Transformed into a girl: a song that made the whole network burst into tears

Chapter 637 You Need To Challenge Yourself And Break Through The Difficulties Of Music

The concert hall burst into uncontrollable warm and thunderous applause.

The audience stood up and applauded He Yu for such a wonderful performance.

They were impressed by the talent displayed by this young girl.

After He Yu's performance sparked thunderous applause, Alison Drake became even more excited about the young luthier.

She taught He Yu how to deeply understand the emotion behind the track and present it perfectly.

The melody becomes more smooth and natural, and the emotion is perfectly conveyed.

Release yourself in every note through a constant dialogue with the piano.

He Yu nodded solemnly, she said with enthusiasm.

Ye Feng is responsible for coordinating He Yu's schedule.

Gradually, she can feel that her understanding of music is deeper.

"You have shown yourself to be the unquestionable winner of first place in this Israeli music competition!"

Alison said with a smile.

Alison turned to He Yu and said: "Your performance today is really amazing!"

The audience returned to their seats one after another, but the lingering sound in their hearts still lingered.

When He Yu walked off the stage, she 367 felt as if she were standing at a new starting point.

"Teacher, I will work hard!"

Her performance becomes more and more fascinating, seeming to lead the audience into a fascinating and magical world. He Yu released her inner music to the fullest, and she seemed to be completely integrated into the environment of this private music studio. .

When she entered the lobby, she was shocked by the private music studio with various high-end equipment and elegant environment.

She stared at He Yu, with a hint of appreciation and encouragement in her eyes.

Her fingers jumped on the keys like flowing water, and every note was clear and beautiful.

"Then let's start the next phase of your training journey now."

At the same time, Ye Feng also stood up, his eyes flashing with approval for He Yu's achievements.

“I want to be a better, more perfect piano player.

She comes to the studio early every day and plays the piano silently in the brightly lit practice room.

He Yu practiced hard at his desk, and his fingertips gently plucked the keys to play a beautiful melody like the moon blooming in shame.

"very good!"

When night falls, the private music studio under the lights is filled with a mysterious and moving atmosphere.

Over the next few months, He Yu focused on practicing piano skills in a private music studio.

He enters the practice room between each practice session, bringing warmth and encouragement to He Yu.

He firmly believes that only by adjusting He Yu's condition to the best can she display her true strength in the game.

"do it again."

"But don't forget that it is no longer enough to be better than others at this stage. You need to challenge yourself and break through the difficulties of music."

She sometimes faces challenging purely technical repertoire, and sometimes immerses herself in emotional romantic tunes.

The lights in the concert hall gradually went out, leaving He Yu alone on the stage.

She seems to have integrated into the notes, and writing music in this private music studio has become one.

Alison stared at He Yu intently.

(bjeg) Sometimes, Alison demonstrates the performance in person and expresses her inner thoughts directly.

Alison is always by He Yu's side, providing guidance and advice.

He Yu stared firmly in front of the piano, "I will not give up."

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