Li Hu's voice fell, but there was no commotion around him at all, it seemed that in everyone's hearts, as long as they could let that fairy-like person take a second look, it would be worth it no matter what the price was.

In ancient times, there were kings who smiled at the princes of the Beacon Fire Opera, and now there are fairies with Li Hu as Bo to take a look and dare to lose fifty pounds. _

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